

On the Subjectivity Development of Senior Middle School Students

【作者】 柴克清

【导师】 涂艳国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 主体性教育理论的提出给沉闷的教育界带来了活力。她强调人是学习的主体,活动的主体,生活的主体,一改教师主宰教育,学生被动受教育的局面。从主体性教育理论的研究到教育理论的实验,又使主体性教育向前跨了一大步。主体性教育实验从小学开始,始于90年代初,终于90年代末。但初中和高中都还未真正开始主体性教育实验研究。而高中阶段是社会矛盾的集中点之一,应试教育的重灾区,学生的主体性发展得如何,这是我们急于想知道,也是我们首先应该知道的。因为在此基础上才能有针对性的进行主体性教育研究与实验。 本研究以调查材料为基础。通过对文献的研究,对高中生主体性现状作了较深入的分析。首先将影响高中生主体性发展的因素划分为七个方面:学校,学生性别,学生年龄,学生家庭,教师,学生学业和学生区域。同时将学生主体性细分为三个功能特征:自主性、能动性和创造性。根据七个因素分别对学生主体性总体状况和三个功能特征的状况作统计分析。这是本文的写作基础。 本文共分为四部分: 第一部分“问题的提出”,简要回顾主体性教育理论研究及其发展并阐述高中生主体性教育调查研究的意义和必要性。 第二部分“调查的内容、对象及方法”,首先阐述了高中生主体性的内涵和影响高中生主体性发展的七个因素,并对七个因素进行了简要的分析,最后是调查的对象及方法。 第三部分“统计结果及分析”,陈述调查统计的结果和产生这些结果的原因。分四方面陈述:一、高中生主体性发展总体水平较低的情况;二、主体性差异不显著的情况:性别、学校、区域三个特征无显著差异;三、主体性差异显著的情况,表现在以下四个方面:(一)15岁是高中生主体性发展的最快时期;(二)学生成绩好与差和中等与差之间有显著差异;(三)家庭环境好与中 #\硕士学住论文 V阮瓢》*吠几rSnm1> 等和好与差之间差异显著;(四)教师环境好与差和中等与差之间差异显著。 四、三个功能特征的发展顺序的情况:应该首先是自主性,其次是能动性,最 后是创造性。没有自主性和能动性的发展,创造性就没有发展空间,而自主性 的发展是以宽松的环境为条件的. 第四部分“结论与建议”,针对第三部分揭示的高中生主体性发展低的原 因分析,得出了六点结论并从六个方面提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 Subjective education theory has brought much vigor to the oppressive education field, which emphasizes that the students are the subjects in learning, activities and life .It changes all the situation where teachers occupy classes while students just listen. From the research of the subjective education theory to its experiments, the theory has taken a large step forwards .The experiments began in primary schools in the early 1990s and ended in the late 1990s,which hasn’t expanded to junior middle schools and senior middle schools .We all know that senior middle schools are a period that has become a focus of nearly all social contradictions in education, really an area heavily afflicted by the examination-oriented education.How the students are getting along with their subjectivity is what we are anxious to know and furthermore we should know first. That is the base on which we can do the experiments of the subjective education and practice It.The thesis based on the data from the investigation of the students’ subjectivity in Qianjiang city and the documents on the subjective education, analyses the state of senior middle school students’ subjectivity in detail. First of all, we have separated the environment for senior middle school students’ subjectivity development into seven factors: the school, student sex, student age, student’s family, their teachers, the student’s scores he gets in the examination and their living places (in the town or in the countryside). Meanwhile, we have divided the students’ subjectivity into three functional features: autonomy, activity and creativity. According to the seven factors and three functional features, the statistic data of the subjectivity development of senior middle school students and the three functional features are separately obtained and analyzed, which is the base of mypaper.The thesis includes four parts: the problems raised, the content, the object and the method of the study, the statistic results and its analysis, the conclusions and the suggestions to them .The first part briefly recalls the process of the development of subjective education and explain the necessity of the investigation on the state of the subjectivity development of senior middle school students .The second part expounds the content, objects and method of the study on the subjectivity of senior middle school students .The third part gives an impartial account of the statistic result and its analysis of the development of students’ subjectivity .The fourth part draws the conclusions from the above and offers a few suggestions .

  • 【分类号】G635.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】302

