

The Conception of Respect in Childhood and Its Relation to Their Friendships

【作者】 张春妹

【导师】 周宗奎;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育与发展心理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 尊重是儿童的道德发展和社会化的一个重要部分。心理学领域很少有对尊重的专门研究;现有的少量研究多为比较在不同的文化下尊重的行为表现,却未首先探讨尊重在不同文化下的内涵,使得跨文化研究的可比性尚存疑问。儿童能够尊重他人是在同伴的交互作用中发展起来的,同时,尊重他人能够促进儿童进行更加深入的交互作用,形成更稳定、更密切的同伴关系。友谊是一种关系相对稳定、交互作用相对频繁和深入的特殊同伴关系,因此友谊更可能与尊重相互促进,彼此发展。本研究旨在探讨我国小学儿童的尊重观念及其发展规律,并进一步揭示尊重与友谊的关系。 本研究采用社会测量提名法,问卷调查法,使用根据原型法自编的开放式的小学儿童尊重观念问卷、友伴提名问卷和友谊质量问卷,以武汉市某小学3、4、5、6年级儿童为被试进行班级内集体施测。首先对收集到的小学儿童尊重观念问卷的开放式回答进行内容分析和结构分析,建立小学儿童尊重观念的编码手册,然后对儿童的尊重观念编码,运用Z检验和卡方检验分析小学儿童的尊重观念及其发展规律,最后通过T检验和方差分析探讨尊重观念与友谊关系的各个层面的关系。 结果发现: 1.小学儿童认为尊重就是有礼貌,尊重对象的特征和原因都是要求对方品质好或学习好。尊重的对象既有长辈又有同辈,提到尊重同辈的比单纯只尊重长辈的多。 2.不同的人际背景下,儿童的尊重观念不一致。小学儿童对父母和老师的尊重比较一致,都是出于父母老师给了自己抚养和教育,以及认为父母老师是长辈而应该尊重或者他们养育自己很辛苦而应该尊重。对朋友的尊重则主要出于朋友能够陪伴自己,与自己关系很好。 3.小学儿童的尊重观念具有显著的发展特征。三年级就开始有了平等重视的尊重观念的萌芽,四年级开始很突出地出于对他人个人特征的向往而尊重他人。六年级时开始出现朋友的陪伴支持的观念。出于长辈和朋友应该尊重的观念在小学逐渐减少。小学三到五年级是儿童对同辈的尊重快速发展的时期。 /迄巴八硕士学位论文 w MASDIIL’S THESIS 4.不同人际关系下的尊重观念具有不同的发展特征。小学儿童对父母老师的尊重原因主要出于单向尊重,一直比较稳定,六年级时有显著的变化。对朋友的尊重主要出于双向尊重,其中出于人际互动的尊重一直稳定不变,平等重视的观念迅速地发展。 5.小学儿童的尊重观念具有显著的性别差异。总体上女孩比男孩更多地具有平等重视的尊重观念,并且一般在六年级时分化。男孩总体上比女孩更多地尊重品质好或学习好的人,更多地出于长辈对自己的养育而尊重他人。 6.小学儿童的尊重观念与友谊关系的两个层面有着密切联系。双向尊重的儿童比单向尊重的儿童友伴数量更多,互选友伴更多;积极维度分更高,消极维度分更低,友谊质量总体更好。 7.不同人际背景下的尊重观念与友谊关系的不同层面有着不同的联系。一般人际背景下的尊重观念与友伴数量和互选友伴数量关系更密切,具体的人际背景下的尊重观念与友谊质量的关系更密切。

【Abstract】 Respect is an important issue in the field of children’s moral development and socialization. However, there have been very few studies on respect in the realm of psychology. And in the very few studies, the behavior difference on respect in different cultures had been the focus, while little effort had been made to define respect in different cultures, which made cross-cultural behavioral comparability questionable. Children developed the ability of respecting others in the interaction of peers, and respecting others could also promote the interaction of peers to form more stable and imitate peer relationships. Friendship, a special peer relationship, compared with other peer relationships, was more likely to relate to respecting others in a process of mutual cyclical growth. The present study aimed at exploring the conception of respect of Chinese childhood in modern society and its development, and furthermore discovering how it related to friendships.With the method of sociometric nomination and prototype methodology, children from Grade 3 through 6 completed the opened questionnaire on the conception of respect in primary children made by ourselves, peer nomination and friendship quality questionnaire. First we analyzed the context and construction of the answers to the opened questionnaire to construct the coding handbook, then we receded these answers and used Z-test and x2 test to analyze the conception of respect in children and its development. At last we studied the relationship between respect conception and friendships by T-test and ANOVA.The results showed:1. Primary children thought respecting others was being polite to others. The character and reasons of respecting were either fine moral character or good academic achievement. They respected seniors but more children mentioned they respected peers.2. Children’s conception of respect was different in different interpersonal relationships. Their respect conception towards parents and teachers were similar, that were both because parents and teachers had nurtured or taught them, and because they were seniors and they had been laborious to nurture or to teach them so they ought to be respected. The reasons why they respected friends were mainly that friends could company them and they had got along well with each other.3. Conception of respect showed developmental character in primary students. From Grade 3, children began to develop the conception about equality and valuing others and developed rapidly. From Grade 4, it was markedly to desire others’ personal characters to respect others, and from Grade 6, the reasons for friends’ company increased. The reasons that seniors or friends ought to be respected gradually decreased in primary students. Children experienced a rapid growth in their respecting towards peers in Grad 3 through 5.4. The conception of respect in different interpersonal relationships developed differently. Primary children’s respect towards parents and teachers was mainly unilateral respect and had not changed until Grade 6. While the respect towards friends was mutual respect, in which the reasons of interpersonal interaction had been stable and the conception about equality and valuing others developed rapidly.5. There were significant gender differences on children’s conception of respect. On the whole, more girls than boys had conception about equality and valuing others, and generally showed this difference at Grade 6. When there were more boys than girls respecting the ones with fine moral character or good academic achievement and respecting others because they had nurtured or taught them.6. Children’s conception of respect was closely related to two levels of friendships. Children of mutual respect had more peer nomination, more friends and friendship quality were higher in which positive score was higher and negative score was lower.7. The conception of respect in different interpersonal context was related to different levels of friendships. The conception of respect i

  • 【分类号】G621
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】601

