

Geomorphologic Surface and Geomorphologic Evolution in the Central and Southern Mountainous Area of Shandong Province

【作者】 姜鲁光

【导师】 张祖陆;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在综合分析前人研究成果的基础上,本文运用多种研究方法,以泰鲁山地为例,对鲁中南山地的地貌面发育进行了系统研究,探讨了鲁中南山地的地貌演进过程。 一、文中对鲁中南山地地貌面的认定、对比方法进行了理论总结。在前第四纪地貌面研究中,根据莱芜平州顶上发现的白彦砾岩,确认以平州顶—仰天槽为代表的仰平期(中新世至上新世)岩溶剥夷面与鲁南地区白彦砾岩代表的古地面属同一期古剥夷面。泰山地区虽难以找到大面积的残余古地面,但根据高层溶洞分布面与仰平期岩溶剥夷面的对应关系,认为其北翼峰顶面基本相当于仰平期剥夷面。鲁中南山地东部山顶部位的熔岩被分布面也相当于仰平期剥夷面。 二、通过高程—面积分析、河流袭夺综合分析、黄土阶地的碳-14 测年与沉积指标分析及环境考古方法,本文重点研究了鲁中南山地第四纪地貌发育的格局与过程。 1.高程—面积分析是一种传统但有效的方法,本文首次将高程—面积分析方法运用到鲁中南山地第四纪山麓剥夷面发育研究之中。判定了鲁中南山地临城期地貌演进阶段,又以流域为单元探讨了鲁中南山地第四纪地貌发育的地域差异规律。根据高程分析结果,认为鲁中南山地主要处于流域地貌发育的壮年、晚年期,并对鲁中南山地第四纪构造抬升量与侵蚀速率、各流域临城期山麓剥夷面的分布高度等相关问题进行了理论探讨,从理论上证明了鲁中期剥夷面难以存在。 2.对鲁中南山地的河流袭夺现象进行了系统研究,侧重研究了位于鲁中南山地边缘的济南龙洞河流袭夺和位于鲁中南山地核心的沂源河流袭夺。分析了河流袭夺的地貌形态,根据地貌面与沉积证据判定了河流袭夺发生的年代。研究表明,河流袭夺是河流系统对区域构造抬升与地貌面解体变化的响应与表现。济南龙洞河流袭夺是仰平期剥夷面形成后,鲁中南山地第四纪构造抬升初期发生的袭夺现象;沂源河流袭夺则是在晚更新世晚期至全新世发生的袭夺现象。认为河流袭夺是判断地貌演进,即临城期(第四纪)溯源侵蚀与仰平期剥夷面解体破碎的时空标尺,并据此探讨了临城期河流溯源侵蚀的时空格局。 3.通过碳-14 测年和粒度、磁化率、碳酸钙含量等沉积环境指标分析,对鲁中南山地西北部的长清张夏附近的晚更新世黄土进行了综合研究。认为张夏黄土与青州黄土具有相似的成因和物源,但与洛川等地的典型黄土和莱州湾沿岸的陆架黄土有明显差异。泰山和鲁山地区的黄土具有可对比性。进而综合运用碳-14 测年和环境考古方法,判定了鲁中南山地河流 山东师范大学硕士学位论文 鲁中南山地地貌面与地枕演进研究阶地的形成年代。研究表明,二级阶地形成于 13000~8500a BP,一级阶地形成于 4000~500aBP,河漫滩是现代河流作用的产物。 三、系统总结了前人对鲁中南山地地文期研究的成果,分析并澄清前人研究的矛盾之处,力求继承前人研究的合理精华的部分,摒弃以前明显错误的认识。确定了鲁中南山地第四纪地文期的具体年代,对研究区地貌发育的时空尺度进行了探讨,提出地文期的等级层次性,改变了过去对地文期简单机械相接的范式。认为鲁中南山地有两个大地文期,即仰平期(中新世至上新世)和临城期(第四纪人目前仍处于临城期阶段。而研究区内的离石期u BP~136ha BP)、清水期(136ha BP~21ha BP)、马兰期(21ha BP~13ha BP)、板桥期(13ha SP~8.skaBP)、皋兰期旧.skaBP~(4~0.5)kaBP)等地文期只是比临城期次一级的小地文期。 四、地貌面发育与地貌演进研究具有重要的学术理论意义和实际应用价值,文末探讨了本文研究结论在水土保持、土地评价、工程建设、新构造运动、环境考古、旅游开发等领域的理论意义与应用途径。

【Abstract】 Utilizing various methods and taking Mount Tai and Mount Lu as a case, the geomorphologic surface and geomorphologic evolution in the central and southern mountainous area of Shandong province ( CSMASP ) is studied in this paper.At the beginning of the paper, former achievements on physiographic period research are summarized in the paper. Contradicts between the former documents are also analyzed and clarified.( 1 ) In the part of pre-quaternary geomorphologic surface research, the method of geomorphologic surface identification and comparison is summarized systematically. It is indicated that the karsts denudation surface in the Mount Lu and that of southern Shandong province are the same denudation surface. Based on the relation between the level of cave and denudation surface, the hilltop on the north of Mount Tai is also the denudation surface formed in the same period. They are all called Yangping period denudation surface and were formed in the Miocene Epoch and the Pliocene Epoch.(2) By altitude-area analysis, comprehensive study on river captures, C-14 dating, loess indexesAanalysis and method of environmental archaeology, the quaternary geomorphologic evolution in CSMASP is researched thoroughly.(i) Altitude-area analysis is a traditional but effective method on geomorphologic study. In this paper, altitude-area analysis is used in the research of quaternary geomorphologic evolution. Based on the data of vector topographic map, the geomorphologic evolution stage of CSMASP is studied with the aid of Maplnfo and Arc View. It is indicated that the research area is in the middle age and old age according to the Davisan stage determine of geomorphologic evolution. The uplift and denuded amount in the period of neo-tectonics and the elevation of denudation surface of Lincheng Period (mainly in quaternary) are also discussed.(ii) The river captures in CSMASP are studied primarily but systematically. The Longdong river capture which lies on the edge of CSMASP and Yiyuan river capture which lies on the central of CSMASP are studied thoroughly. Morphology and sediment evidence are also proposed. It is indicated that river captures are the responses of river system for tectonic upheaval. The Longdong River capture between YufuRiver and Daxin River in Jinan city, took place in the early quaternary, when the denudation surface of Yangping Period has already formed and the quaternary tectonic upheaval began to start. The Yiyuan River capture between Yihe Raver and Dawen River, was formed in Holocene. So, river capture can be taken as the time and space scale of geomorphologic evolution in quaternary in CSMASR It can represent the process of river head wards erosion, expand of Lincheng Period denudation surface and the broken of Yangping Period denudation surface.(iii) By C-14 dating, size and sediment indexes analysis, the Malan loess is studied which is the main component of the second terrace in CSMASP. It is indicated that the loess was mainly formed in late Epipleistocene. And its sediment indexes can be compared with that of Loess Plateau roughly, though they have different formation causes and provenance. The second terrace was formed between 13000-8500a BP, while the first terrace was formed between 4000~500a BP. The flood plain is the result of modern river action.(3) Research on geomorphologic surface and geomorphologic evolution has important theoretical significance and application value. In the end of the paper, significance and application of the research achievement is discussed in the fields of soil preservation, environmental archaeology, land assessment, engineering, neo-tectonics and tourism development.

  • 【分类号】P931
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】361

