

Project Operation of Regional Public Welfare Foundations in China

【作者】 孟卫军

【导师】 夏玉珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 在中国,作为社会转型重要组成部分的国家和社会关系的重新定位已经由“小政府大社会”定下了基调,这种国家社会关系深刻变化的过程和同时发生的全球范围内公民社会的兴起有一个共同的特点,那就是非营利部门或称为第三部门逐步走进了人们的视线。小政府大社会的改革方向为第三部门的发展提供了机会,同时也对第三部门在国家和社会之间扮演的角色提出了较高的要求。 公益基金会如何适应进一步的社会转型所带来的影响,更好地承担以前由政府提供的部分公共物品和服务取决于基金会的项目运作。公益型基金会的一切最终都要落实到公益项目上来,项目的成败得失也就是基金会的成败得失。而公益项目的成败又取决于项目本身有没有一个合理的运作机制,取决于项目运作机制中的各个环节。本文正是从这个角度出发以实施希望工程和绿色希望工程引起极大社会反响的湖北省青少年发展基金会作为个案研究的对象。 文章由非营利组织和公益基金会概述、案例描述、理论分析、思考与讨论四个部分组成。其中案例描述和理论分析部分作为文章的主体。 第一部分非营利组织和公益基金会概述讲述了世界范围内非营利部门和基金会的兴起及成因、类型、特点、功能、基金会与慈善组织的关系等方面。 第二部分公益项目和活动案例描述了作为本文研究对象的湖北省青少年发展基金会两个主要公益项目和四个活动的具体内容,为其后的理论分析奠定基础。 第三部分理论分析首先从第二部分的案例描述中抽象出项目运作中项目定位、设计策划和宣传、募捐、资助和激励等环节并分别进行分析。主要运用后总体性社会资源动员方式和社会交换理论分别分析其中的募捐、资助和激励机制。其次,针对当前困扰基金会与其他非营利组织的与公益项目运作紧密相关的资金缺乏问题,从提高基金会的筹资能力、项目运作中的成本与筹资金额之间的合理性和效率、基金的保值增值、寻求政府的资金支持等角度提出相应的解决方案。 第四部分对于非营利部门在中国发展的可能途径和模式、借鉴市场部门的运作模式、基金会投机行为增加的趋势和基金会公益项目向社会保障领域的扩展做了思考和讨论。

【Abstract】 In China, the relationship between the state and the society, as an important part of social transformation, has been re-positioned as the so-called "small government, big society ". There is a common characteristic between this profound change of relationship and the concurrence of the rise of civil society throughout the world, that is nonprofit sector or the third sector gradually moves into the center of both public and scholarly concern. While the mode of "small government, big society" provides better opportunities for the development of nonprofit sector, it, on the other hand, sets a higher standard for the role played by nonprofit sector.It depends on the project operation of public welfare foundations to better confront the impact brought about by further social transformation and to better provide public goods and services, which used to be the concern of government. All activities of foundations should be reflected by their public welfare projects, the success or failure of which is that of foundations. To be further, the success or failure of projects depends on the operation mechanism, or to be exactly, on all the steps of the mechanism. Based on this perspective, the author selected Hubei Provincial Foundation for Youth Development, which has been gained its fame by the implementation of "Project Hope" and "Project of Green Hope", as the object for this case study.This thesis consists of four parts, a brief summary, the case description, the theoretical analysis and the discussion.The first part gives a summary of the rise of nonprofitorganizations and public welfare foundations worldwide and the causes of this rise, the types, characteristics, functions of them, the similarities and the differences between publAic welfare foundations and philanthropic organizations.The second part describes respectively in detail the two major projects and four campaigns, laying a solid foundation for theoretical analysis.The third part, at first, extracts out of the case description all the steps like project positioning, planning, publicity-making, donate-soliciting, aiding and motivating and analyzes them respectively. The author applies resources-mobilizing mode in the "Post-totalized Society " into the analysis of donate-soliciting, aiding and the "Social Exchange Theory" into the analysis of motivating mechanism. Later, as for the fund deficiency matter, which puzzles almost all the foundations and is in close relation with project operation, the thesis puts forward solution proposals like boosting fund-raising capacity and efficiency, rationalizing the proportion of the cost and raised funds, ensuring endowment value and gainings, seeking fund aid from government.The fourth part is a discussion about possible approaches and modes of the development of nonprofit sector in China, using operation experiences from market sector as reference, the increasing speculation activities of foundations and the expansion of foundation projects to the field of social security.

  • 【分类号】C913.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】644

