

Studies on Management Innovation of Family Enterprises in China

【作者】 黄秋平

【导师】 章喜为;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国家族企业经过二十多年的发展已成规模,并在整个国民经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色,它们大多采取了家族化管理。家族企业在创业初期实行家族化管理是高效率的,随着企业的发展壮大,企业走出了艰难的创业初期,进入了规模经营的大发展阶段后,又面临着种种难以超越的发展局限与障碍,迫切需要管理创新。 本论文的目的旨在通过对我国家族企业的现状及家族化管理的利弊分析,以管理创新理论为基础,找出适合我国发展到一定阶段、具有一定规模的家族企业的现代管理模式,使之朝着健康的方向发展,更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务。 论文阐述了管理创新的基本理论,对管理创新的定义和内容做了全面系统的理论探讨,并分析了管理创新的主体、动因和过程;论述了家族企业的定义、分类以及家族化管理的定义和特点,重点分析了家族企业形成家族化管理的原因及利弊,指出家族企业实施管理创新的意义;通过对管理创新目标模式图的分析,结合当前我国家族企业的具体情况,从观念、战略、制度以及组织等方面提出了管理创新的对策,并主要从政府的角度提出了家族企业成功实施管理创新的外部支撑体系。

【Abstract】 Family Enterprises in China have gained their scale after more than twenty years’ development and play a more and more important role in the whole national economy. The majority of the Family Enterprises adopts family administration which is of high efficiency in their period of initiation but of limitations and obstacles to their development when it comes to the period of developing which is typical of scale management. Therefore Family Enterprises need management innovation.After analyzing the present situation of our country’ s Family Enterprises and comparing with advantages and disadvantages of family administration , a modern management model based on management innovation theory for those Family Enterprises which have developed to certain phases and certain scale is presented , which can develop healthily and thus good service for modernization construction of our country’ s socialism.This paper states the fundamental theory of management innovation which covers the overall systematic inquiry into definition and content of management innovation and analyzes executor, process and motive of management innovation. It discusses Family Enterprises’ definition and classification. At the same time, this paper defines family administration and its characteristic and lays emphasis on the analysis of the cause of family management taking form in the Family Enterprises and its advantages and disadvantages. It indicates the significance of management innovation which Family Enterprises implement. After analyzing the graph of management innovation target model, combining concrete states of our country’ s Family Enterprises, it puts forward countermeasures of management innovation from the view of concept, strategy, system and orgnization and it also puts forward exterior sustained system that the government needs to do in order to fit a complete set.

  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】637

