

TBT’s Impact on Shandong’s Export Trade and Countermeasures

【作者】 李莹

【导师】 卢新德;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化的发展使世界各国经济紧密相连,贸易自由化的呼声高涨。传统的关税壁垒和非关税壁垒正逐渐淡出国际贸易舞台,技术性贸易壁垒以其无以比拟的壁垒限制作用成为贸易保护主义新贵。中国于2001年12月11日正式加入WTO,大大加快了融入世界的步伐,出口贸易在面临机遇的同时,也承受着巨大的挑战。我国是世界上技术性贸易堡垒的最大受害国。山东又是我国受限最多、最严重的省份之一,产品在国际市场上遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的情况屡见不鲜,受损巨大。研究技术性贸易壁垒,并采取有效措施突破壁垒,对山东出口贸易及经济国际化具有重大意义。 本文主要从以下五部分展开。 第一部分,技术性贸易壁垒的产生。有关产品的技术法规和标准最初并不是以贸易壁垒的形式出现的。技术性贸易壁垒的产生是国际贸易发展的需要,并且在产生初期确实也有利于国际贸易的健康发展。但由于各国在维护人类健康、安全及生活环境方面存在着不同的价值观念,各国的工业化程度和科技发展水平也存在着差距,因此导致了各国的技术法规和标准不尽相同,形成了国际贸易中的壁垒。这些差异的存在有其必然性和一定的合理成分,而发达国家基于贸易保护主义的需要,人为地扩大这些差异是技术性贸易壁垒产生的根本原因。现行的《技术性贸易壁垒协定》为各国实施技术性贸易壁垒制定了原则、规范并设立了争端解决机制,促进了国际贸易的顺利发展。但由于其本身存在着漏洞,也为发达国家制造技术性贸易壁垒提供了借口。 第二部分,技术性贸易壁垒的框架及特点。技术性贸易壁垒是一个体系,主要包括技术规章与规范:产品检验、检疫制度与措施:标签与包装要求:信息技术壁垒和绿色壁垒五部分。发达国家主要从这几部分入手,设置针对贸易对象国的技术性贸易壁垒。技术性贸易壁垒之所以为发达国家所青睐,倍受世界各国关注,是因为作为一种贸易保护主义手段,它具有区别于其它贸易壁垒的显著特点。如广泛性、隐蔽性、多变性、针对性强、影响大、争议性大等。在此部分中,我还简要分析了技术性贸易壁垒的发展趋势。 第三部分,发达国家实施技术性贸易壁垒的状况。技术性贸易壁垒的实施状况是 与一国的经济、技术发展水平密切相关的。发达国家凭借经济、技术优势成为技术性 贸易呗里的主要构筑者和实施者。美、R、欧盟是发达国家中实施技术性贸易壁垒最 多也最具典型的国家,各国都有一套完整的技术性贸易壁垒体系。 第四部分,技术性贸易壁垒对山东出口贸易的影响。山东是中国的出口大省。改 革开放二十多年来,山东出口贸易规模逐年扩大。按海关口径计算,自 1996年以来, l_11东出口依存度逐年上升,1996年仅 12%,2002年上升到!6.6%。近 1/5的产品通 过出口实现了价值。出口依存度的增大,也使我省的产品较易受到技术性贸易壁垒的 影响。在这一部分,首先综合分析了技术性贸易壁垒对山东出口产业国际竞争力的影 响,主要从积极和消极两方面展开。其次,针对农业。工业等具体产业所受技术性贸 易壁垒的影响进行了深入分析。 第五部分,对策。突破技术性贸易壁垒是一项艰辛的长期工作,我们既要有战略 的考虑,又要讲究策略的巧妙。首先,指导思想上,要提高认识、更新观念、深化改 革。其次,由于技术性贸易壁垒的实施是与一国的经济科技水平密切相关的,所以搞 好产业结构忧化调整,增加产品科技含量,提高产品竟争力才是突破技术性贸易壁垒 的根本的长远战略考虑。再次,加入**O后,山东省内标准必须与国际标准接轨, 因而搞好标准化工作迫在眉睫。最后,由于调整产业结构、搞好标准化工作是具有长 远利益的长期工作。所以,在当前形势下,企业也应讲究策略的巧妙,采取灵活措施 来绕开技术性贸易壁垒。这是卓具成效而又富有弹性的明智之举。

【Abstract】 The development of the economic globalization makes the economy of countries all over the world link to each other closely, the voice of liberalization of trade runs high. Traditional tariff barriers and non-tariff trade barriers fade out from the international trade stage gradually. Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) becomes the upstart of trade protectionism with its incomparable effect of restriction. China joined WTO on December 11th, 2001. which greatly quickenned the steps of incorporating the world, export trade, while facing the opportunities, is bearing enormous challenges too. China is the biggest victim of TBT in the world,.Shandong is one of the most injured provinces in china,its products encounter TBT commonly in the international market and are damaged hcavily.studing TBT and taking effective measures to break through it have great meaning to the export trade and economic internationalization of Shandong.This text launches from the following five parts mainly.The first part. Production of TBT. The technological regulations and standards of products didn’t emerge in the form of trade barriers at first. Its emergence is the demand of development of international trade, it is really beneficial to the development of trade on the initial stage of producing. But each country has different value in safeguarding human health,security and living environment in various countries,there are disparities of industrialization degree and different level of science and technology development among various countries too.therefore.cause the difference of technological regulations and standards,\vhich become barriers to the international trade.The existence of these disparities has inevitability and certain rational aspects, but the developed countries expand the disparities on the basis of trade protectionism,which is the basic reason that TBT emerges. Current"agreement on TBT" makes principle, norm and set up dispute settlement body to guide the implementation of TBT for various countries .The agreement promote the smooth development of international trade,but its own loopholes offer the developedcountries excuse to make TBT.Second part, Frames and characteristics of TBT. TBT is a system including technological regulations, standards,procedure of qualification and evaluation; examination and quarantine of products; the label and packing instructions; Information technology barriers to trade and green barries. The developed countries mainly proceed with these parts to set up TBT directly against other countries. TBT is the favorite of the developed countries and concerned by countries all over the world, the reason of which is that as one mean of trade protectionism, it has remarkable characteristics to distinguish from other barriers. For instance extensive, disguise, changeable,pertinence , influencing heavy, getting heavy dispute.In this section,! briefly analyse the trend of TBT’s development.The third part,The developed country’s implementations of TBT.The implementations of TBT closely relate to the development level of one country’s economy and technology.The developed countries become the main builders and implementers of TBT relying on their economic and technological advangtages.The United States,Japan and European Union are the countries that implement TBT the most typical and abundant.Each county has a set of intact system.The fourth part,TBT’s impact on Shandong’s export trade.Shandong is a large export province of China. Reform and opening-up over the past 20 years, the scale of export Shandong’s export trade expands year by year. Calculate according to customs, since 1996, Shandong’s export depend on degree has been rising year by year, The 1996 12% only, rise to 16.6% in 2002. Nearly 1/5 products realize their value through export trade. The increase of export depend on degree also make the products of our province more liable to be influenced by TBT. In this part, I comprehensively analyse the influence of TBT on international competitiveness of Shandong’s

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