

The Research on Licensing Electronic Journals in Libraries

【作者】 潘菊英

【导师】 刘可静; 王伟军;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 情报学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在电子环境下,许可使用是图书馆采购和获取电子期刊的重要方式。用户的权利和义务将由许可协议来规定,而不象传统的印刷型信息产品的使用那样由著作权法律来监管。当然,这并不否认著作权法的存在。相反,随着未来趋势转向作为规范电子信息使用的补充手段的许可使用,图书馆及其用户仍然需要有效的、非常平衡的国家版权法律,其不仅承认版权拥有者对报酬与认可的需要,而且承认公共信息、教育和研究的重要作用。只要著作权法存在,许可使用协议条款就不可超越本国著作权法所规定的例外,不可排除或消极地影响由国家著作权法或国际版权条约授予图书馆及其用户的任何法定权利。许可使用的开展仍然需要适用法律的监督和管理。 在文章的开头通过综述许可使用的历史与研究现状,阐明了研究图书馆电子期刊许可使用的理论意义和实践价值。 第一部分探讨了著作权许可使用的概念、类型和特点以及许可使用合同的主要条款,并对许可使用的主客体进行了分析和认定。主体是指具有法定交易资格的双方——出版者和图书馆,客体是指主体交易的对象——电子期刊著作权的使用权即财产权。主客体的认定是许可使用的前提条件和基础。 第二部分首先论述了IFLA关于电子期刊许可使用的原则,对图书馆电子期刊许可使用具有指导意义,紧接着探讨了图书馆电子期刊许可使用的策略,这是许可使用成功的关键。 第三部分针对图书馆电子期刊许可使用的应用情况,分析了尚存的问题,并提出几项合理的措施和对策。随后以欧洲丹麦技术大学图书馆为个案,以电子期刊为例证,评析图书馆如何以“重组计划”展开应对电子期刊许可使用的新发展及其启示。 第四部分从法律管理、行政管理、集体管理方法、经济管理、技术管理和教育管理等几个方面对图书馆电子期刊许可使用的管理方法进行了研究。这是许可使用成功的保证。

【Abstract】 Electronic journals are a major concern to libraries and librarians. In the electronic environment , licensing is increasingly a legal means to purchase and acquire electronic journals. Electronic journals cannot be owned by libraries as books or cassettes. Instead of buying physical ownership , libraries will in many cases buy access to web and other electronic journal. Then, provisions of use of the document must be agreed in a licensing agreement. Users’rights and obligations are defined and described by licensing agreements. They are not governed by copyright legislation to the same extent as is the use of traditional information formats. Of course,this doesn’t mean that we don’t need copyright laws.Nonetheless, even with the current move to licensing as a complementary means of regulating the use of electronic information , libraries and its users still need effective and well-balanced national copyright laws which recognize not only the rightholders’need for remuneration and recognition , but also the critical purposes of public information, education and research. As long as there exist copyright laws , terms and conditions of license agreements should not surpass the exceptions permitted under national copyright laws , should not exclude or negatively affect any statutory rights that may from time to tune be granted to libraries and their users by applicable copyright laws and international copyright treaties. Licensing still needs to be governed by applicable laws.The very beginning of this paper gives a brief introduction to the historical review of licensing and current status.It aims to explain the theoretical implication and practical value of licensing electronic journals in libraries.The first part discusses the concept, types and characteristics of licensing as well as the main provisions in a licensing contract.(also called licensing agreement).Then the subject and object of licensing are analysed and defined which pave the way for the licensing.The second part introduces licensing principles drafted by the Chair of CLMand approved by IFLA excutive board in March 2001,which function as guidelines to help librarians in negotiating and signing licensing agreements.Secondly,gives practical and stractegic considerations at librarians’ angle before signing a licensing agreement.The third part analyses the applied situations of licensing electronic journals in libraries at home and abroad, points out current problems which exist in licensing , then suggests that some measures and counterparts should be taken to solve them. Finally, the case study of DTV, taking electronic journals as example, examine how DTV change itself to adapt to the development of licensing and what we should learn from them.The fourth part studies the governing methods which govern and manage licensing electronic journals in libraries such as legal method , administrative method , collective method , economic method , educational method and technological method.

【关键词】 许可使用电于期刊图书馆
【Key words】 licensingelectronic journalslibrary
  • 【分类号】G255.75
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】282

