

The Research and Development of Automatic Test System for Basketball Items

【作者】 谭金波

【导师】 卢洪武;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,计算机技术正在飞速发展,基于PC机的测试系统正向着高速、高效、智能化、多功能化、多样化发展。因此,如何将以PC机为核心的自动测试系统运用到体育测试中,充分利用其准确、高速、高效、便于加密和存储及强大的数据处理能力等特点,研制体育自动测试系统,成为摆在我们面前的一个需要深入探讨和解决的重大课题。 在高等院校体育专业招生考试中,篮球专项技术测试包括助跑摸高测试、往返运球测试、一分钟三点投篮测试及综合技术测试等,测试的准确性是保证考试科学、公平、公正顺利进行的基础,而目前国内大部分省市都采用人工测量,要求多名考评员目测成绩,人工计时、计数,人工记录成绩。这样不仅耗费大量人力、物力,而且测试速度慢,人为因素较多,易产生不公平现象;另外,体育高考持续时间长,考评员注意力高度集中,因而比较紧张,容易产生疲劳,人工测试出现疏漏是不可避免的。因此,针对这种状况,开发基于PC机的篮球专项自动测试系统是非常必要的。该系统能使测试工作快速、方便、准确的得以实现,提高了体育考试的科学性、准确性、公开性,杜绝了人工计时、报数和记录成绩产生的错误,提高了测试效率,减轻了考评员的劳动强度,有效地防止了考试舞弊现象。因此,在导师的指导下,结合篮球专项测试的要求,我们研制开发了篮球专项自动测试系统。 本系统由微电脑摸高测试仪、微电脑投球计数器和微电脑运球计时器及计算机摸高、投球、运球成绩记录软件和计算机局域网组成,采用了客户机/服务器计算模式,选用Windows NT Server 4.0作为服务器端的操作系统,Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0作为服务器端的数据库管理系统,Borland Delphi 6.0作为客户端应用程序的开发工具,采用8031单片微处理器为核心控制器件,与相应的接口电路及传感器共同组成智能数据采集前端。本系统具有应用程序界面友好、易学易用、数据库保密性强、操作简单方便等特点。 本文主要阐述篮球专项自动测试系统的设计思想,主要功能和特点,以及所涉及到的主要技术及其原理和实现方法。第一章主要阐述篮球专项自动测试系统的开发基础,目的是说明研究篮球专项电脑自动测试系统的可行性、必要性和重要性。第二章给出了篮球专项自动测试系统的整体设计方案。主要是从数据采集电路的设计、网络操作系统 篮球专项自动测试系统的研究与开发的选择、数据库管理系统的选择、应用程序开发工具的选择等方面进行论述。第三、四章详细阐述了篮球专项自动测试系统的硬件系统设计和 PC机记录软件的设计。这两部分是本文的重点,主要论述本套系统的具体设计思想及方法。第五章介绍了系统的运行效果,也给出了不足与有待提高之处。 本课题将计算机这一现代高性能的信息处理工具引入到体育测试中,充分利用其强大的逻辑判断、计算和信息处理能力。篮球专项自动测试系统的应用为考场上公平竞争,公正选拔优秀人才提供了强有力的技术手段,受到了各级领导、专家、新闻媒体、考生及家长和社会各界的高度评价。该系统研制成功对于推动体育测试向科学化、信息化方向发展具有重要的理论价值。该系统也可用于运动员的训练,使训练科学化、规范化,促进训练成绩的提高。因此其应用前景十分广阔,具有较高的推广价值。

【Abstract】 At present, with the rapid development of computer technology, the test system based on PC progresses at a high speed, high-efficient, intelligent, multi-function and diversification. Therefore, fully utilizing its characteristics such as accurate, high-speed, high-efficient, convenient for encrypting and storing and strong data processing ability, applying the automatic test system to physical tests becomes an important subject which should be discussed thoroughly and solved by us.In the physical professional entrance examination for college, basketball special technology tests include running up to touch, dribbling out and home, shooting basketballs three spots per minute and polytechnic tests. The test accuracy is the base of carrying on tests scientifically, fairly and just. However, most of provinces and cities adopt artificial measurement presently, which requires several examiners who should get achievement by eyes, time, count and record achievement artificially. The method not only uses a large amount of manpower and material resources, but also is slow to test, and has many human factors. So it is apt to produce the unfair phenomena. In addition, the tests continue for a long time, which make the examiners highly centralize and tend to be tired. It is unavoidable to omit carelessly in the artificial tests. Therefore, to solve the problem, it is essential to develop automatic test system for basketball items based on PC. The system can make the test job realized apace, conveniently and accurately, which improves the science, accuracy and openness of the test. It stops the mistakes of artificial timing, counting and registering performance, which improves test efficiency, lightens labor intensity of examiners and prevents the phenomena of fraudulent practices effectively. So, under the guidance of my tutor, combining the demand of basketball-item tests, we study and develop the automatic test system for basketball items.The system is composed of the microcomputer-touching-test instrument, the microcomputer-shooting-basketball counter, the microcomputer dribbling time-recorder, recording software of touching, shooting, and dribbling scores and computer LAN. It adopts the client/server computational model. It selects Windows NT Server 4.0 as operating system for the server and Visual FoxPro 6.0 as database management system of the server and regards Borland Delphi 6.0 as developing instrument of application program for the client. It adopts 8031 single chip as the core controlling device, which makes up of the intelligent data collection end with corresponding interface circuit and sensor. The characters of it are application progress interface friendly, easy to learn and use, strong security of database andconvenient to operate.The article mainly explains the designing ideas and primary function and character of the automatic test system for basketball items, which also includes the primary technology and the principle of it and realizing method involved. Chapter one expatiates the developing foundation for the system. The purpose is to account for the feasibility, necessity and importance for the studies. Chapter two gives the whole design plan of the basketball-items automatic test system. It discusses the design of data-gather circuit, selection of network operation system, selection of data management system and selection of application-program developing tool. Chapter three and four expound the design of hardware system and recording software on PC of the automatic test system in detail. The two parts are the emphases of the text, which discusses the detail designing theory and method of the system. Chapter five introduces the operating result of it and gives the’ insufficiency which should be improved further.The subject introduces computer, a modern high-performance information processing tool, into physical tests, which fully utilizes its strong logic judgment, calculation and information processing ability. The application of the basketball-items automatic test system provide

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】297

