

Research on Chinese Securitizition of Consumer Credit

【作者】 刘顶芳

【导师】 夏玉珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济社会学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,由于人们消费能力的提高和消费观念的转变,我国消费信贷呈现迅猛发展的态势,消费信贷已成为商业银行新的利润增长点。本文写作目的就是为了解决消费信贷发展容易导致银行资产流动性不足的问题,文章通过借鉴国外的实践经验,结合我国的实际情况,探讨了证券化在消费信贷中运用的可行性,设计了消费信贷证券化的基本流程,并在我国的现实背景下剖析了证券化面临的难题,提出了一些对策建议。 论文共分三大部分,按照“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的论述方式,理论与实际相结合,对消费信贷证券化问题进行了研究。 第一部分介绍了消费信贷的内容,近年来我国消费信贷发展中呈现的主要特点、制约因素,以及商业银行在发展消费信贷中面临的风险进行了分析后,提出了论文的主题,即资产证券化是解决消费信贷发展中面临问题的有效途径。 第二部分介绍了资产证券化的含义、特征与运作机理,在借鉴了国外资产证券化的形成历史、发展现状和发展趋势后,对我国消费信贷证券化进行了可行性分析,并设计了消费信贷证券化的基本流程。这是论文的重点论述部分。 第三部分在我国的现实背景下剖析了证券化面临的难点问题,提出了一些对策建议。

【Abstract】 Consumer credit is a kind of retail operation of commercial banks. It means that loans are provided for consumers themselves to buy consumer products, which can be, used for a long time and others expenses. For lately several years, because consumption abilities of people are raised and consumption concept of people is changed, consumer credit is developed rapidly. The article first introduces practice experiences of other countries; then according to facts of our country, discuss feasibility of use of securitizition in consumer credit and design the basic flow of securitizition of asset in consumer credit. Finally, the article analyzes problems of securitizition of asset in consumer credit of today. At the same time, the author gives some pieces of advice.There are three parts of this article. According to mode of "bring question, analyze question and solve question" and theory combining practice, author researches the question of securitizition of asset.In the first part, the author introduces content of consumer credit, most characters and restricts factors of consumer credit in our country. Then, the author analyzes risks of consumer credit of banks and puts forward theme of the article, which is that securitizition of asset is an effective approach to solve problems in development of consumer credit. In the second part, the author introduces meanings, characters and operation mechanism of securitizition of asset. After using history, actuality and tendency of securitizition of asset external for reference, the author analyzes feasibility of securitizition asset of consumer credit and designs basic flow of securitizition of asset. It’s the keystone of this article. In the third part, the author analyzes problems of securitizition in current background of our country and gives some pieces of corresponding advice.

【关键词】 消费信贷证券化对策
【Key words】 consumecreditsecuritizitionstrategy
  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【下载频次】108

