

A Preliminary Research of Chemistry Experiment Instruction Based on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

【作者】 胡霞

【导师】 孙锡凤;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 化学课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪的基础教育和素质教育都是以学生全面发展为基础的,传统的智力理论已不再适应教育发展的需要了,而美国心理学家加德纳教授提出的“多元智力理论”受到广泛的关注,成为教育改革的重要指导思想。多元智力理论认为个体存在着7种相对独立的智力,即言语语言智力,数理逻辑智力,视觉空间智力,身体运动智力,人际交往智力,自知反省智力和音乐节奏智力,并指出这7种智力具有独特性,强调的是实际的能力,并受环境和教育的影响,而多元智力理论本身重视的是多维地看待智力的方法。我国的素质教育是把培养和发展学生各方面能力放在首要位置的,它需要提倡全面发展的多元智力理论作为基础。化学实验教学是素质教育的一部分,而化学实验中体现的能力也与加德纳提出的智力相吻合,因此把多元智力理论与化学实验教学相结合是有必要的。通过对部分高中学生进行的化学实验中智力现状的调查,对中学生智力现状和原因进行了一定的分析,得出形成这种现状与实验教学观、实验教学方式和评价方法有关。针对这一情况,要在实验教学中实现对多元智力的培养,在更新实验教学的教学观上,要加强对实验重要性的认识,把学生作为实验教学的主体,在进行智力培养时要注重多元化;在实验教学方法的改进上要把综合式教学和单项智力重点培养相结合。在进行实验教学评价时,要单方面评价与综合评价并重,注意评价的多样性,把评价放在实践中进行,重视学生全过程的发展。在评价时要把常规作业和专题作业结合起来,并为学生制作作品集。

【Abstract】 The quality education and basic education of 21 century are based on students’ all-round development, so traditional intelligence theory hasn’t accommodated to demand of education development. The theory of multiple intelligences has been given more attention, which is put forward by professor Gardner, psychologist in U.S.A. It has been regarded as an important directorate idea of educational reformation. The theory of multiple intelligences thinks there are seven relative mentalities in the individual independently. They are verbal-linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intra-personal intelligence and musical-rhythmic intelligence. The seven particular intelligences emphasize that the intelligence should be practiced in the practice and can be influenced by environment and education. However the method, which is used to looking on multiple intelligences in many dimensions is put importance on by the theory of multiple intelligence itself. The nurture and development of students’ ability in all directions has been put the first place in quality education in our country, so the theory of multiple intelligences is needed in quality education. The chemistry experiment instruction is one part of quality education, and the ability embodied in the chemistry experiment conforms to the intelligence put forward by Gardner. So it is necessary to make the theory of multiple intelligences and the chemistry experiment instruction together. The middle school students’ intelligence has been analyzed though the investigation of senior middle school students’ intelligence in chemistry experiments. The reason is relative to the viewpoints of experiment instruction, teaching method and evaluation way. In allusion to this status, the viewpoints of experiment instruction must be renewed and the method of experiment instruction must be improved on, if the nurture of multiple intelligences wants to be realized. The cognition of experiment’s importance must be improved on and the students must be looked as main bodies in the experiment instruction. It is convinced that synthetic instruction is very important as well as the nurture of single intelligence. Both the single evaluation and the synthetic evaluation are important in instruction evaluation. The diversity of evaluation should be paid attention to when the evaluation is put into practice, and the development of students is also important in the evaluation. At last, both routine performance and major themes performance must be used in evaluation, and the special books should be made for students.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】359

