

Research on the Interrelation between Urbanization and Tourism Vacation Belt around City

【作者】 杨京波

【导师】 何佳梅;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 环城市旅游度假带既是中国城市与城市化发展到一定水平的产物,也是对城市化的一种弥补和促动。在城市化与环城市旅游度假带的发展同时对人们产生巨大吸引力的时候,如何将二者结合起来进行研究也就成为水到渠成的事情。本论文重点对城市化与环城市旅游度假带互动关系进行了分析。在此基础上,以济南市为例提出了实现二者之间实现良性互动的途径,并力图从理论上形成一定的创新。全文共分7部分。 1.综述部分由选题背景、国内外研究现状、研究意义、研究的技术路线四部分构成,在明确了本研究的意义与国内外学术研究成果的的基础上,提出并分析了本论述的技术路线构成。 2.城市化与环城市旅游度假带相关概念体系是本章的主要内容。主要由城市化、城市、环城市旅游度假带等相关概念。特别强调了“城市”和“环城市旅游度假带”在本论述中的具体含义。 3.第三章为环城市旅游度假带空间模式的基本规定,由空间模式的理论依据——“旅游目的地地带”理论、空间模式的基本规定、确定环城市旅游度假带空间范围的主要指标三部分组成。本章与第二章共同构成了本论述的基础。 4.第四章是城市化对环城市旅游度假带形成与发展的依托主体作用。它与第五章、第六章构成了本论述的主要部分。本章由三部分组成:第一部分,运用Wilson的最大熵——引力模型进行了城市化对环城市旅游度假带影响的一般性分析;第二部分从城市化为环城市旅游度假带的发展提供了充足稳定的客源市场、造成城市居民目的地选择性为和消费行为的改变、影响环城市旅游度假带空间区位、促进了环城市旅游度假带的市场供给、旅游城市化对环城市旅游度假带的影响、交通现代化对环城市旅游度假带的影响六个方面分析了城市化对形成环城市旅游度假带的作用;第三部分分析了城市化影响下环城市旅游度假带空间形态及演进,指出在不同的城市化阶段,环城市旅游度假带的空间形态及其演进过程存在着差异。 5.环城市旅游度假带对城市化的促动作用主要表现于以下四个方面: 第一,环城市旅游度假带的发展可以提高区域国民经济发展水平,从而促进城市化。表现为环城市旅游度假带的发展对当地经济的带动力和对区域就业的推动两个方面;第二,环城市旅游度假带是推动农村城市化的切入点。促进了所在地区产业经济结构和第一产业经济结构的调整,增加了原有产业的功能,并提高了第一产业的附加值;推动了农民观念的转化,改变了他们的生产生活方式;吸引投资从而缓解农村城市化所需资金不足而带来的经济压力;促进城乡关联和城乡文化整合并有利于增长极的培育。第三,环城市旅游度假带内度假区别墅及景观房产的开发使其成为城市向广域推进的桥梁;第四,环城市旅游度假带可以促使城市旅游的可持续发展。 6.本章为论文的实证部分。该部分以济南市作为研究的空间范围,通过对城市化与环城市旅游度假带良性互动的必要性分析、济南市城市化与环城市旅游度假带的现状与特征的分析,提出了实现济南市城市化与环城市旅游度假带良胜互动的对策。笔者认为,济南市城市化与环城市旅游度假带实现良性互动的对策主要有以下四个方面:第一,运用Clawson&Knetsch模式实现济南市环城市旅游度假带游惑地的合理配置。第二,通过三个层次实现济南市环城市旅游度假带山资源优势——产品优势——一经济优势转换。这三个层次分别是以市场需求为导向,对旅游资源的空间整合和对环境的保护;对旅游资源开发的管理、服务组合、市场需求与供给的管理;对环城市旅游度假带内相关旅游配套设施即基础设施的建设。第三,加强环城市旅游度假带内重点旅游区长清的合理厂发建设,推进济南城市化。第四,运用旅游开发最佳可持续产量的经济模型实现济南市环城市旅游度假带可持续旅游的环境保护。 7.结论部分是对前面部分的补充,着重指出了政府部I’刁在环城市旅游度假带发展中应发挥主导作用.

【Abstract】 The tourism vacation belt around city is not only the results of the development of city and urbanization, but also the motivation of urbanization. As both the development of urbanization and tourism vacation belt around city is attracting people’s notice, how to combine them and study the relationship between them becomes a thing that naturally happened. The focus of this thesis is on the interrelation between urbanization and tourism vacation belt around city. At last, through the example study of Jinan, some paths on how to achieve the interrelation are put forward. And try my hard to gain some new ideas in theory. This thesis includes seven chapters.1. The first chapter consists of research setting, contemporary progress of the subject domestic and abroad, study purpose and the technical approach. On the basis of clearing the study value of this study, the author lays much emphasis on the importance of practice and the instructing meaning of paper.2. The concept of urbanization and tourism vacation belt around city are the main content of this chapter. The specific meaning of "city" and "tourism vacation belt around city" was specially emphasized in this part.3. The third chapter is mainly about the basic prescribe of the spatial model of tourism vacation belt around city. It consists of three parts, they are: the theoreticalbase of spatial model-----theory of "Tourism Destination Zoning", basic prescribe ofthe spatial model, the main indexes that can fix the spatial bounds of tourism vacation belt around city. It, along with chapter two makes the base of this thesis.4. The content of chapter four is mainly about the supporting effect of urbanization on the development and form of tourism vacation belt around city. This chapter, as well as chapter five and chapter six, is the main part of this thesis. It includes three parts: in the universality analysis, the author applied the model ofmaximum entropy-----gravitation to illustrate the effect of urbanization on tourismvacation belt around city. In part two, the author analysis the effect of urbanization on tourism vacation belt around city from six aspects. The author analysis the spatial configuration of tourism vacation belt around city and discuss the evolution oftourism vacation belt around city under the affection of urbanization in the last part.5. The emphasis of this chapter lays much on how the tourism vacation belt around city accelerate urbanization. Firstly, the development of tourism vacation belt around city can improve the development of regional economy. Secondly, it is the cut-in point that can promote the urbanization of country. Thirdly, exploitation of vacation villa in the tourism vacation belt around city makes it the bridge that a city expands to a certain direction. Finally, the development of tourism of vacation belt around city can improve the sustainable development of city tourism.6. This chapter is the positive part of this thesis. Through the example study of Jinan, some paths on how to achieve the interrelation between urbanization and tourism vacation belt around city are put forward. Based on the analysis of necessity of realization of the interrelation between them and the feature of tourism vacation belt around city of Jinan city, the author put forward four ways: Firstly, use the model of Clawson & Knetsch to realize the reasonable collocation of recreation field in tourism vacation belt around city in Jinan city. Secondly, we should via three levels to realize the conversion from resource predominance to product predominance, then to economic predominance. Thirdly, reinforce the exploitation and construction of important tourism area such as Changqing in tourism vacation belt around city of Jinan city. Lastly, use the model of Optimum Sustainable Yield to realize the environmental protection of sustainable tourism in tourism vacation belt around city of Jinan city.7. The last chapter is the complementary of those chapters ahead. The emphases are on the principal functio

  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】13
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