

The Discussion of Cultural Connotation and Value Selection about "The Discrimination between WenTao

【作者】 王宏田

【导师】 周波;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 文与道的关系问题是中国古代文艺学讨论的核心问题之一,本文拈出“文道之辨”作为论题,认为这个“辨”字能更好地体现文道之间存在的深刻内涵。 全文共分四个部分。 第一部分是引言,概述了“文道之辨”的基本含义和研究的意义。 第二部分是对“文道之辨”的分析,又分为四个小节: 小节一论述了“文道之辨”的形成过程。例举了有关“文道”关系形成的三种说法,并对这些说法逐个加以分析,最后提出自己的见解,认为“文道”关系的形成是一个逐渐发展地圆融过程。 小节二阐述了“文道之辨”中“文”的内涵,“文”在“文道”关系中的涵义是一个逐渐演化的过程。先秦时“文”主要指文化典籍,两汉以后“文”演化为包含文采的“文章”。唐宋以降,富有文采的“古文”成为“文道之辨”的主体。 小节三阐述了“文道之辨”中“道”的内涵,主要分为两个方面。一是自然之道,刘勰、柳宗元、章学诚、苏轼等都提倡自然之道。二是圣人之道,唐宋古文家和道学家提倡从圣人的思想中汲取精华,为时所用。 小节四对“文道之辨”进行了解析。古代学者对“文道”之间的关系多从功用的角度立论,于是出现了“文道并重”、“重道轻文”、“重文轻道”等理论,以及“五四”时期反载道的主张。笔者以为,“文道之辨”应该是文本道末、文体道用的关系,本文从古文家和道学家有关“文道之辨”的理论主张入手,论证了自己的观点。 第三部分是“文道之辨”的价值取向,分为两个小节。 小节一是对“文以载道”的价值分析,“文以载道”的提出者是宋代理学家周敦颐,道学家“文以载道”的理论只侧重于创作“道之文”,这是一种各取所需的狭隘理论观。本文认为应该明确“文以载道”中“文”与“道”各自相对合理的含义,从而使这一命题为文学的发展发挥作用。 论文道之辨的文化内涵和价值取向 小节四论述了“文道之辨”的价值取向,分为两个方面。第一,“文道之辨”是文人实现自身价值的一种途径,在实现文人内心理想的过程中,文人通u作“文”将自己的人生价值充分表现出来。第二,“文道之辨”促进了文人思想的发展,“文道之辨”表现了文人对社会现实的思垮。“文道之辨”的背后包含着文人对文学的一种普遍的要求,即探索文的独立价值。文的价值就是“本于情性”,实现文人“以文传意”的目的。 第四部分是结语,指出“文道之辨”对当今文学发展的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The question about the relation between WenTao is one of the central questions which were discussed under the literature and art theory in ancient china. In this essay we choose "the discrimination between WenTao" as a question for discussion, and believe that the word "Discrimination" can tell reflect the profound connotation existing between "WenTao" .The full dissertation is divided into four parts:The first part is the preface, in which we outline the basic meaning and research significance of "the discrimination between WenTao" .The second part is the analysis of "the discrimination between WenTao" and divided into four small sections.The first section discusses the process to form "the discrimination between WenTao" . We list three opinions about it and separately analyze them, then pose our own view that the forming of the relation between "WenTao" is a gradually developing and smoothly integrating process.The second section elaborates the connotation of "Wen" in "the discrimination between WenTao" , which is a gradually developing process. In pre-Qin Dynasty "Wen" mainly refers to classical works, After Two-Han Dynasties, "Wen" evolves the article including literary grace. After TangSong Dynasty, "GuWen" being full of literary grace becomes the main body of "the discrimination between WenTao" .The third section elaborates the connotation of "Tao" and is mainly divided into two respects. One is natural Tao, which is advocated by Liuxie, Liu-Zongyuan , Zhang-xuecheng, Sushi etc. The other is Sage’ s Tao, In TangSong Dynasty, the writers of classical literature and the Confucian moralist derive the cream from the idea of Sage and utilize it.The fourth section analyzes "the discrimination between WenTao" . The ancient scholars discussed the relation between "WenTao" from functional point of view, then the theories appear including"Treasuring WenTao" , "treasuring Tao and dispraising Wen" , "Treasuring Wen and dispraising Tao" , also the literary view against holding Tao with Wen in the WuSi Period. The author believes "the discrimination between WenTao" should be the relation of beginning end, body and use. The author demonstrates this own opinion from the theories and views about "the discrimination between WenTao" of the writers of classical literature and the Confucian moralist.The third part is the selection of the value about "the discrimination between WenTao" and divided into two sections.In the first section, we analyze the value of "carrying Tao with Wen" . The proposer is Zhou-dunyi, a theorist of Confucian school of idealist. The theory "Carrying Tao with Wen" of the Confucian moralist, only lay emphasis on the creation of "Tao zhi Wen" , and it is a narrow theory idea that each takes what it needs. The essay believes it should be made clear about the relatively reasonable concept of "Wen" and "Tao" in the theory "Carrying Tao with Wen" , so make this proposition to play an important role in the development of literature.In the second section, we will discuss the value selection of "the discrimination between WenTao" and divided into two respects.The first, "the discrimination between WenTao" is a way for scholars to build their own value, They amply reflect them life’ s value by creating "Wen" in the process to achieve inner ideals. The second, "the discrimination between WenTao" promotes the development of scholars idea, reflects the thinking of them about social reality. Behind "the discrimination between WenTao", there is a universal claim of scholars for literature, explore the independent value of article. It’s value depends on "root in temperament" to achieve scholars’ intention that "the Wen expresses meanings" .

  • 【分类号】I206
  • 【下载频次】309

