

A Research on Tourism Criminology

【作者】 熊琳

【导师】 龚胜生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 近代旅游始于十九世纪,在世界跨入21世纪之际,旅游已成为世界范围内最有影响力的社会经济事件之一。在旅游业发展的各方面历史进程中,许多质和量的变化形成了旅游业发展的特征,与此相伴的是社会所经历的深刻变革,新的价值观取向使旅游逐渐成为人类最高和最深层的愿望。然而旅游的发展也充满着各种各样的矛盾,旅游在创造更多的经济效益的同时,环境、自然资源、文化特色、传统习惯和社会结构也为旅游的发展作出了巨大的贡献。 旅游与犯罪的关系自1970年代逐渐被旅游界所认知,一些相关的研究、救治机构和防范政策相继出台。但是,迄今为止,学术界的研究还比较片面,大多限于某个层次的研究,如:试图寻找特定旅游目的地旅游业发展与犯罪之间的数字关系;旅游与犯罪是否存在相互关系,其关系是必然的还是偶然的;旅游业发展对社会和经济造成的负面影响;不同类型旅游者的行为模式及其成为受害人的可能性;旅游目的地激发犯罪的环境因素等。 本文从旅游活动的特殊性出发,结合犯罪学的相关基础理论知识,明确提出了旅游犯罪和旅游犯罪学的概念,并初步构建了旅游犯罪学的学科体系。本文认为旅游犯罪是发生在旅游过程中(吃、住、行、游、购、娱),与旅游者、或旅游活动、或旅游环境(含旅游设施)、或旅游产业(包括旅游知识产权、旅游地所属权等)有关的所有犯罪现象的总和;旅游犯罪学是以旅游犯罪为研究对象,研究旅游过程中发生的各种犯罪现象的形成原因、时空规律以及防范对策的科学。它和旅游心理学、旅游经济学、旅游市场学一样,是一门新兴的边缘交叉学科。 旅游犯罪的定义、性质、特点、产生原因、分类标准和预防策略是旅游犯罪学研究的主要内容,其中,定义、分类、产生原因、罪与非罪的界限和预防策略是研究的重点和难点。学科集成法、案例分析法、时空比较法、模拟研究 f辽国L 改士字位伦父 W MASTER”STHESIS法等是旅游犯罪学研究的主要方法。旅游犯罪的预防研究以及对相应产生的经济效益和社会效益的评估是旅游犯罪学研究的价值所在。行政手段、法律手段、经济手段、宣传教育手段和旅游犯罪信息管理和网络服务手段是预防和打击旅游犯罪的主要手段,旅游规划师、政府、旅游行政管理部门、旅游从业人员、旅游地居民和旅游者是预防旅游犯罪的主要责任主体。 显而易见,优美整洁、安全卫生、方便舒适、轻松愉快、和平宁静的旅游环境是旅游业存在和发展的基础和前提,影响着旅游业的经济效益和社会效益。旅游犯罪学科的研究旨在揭示旅游犯罪的形成原因与发生规律,有助于决策部门制订合理有效的旅游政策法规,构建科学完善的旅游法规体系;有助于科学地设置旅游统计项目;有助于经济地布局安全保障力量;有助于有效的预防和控制旅游犯罪的发生;有助于促进旅游地和旅游业的健康可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Modern tourism started in the 19th century. Till the threshold of the new millennium, tourism industry has made great advancement and has been one of the most influential social-economic affairs in the world. In its historical process of each aspect, many quantitative and qualitative changes formed its character. Meanwhile, the character occurs concurrently with the profound reformation that our society has undergone, and it is now making progress towards a series of new value-viewpoints. Tourism will be the most profound demand for the human-being, but it’s development fills with all kinds of antinomies. On the one hand it created enormous economic benefits, on the other hand many factors such as environment, natural resource, cultural particularity, social tradition and the structure of our society all made great contribution to its improvement.It was in 1970’s when the relationship between tourism development and crime was recognized gradually by tourism academy, since then, some relative research, relieving institution and preventable policy come on orderly. But, unfortunately, to the present, the research work was unilateral, It is mostly limited to some special objects. For instances: setting up a given tourism destination and trying to establish a kind of numeric relation between tourism development and crime rate; whether the relation of tourism and crime be or not, the relation is inevitable or accidental; the negative effect to the society and economy brought by the growth of tourism; different tourists’ behavior and the possibility that they could be victims, and etc.The article, basing on the particularity of tourism and integrating with some relative knowledge of Criminology, definitely put forward the conception of tourism crime and Tourism Criminology, moreover, it also build up the elementary system of this discipline. It holds the opinion that tourism crime is the summation of criminous phenomena which take place during the process of tour (food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping, recreation), and these phenomenamore or less have a connection with tourist, tour and environment (including tourism facilities). Tourism Criminology is the subject whose research object is tourism crime, it focus on the occurrence reasons, the spatio-temporal rules and the precautionary measures of tourism crime. As same as Tourism Psychology and Tourism Economics, Tourism Criminology is a newly rising cross-discipline. Tourism crime’s definition, properties, characteristics, basic qualities, reasons of occurrence, sort standards and precautionary measures are the main things that this discipline studied. Among these things, the definition, classifying, confirmation and prevention of tourism crime are emphases and difficulties. There are three common methods using in the research of Tourism Criminology.Obviously, an tourism environment, which is neat, safe, peaceful, comfortable, and joyful, is the basis of tourism’s development, it directly influence the social economic benefits of tourism industry. The purpose of the research is to reveal the reasons and rules of tourism crime’s occurrence, it can help the decision-making department to constitute reasonable laws and to construct integrated legal system about tourism industry. The research also help to scientifically mount statistical items about tourism and dispose safeguards economically in order to control the occurrence of crime. All in all, the research of Tourism Criminology greatly promotes the sustainable tourism development.

  • 【分类号】D917D927
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】463

