

Theoretical and Practical Research on Physics Model Teaching in Senior High School

【作者】 李新

【导师】 李来政;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 物理课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中学物理教学中,有必要开展模型教学。这是因为传统的物理教育注重知识的传授,不重视学生对知识的领悟过程。在这种教学模式下培养出的学生知识掌握比较牢固,但是当遇到解决实际问题、进行探索性的工作时,就显得力不从心,不知如何下手,而且学生普遍认为物理课既难学又没用,缺乏对物理的学习兴趣和学习热情。而开展模型教学将有效改善这些问题。 第一部分阐明了在中学物理教学中开展模型教学有其现实意义和现实基础。开展模型教学有利于学生形成良好的知识结构,为学生的终身学习奠定基础;开展模型教学有利于训练学生的物理科学方法,物理学家和科研工作者重要的科学方法之一就是建立模型、应用模型、在应用模型的过程中逐步完善模型;开展模型教学还有利于对学生渗透STS教育,加强学生对物理、科技与社会间的关系的理解。同时,在中学物理教学中开展模型教学也有其现实基础。物理新教材为开展模型教学提供了内容保证、现代教育技术手段为开展模型教学提供了技术保证。 第二部分从理论上探讨了在中学物理教学中开展模型教学的教学模式。其中包括模型教学的教学目标、开展模型教学所要遵循的教学原则、实施模型教学的基本教学环节和开展模型教学的教学措施。在教学措施部分,针对学生建立模型中的思维障碍进行了分类,同时寻找出了相应的对策。 第三部分是实践部分,就是在中学物理教学中开展模型教学的教学实践。主要调查了学生对物理模型的掌握情况,针对克服薄弱环节开展了研究、并进行了教学实践。从实践的角度出发介绍了在中学物理教学中开展模型教学的实例。重点是利用弹簧振子和单摆两个模型对《机械振动》单元教学进行的新探索,同时介绍了利用单摆模型帮助学生解决物理问题,形成良好知识结构的实例。实践证明在教学中开展模型教学对提高教学质量行之有效。

【Abstract】 In this thesis model teaching have been theoretically and practically studied.Firstly, we give a definition of model teaching, which includes definition of physics models. Performing models teaching implies that we teach learners physics models and methods of forming an physics model with object models, course models and theory models. Models in physics are the most important part of physics. Modelling objects is a convenient way to research. Teaching physics with models helps to improve capability of exploratory research. Carrying out models teaching also does good to forming a learner’s mind of cognitive form . And we can carry out STS education with the help of physics models.. There are many models in our physics textbook of senior high school. Physics curriculum reformation provide necessary theory base for model teaching. Modern education technology make it possible that we can carrying out model teaching in our classroom.Secondly, we explore a pattern about how to carry out model teaching in classroom. When we carry out model teaching in classroom, we could put some target. Some principle and methods could be adopted.Finally, we give some examples about model teaching practice. We explore a creative teaching method .by making use of harmonic oscillator model and single pendulum model. Single pendulum model is good for learners to find a solution to a problem, and it helps to forming good cognitive structure. Practice prove that putting model teaching into practice is effective.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1113

