

The Investigation Research on the Drainage of Teachers in the Primary and Secondary School in Huanggang

【作者】 毕正宇

【导师】 孙绵涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国区域经济差异的扩大,贫困地区中小学教师流失日益严峻,已经成为制约贫困地区基础教育发展的重要问题,亟待进行研究和解决。本研究选择处于中部地区湖北省的贫困地区黄冈市作为个案研究对象,希望通过实地调查研究,了解作为湖北省基础教育强市——黄冈市的中小学教师流失的现状、根源,并提出了地方性的应对策略,以稳定黄冈市中小学教师队伍的目的,并能为其它中、西部贫困地区解决目前日益严峻的中小学教师流失问题提供借鉴。 本文首先界定了教师流动的相关概念,并据此界定了教师流失的概念,是指教师的非良性流动。其次,本文主要通过问卷调查及访谈调查、个案调查来搜集资料,然后从中分析得出本市中小学教师流失的原因有:拖欠教师工资;教师管理理念的缺失;教师的合理流动存在制度性和政策性的障碍;城乡二元社会结构使城乡差距明显。中小学教师流失致使基础教育出现了明显的滑坡,造成了严重的后果有:本市中小学教师整体素质下降;本市基础教育的质量有所降低;本市中小学教师资源的地区分布结构失衡;义务教育均衡发展的理想落空。 针对本市中小学教师流失的原因。本文提出了制止本市中小学教师流失的相应对策有:切实保障教师工资按时足额发放;大幅度提高教师其他福利待遇;树立“以人为本”的教师管理理念;大力发展地区经济,缩小区域经济差异;政府应建立基础教育师资配置均衡化的宏观调控机制。本文对于上述对策分别进行了简要的分析。

【Abstract】 With the expanding of the economic discrepancy in different areas of China, the number of the drainage of teachers in the primary and secondary school is seriously increasing, with restrained the development of elementary education. The issue is needed to study, by taking the backward region Huanggang in central Hubei as case-study and using on-the-spot investigation, this essay tries to research into the present situation of the drainage of teachers in primary and secondany school in Huanggang and put forward the corresponding tactics so as to stabilize the teachers in primary and secondary school in Huanggang. Furthermore it is supposed that the research might be applied to solve the similar situation in other areas in china.in the first part this essay tries to define the drainage of teachers as the non-positive circulation. It is said that the drainage of teachers is no good to the stabilization of the teachers in primary and secondary schools as well as the development of the elementary education in our country. Then by using the investigation including questionnaire and interview, the information is collected in order to find out the reasons of the drainage of teachers in Huanggang. The reasons are as follows: the salary of the teachers are always delayed; the principals are lacking of the teacher-management theory; the rational run-away of the teacher are prohibited by the institutional and political obstacles; the apparent difference between urban areas and countryside is expanded.By virtue of the drainage of teachers, the author puts forward several solutions. The most important one is to give the teachers salary in full and on time. The second one is to greatly improve the other welfare treats. The third one is to establish the man-based idea in managing the teachers. The forth one is to develop the level of the economy in Huanggang so as to reduce the difference among diverse areas. The last one is to set up the macroscopic control by the country.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】731

