

Research into America’s School Choice System

【作者】 赵厚勰

【导师】 方彤;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 比较教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 基础教育阶段择校的问题,是当前我国教育界反映比较强烈的问题。围绕这一问题,社会上和学术界都展开了激烈的争论。然而众说纷纭,迄今尚无定论。择校之风愈演愈烈,社会各界的反响也愈来愈大。为了寻找解决我国择校问题的良方,笔者将目光投向了美国。美国的择校制度已有多年的历史,并积累了丰富的经验。本文试图通过对美国的择校制度的深入认识与考察,以及对我国择校现象的认识,并将二者加以比较,力求借鉴美国择校制度的可资借鉴之处,最后寻找到解决我国基础教育阶段择校问题的若干对策。 除绪论和结束语以外,全文共分为六个部分: 第一部分“追踪历史的轨迹:美国择校制度的演变历程”,以先后时间为序,试图梳理出美国自建国前后至今的择校制度的演变轨迹。笔者将美国择校制度的发展历程分为三个阶段,即美国择校制度的胚胎期(建国前后至1960年代中期)、美国择校制度的初步形成期(1960年代中期至1980年代末期)和美国择校制度的蓬勃发展期(1980年代末至今)。 第二部分“背景分析:深入认识与理解美国的择校制度”,深入分析美国择校制度的背景。笔者选取了几个主要的视角:政治的、经济的、文化的、教育的以及思想的视角。 第三部分“现实图景:当代美国可供选择的学校及相关的择校制度”,力求在对美国择校制度的介绍、分析上有新的突破,不再笼统地提“择校形式”而以“可供选择的学校”和“相关的择校制度”来分别介绍,以求给读者呈现一个尽可能明晰的关于美国择校的图景。其中,“可供选择的学校”具体包括公立学校(特许学校和磁石学校等)、私立学校和家庭学校,“相关的择校制度”包括教育凭证制、私营教育公司、教育税减免以及开放入学制等。 第四部分“是非得失:美国择校制度评析”,对美国择校实践之得失进行评析。首先总结美国择校制度的实践结果,包括取得的成绩和存在的问题;其次介绍围绕择校展开的争论;再次概括了美国择校制度产生的影响;最后阐述 dA 硕士学位论文 @M-ASTER’S THESIS了笔者个人的立场——美国择校制度的坚定支持者。 第五部分“‘我’与‘他’:中美择校之比较”,首先概要分析了我国的择校现象,接下来从择校的表现形式、政府对择校的态度和所提供的支持、家长的择校动机、教育资源、学校的自主权以及中美文化观念等几个方面对中美择校之异同进行了比较。 第六部分“借鉴与启示:从美国的择校制度中我们能够学到什么”,首先从“可供选择的学校”和“相关的择校制度”两个方面分析了美国择校制度可资借鉴的方面,然后得出了几点启示。

【Abstract】 School choice in elementary and secondary education is the issue that many people pay close attention to in the educational circles of our country. Ardent controversies have been carried out in the society and the academia. As opinions vary, there isn’t a verdict yet by now. The action of school choice is more and more popular, the echo of the society is also becoming more and more larger. For the sake of looking for the solution to the problem, the author cast a sight on the USA. The system of school choice in the USA has existed for many years, and accumulated abundant experience. This dissertation tries to understand America’s school choice system thoroughly, and understand our country’s phenomenon of school choice and compare the two, and try to use the experience of America’s school choice system for reference.The dissertation includes 6 parts besides the preface and the conclusion.Part One introduces the history of America’s school choice system. The author divides the developmental course of America’s school choice system into three periods. The first period is the embryonic period (from around the USA was found to the middle of the 1960s), the second period is the initial period (from the middle of the 1960s to the end of the 1980s), and the third is the flourishing period (from the end of the 1980s to this day).Part Two analyzes the backgrounds of the America’s school choice system. In this part, the author analyzes the five backgrounds: the political background, the economic background, the cultural background, the educational background and the theoretical background.Part Three introduces and analyzes the America’s school choice system. The dissertation divides the America’s school choice system into two parts. The first part is "the schools that can be selected", including the public schools (charter schools and magnet schools), the private schools and the home schools. The second part is "the correlative regulation of school choice", including the educational voucher, private management education Inc., tax credit and open enrollment, etc.Part Four evaluates the America’s school choice system. Firstly, the authorsums up the result of the America’s school choice system; secondly, introduces the controversies about school choice; thirdly, sums up the influence of the America’s school choice system; and lastly, the author sets forth his personal stand: the steadfast supporter of the America’s school choice system..Part Five analyzes the phenomenon of our country’s school choice, and then compares the differences of school choice between the two countries.Part Six analyzes the experience for reference of "the schools that can be selected" and "the correlative regulation of school choice", and then puts forward some points of view which are educed from the America’s school choice system.

【关键词】 美国择校制度
【Key words】 the USAschool choicesystem
  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】1397

