

【作者】 相振银

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 对学校道德教育来讲,以班级为立足点,以建立“公正团体”为基本策略,是建设民主社会这一时代要求下的选择。同时从“公正团体”的角度分析研究道德教育既是德育实践的需要,也是德育理论自身提高的需要。 以公正团体为理论基础,考察学校班级道德教育的有效性,考察团体的公正民主气氛和人际关系是必要的。班级公正气氛的确立,有利于学生在平等和谐的环境中形成合作的心理倾向,有利于形成民主责任意识,有利于道德能力的形成。 “公正团体”策略是从道德发展实践的角度提出的,目的是寻求“公正”与“团体”的平衡,连接认识与实践。它在理论上是合理的,在实践上是有效的。 “公正团体”策略有严格的实施程序和条件。一般团体成员在60-100人,团体有分层的管理和议事机构,保证所有学生和老师民主地参与班级事务管理;注重从初级团体到规范团体的形成和班级团体的道德气氛;强调隐性课程的作用。 “公正团体”策略是建立在团体基础上的,为学校班级道德教育提供了理论依据和实践策略。据此,考察实际中班级道德教育的做法,调查班主任的德育行为,了解影响他们观念和行为的控制因素,是必要的,从中我们可以了解现实的班级是否是公正团体,以便可以依据实际情况有针对性地对现实的道德教育给以建议。 本研究设计了面向班主任和学生两份调查问卷,辅以来自学生、班级、学校的多种资料,对两处中学的班级建设和教育策略做了调查研究,一处为某市重点中学,一处为某县普通学。 研究表明,两处中学在诸多方面没有显著差异。在中学,班主任常常感到德育办法匮乏;很多班主任在教育目标上有多元取向的倾向,但相当数量的班主任态度容易动摇,这既说明了教师在教育理念现代化上存在着巨大的潜能,也说明了他们缺乏清晰的持之以恒的教育理念,因而影响道德气氛的形成。由此,班主任在班级 班级“公正团体”道德教育策略探析管理和学生评价上,经验型的做法还相当普遍;在师生互动方面,交流的渠道并不十分畅通;在活动的开展上,班主任考虑的是活动能否对学生的学业成绩有利,他们对隐蔽课程的道德教育作用认识不清。 调查显示,我们现实中的班级还不能算是公正团体,但有建立公正团体的可能。尽管班主任时常表现出权威型的态度和划一性的要求,但相当多的班主任有多元教育价值的倾向。“公正团体”策略是针对团体建设的,对我们有很强的指导和借鉴意义。为提高学校德育的有效性,研究建议:提高教师的教育理论水平;鼓励学生参与民主管理,培养责任意识;把学校、班级建成公正民主的团体,培养和谐的师生关系及合作精神;发挥活动课程的作用,培养学生的道德实践能力。

【Abstract】 Social advancement leads to a more democratic world, which requires the moral education in school must rely on class activities through establishing an "Just Community". "Just Community" is a basic strategy for both practice and theoretic improvement of moral education.This research aims to study the just and democratic ambience and the human relations in a class at the view of "Just Community". Based on Kohlberg’s "Just Community" strategy, this essay is to investigate how a class can provide the students with possible conditions they need for their physi-psychal development. It’s assumed that just ambience brings advantages to: students can easily generate cooperative temperament, form democratic concept, and moral ability in impartial environment."Just community" was brought forth to make students’ morality develop practically, hoping to build a balance between "community" and "justice" and to link cognition and practice. It has both theoretical and practical consequences."Just community" conditionally has a strict operation procedure, including the community’ organization and its appraisal system. Generally a community has 60-100 persons. It has a organization mechanism to administrate its affairs; it pay attention to the process of the community development. This strategy emphasizes the influence of practice."Just community" bases itself on the community, so provide a theory and a practical strategy for moral education in schools. Therefore it’s necessary to investigate how the in-charge teachers in schools behave in moral education and learn the moral education situation and the factors to influence them, so to see whether the class is a just community. And wecan accordingly give advice.Based on this view, two questionnaires are designed for in-charge teachers and students. Meanwhile some materials are collected from students, classes and schools, to study the education strategy undertaken in classes’ construction. The survey is done in two middle schools for comparison (one is a key school, the other is a common one).Research shows that there is little difference in most domains between the two schools; in-charge teachers in middle schools have high-level consciousness on moral education, but feel lack of measures; and many of them have multiple alternative tendency in educational values, but many are prone to change their attitudes. This result demonstrates that there exists a tremendous potential in teachers’ concept-modernization in education, and yet it’d hard for them to persist on a clear education theory, which interferes in building moral ambience. Many in-charge teachers believe in their experience and sense in class administration and appraising students. The research also shows the teacher-student communication is not smooth; about activities, in-charge teachers care whether the activities are helpful to the students’ accomplishment, showing that they are not clearly aware of the importance of hid den-curriculum.Research shows that classes in our school can’t be said to be just communities, but it’s possible to change them into such ones. Although in-charge teachers are often authoritarian and stern in integrity, many still hold alternative education values. To make moral education more effective, this essay suggests: make teachers learn and master modern education theory; encourage students to take part in community administration to form their concept of obligation; make the classes just communities and build up the students’ cooperative temperament in democratic environment; emphasize the influence of activity curriculum and assure the students’ moral ability through practice.

【关键词】 道德教育公正团体民主需要策略
【Key words】 moral educationjust communitydemandsdemocraticstrategy
  • 【分类号】G410
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】302

