

Study on Exploitation of Chinese Sports Tourism

【作者】 杨培玉

【导师】 何佳梅;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从中国实际出发,在对体育旅游开发的可行性分析和市场辨析的基础上结合济南市体育旅游产品开发的实证分析对中国体育旅游开发做了比较系统的研究,最后提出体育旅游开发对策。全文共分为四部分。 第一部分是综述部分,由选题背景和研究意义、国内外学术研究前沿进展评述和本研究技术手段构成。在明确研究的理论意义和现实意义的基础上提出了本文研究的技术路线。 第二部分主要是分析体育旅游开发的可行性。首先,对体育旅游概念进行科学界定;其次,通过对旅游产业的发展态势和体育产业的目标转移分析,指出了体育旅游开发的必要性;第三,对体育旅游在改善人民生活、促进社会经济发展等方面的重要意义进行了分析;第四,对申奥成功所带来的机遇与挑战进行了分析;最后得出结论,体育旅游开发是必要的、可行的。 第三部分对体育旅游及体育旅游市场细分进行了分析。首先结合体育旅游特点和旅游需求对体育旅游动机进行了分析;其次,以旅游需求的差异性和体育旅游特点等为依据把体育旅游市场细分为大众性体育旅游、专业性体育旅游、刺激性体育旅游、民族性体育旅游,并具体分析了每一细分市场的特征。 第四部分是本文研究的核心,该部分对中国体育旅游开发进行了系统性研究。首先根据中国的实际情况,从政策、经济、社会、资源、市场五个方面对体育旅游开发的支持系统进行了分析。在政策支持方面,指出体育旅游开发政策支持的内容和力度应综合考虑其它支持和影响因素,同时要因时、因地制宜,提倡发展的政策支持;在经济社会支持方面,应充分考虑旅游目的地经济、社会承载力;在资源支持方面,客观地分析了中国体育旅游开发的优劣势;在市场支持方面,从市场供求入手分析了中国目前的市场状况及存在的问题。其次对体育旅游开发的产业部门关联进行了分析,在构建经验模型的基础上,分析了产业部门的关联性和产业部门结构关联变动;第三,在前述分析的基础上提出了体育旅游产品开发模式,以此模式对中国体育旅游产品开发进行实践指导,并对体育旅游产品的设计与促销进行了分析。第四,以RMP分析理论为基础,以济南市体育旅游产品开发为例进行了实证分析。在R性分析中,通过资源评价指标体系的构建,对济南市旅游资源进行了全面分析与评价,并在此基础上进行了资源——产品转化;在M性分析中,在市场划分的基础上有针对性地进行产品设计与促销;在P性分析中,在分析产品开发的外部创新环境的同时,以四有开发模式为指导对济南市体育旅游产品开发进行了全面研究。 第五部分提出了体育旅游开发对策。该部分在对中国体育旅游开发全面分析的基础上提出了以下对策:1.加强宏观调控,制定可持续发展的体育旅游远景规划;2.加强部门协调,平衡供需结构;3.加强旅游促销,刺激旅游需求;4.提高体育旅游服务设施的科技含量,加强专门人才的培养;5.优化旅游环境,服务奥运旅游。

【Abstract】 On the basis of analysis of feasibility and market of sports tourism, the article makes a systematic study of Chinese sports tourism by studying the exploitation of Jinan Sports tourism and finally put forward the countermeasures of sports tourism exploitation. The full article is divided into five parts altogether.The first part is a survey, consisting of background of a selected title, meaning of study, status quo of academic study and technological means of study. This part puts forward technological routes of study on the basis of analysis of studying the theory meaning and realistic meaning.The second part analyses the feasibility of exploitation of sports tourism. First of all, it defines sports tourism; Secondly, by analyzing the trends of tourism industry and sports industry, it points out the necessity of exploitation of sports tourism; Thirdly, it analyses the importance of sports tourism exploitation on improving people’s living standard, social and economic development etc; Fourthly, it analyses the opportunities and challenges that the Olympic Games brings; Finally, it concludes that the exploitation of sports tourism is feasible.The third part analyses travel motivations and markets division. According with the characteristics of sports tourism, it analyses travel motivations firstly; Secondly, based on differences of tourist demand and characteristics of sports tourism etc, it subdivides the tourist market into mass sports tourism, professional sports tourism, stimulating sports tourism and national sports tourism, and makes a concrete analysis of characteristics of every market.The fourth part is a core of this article, this part studies exploitation of Chinese sports tourism. According to the fact of China, it analyses the support system of sports tourism from five respects of policy, economy, society, resources, market at first. As to policy, it points out that the content and extend of relates to other supporting and influencing factors, and at the same time, it advocates there should be a ever-changing policy on the basis of time and place. As far as economy and society concerned, it points out the exploitation is based on economical and social capacity of tourist destinations; On resources supporting, it analyses the superiority and weakness of exploitation of Chinese sports tourism objectively; As to market, it analyses China’s market situation at present and problems. Secondly it analyses relative departments of exploitation of sports tourism. It analyses departments’ related quality and change of structure between sports tourism industry and other related industries through the construction of the experience model. Thirdly, it puts forward the modes of exploitation of sports tourism products on the basis of former analysis and applies the modes into the practice. Further more, It analyses design and promotion of productions. Fourthly, using RMP theory as foundation, it takes sports tourism products exploration of Jinan as an example. In R quality analysis, on the basis of the constructed index system, it analyses and appraises the resources of Jinan , and transforms resources intoIIproducts; In M quality analysis , it carries on the product design and promotes pointedly on the basis of the market grades ; In P quality analysis, while analyzing the outside innovative environment of product exploration, Regarding the four-having mode of exploitation, it guides the exploration of sports tourism products in Jinan.The fifth part puts forward the countermeasures of exploitation for sports tourism. It raises following countermeasures on the basis of analyzing exploitation of Chinese sports tourism: 1.Strengthen macro adjustments and controls, and make a long-term plan of sustainable development of sports tourism.; 2.Strengthen departments’ coordination, and balance the structure of supply and demand; 3.Strengthen tourist promotion, and stimulate tourist demand; 4.Improve the scientific and technological content of service facilities of sports tourism, and strengthen the p

【关键词】 体育旅游开发中国济南市
【Key words】 Sports tourismExploitationChinaJinan
  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】2493

