

A Study of the Urban Laid-off Women’s Re-employment in the Period of China’s Institutional Transformation

【作者】 蔡玉敏

【导师】 江立华; 李亚雄;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 经过20多年的改革,我国社会正处于从传统的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变的制度转型期。随着国有企业改革的进一步深化,城镇下岗职工失业和再就业问题日趋严重。城镇女性职工在这场危机中首当其冲。与男性相比,下岗女工在城镇下岗职工总体中占多数比例,在再就业的过程中面临着较多的困难。 城镇下岗女工再就业问题受到了社会各界广泛的关注。政府及其决策部门对此进行了积极的探索,并提出了一些富有建设意义的解决方案。但是,政府及其决策部门的着眼点在于提高妇女就业率,对于妇女的就业途径和就业质量关注不够。社会调查表明:男女两性收入差距呈扩大趋势。因此,我们在关注妇女就业率的同时,更要研究妇女的就业途径和就业质量。 本文结合社会学和经济学两个视角,借鉴职业地位获得理论的相关研究成果,探讨了转型期城镇下岗女工的再就业问题。本文重点分析了目前城镇下岗女工可以运用的求职途径及其有效性问题,认为劳动力市场的分割性、非正规劳动力市场的不规范管理以及劳动力市场普遍存在的性别歧视等结构性因素,是影响下岗女工有效运用制度化途径再就业的主要因素,并依此提出了促进城镇下岗女工再就业的若干对策。

【Abstract】 After 20 years’ reform in economic structure, China is now on the way to the implementation of institutional transformation from Planned economy to Socialist market economy. As the reform of the state-enterprises is carried forward, the problems of unemployment and re-employment in the urban areas have emerged and become more and more serious. Compared with man, women are more pitiable victims when confronted by the crisis of unemployment for there are more female laid-offs than male ones and women are about to have more barriers to overcome before they are re-employed.Much attention from all walks of life has been paid to the re-employment of these urban laid-off women. Chinese government and its policy-making departments concerned have carried out effective studies on it, and some constructive solutions have been worked out. Unfortunately, both the means and quality of the re-employment have been ignored more or less when all efforts had been made on raising the rate of re-employment. A recent social research says that the earning gap between female and male is widening. Therefore, further studies should be carried on the means of re-employment and further efforts should be made on upgrading the quality of re-employment.From both sociological and economic perspectives, this paper, rooted in the theories concerning sociological and economic status attainment makes a thorough probe on the re-employment of the urban female laid-offs in the period of institutional transformation. Through analysis of the possible means of re-employment and their effectiveness, this thesis states that the main factors which blocks the efficiency of systematical re-employment are the irregularity and segmentation of the labor market, as well as the discrimination against woman. Accordingly, this thesis provides some constructive suggests and counter-measures for the promotion of the re-employment of the female laid-offs in cities.

  • 【分类号】F240
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】725

