

Cultivation the Credit Diathesis of Students

【作者】 冯昊青

【导师】 秦在东;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代市场经济本质是信用经济,信用是市场经济健康发展的内在需要,是现代信息社会健康发展的灵魂。另一方面,随着市场经济的发展,信用作为一种以主体的信用素质为基础的资源,已被越来越多的人意识到,开拓利用这种资源显然有利于国民经济的发展。然而,现实社会却普遍缺乏信用,社会正经历一场深刻的“信用危机”,普遍发生的信用失范已严重的阻碍着社会、经济的发展,影响着国家、民族的形象和尊严。本文认为信用问题首先是信用主体的信用素质问题,信用主体的素质归根结底还是落实到人的素质上,说到底还是信用道德问题,这是最重要的,也是被当前理论界所忽略或轻视的。加强道德建设,倡导信用,提高全民的信用素质,打造信用社会已迫在眉睫。而学校德育是社会道德建设的主要阵地,对社会道德起着示范性、引领性作用,大学生是国家未来的建设者和接班人,也是市场经济运转和健康发展的中坚力量。培养大学生的信用素质对大学生、国家和社会的健康发展具有非常深远的意义。但是,由于种种原因,目前学校德育缺乏信用素质的教育。因此,在新的历史时期,实施信用教育,培养和提高学生的信用素质便成了亟待解决的问题。 本文共分三部分,第一部分主要在认真吸取现有理论成果的基础之上,经过分析和调查研究阐明了信用的内涵及其含义的演变,以及在今天生活中的应用,突出主体信用素质在现代社会的重要性,在此基础之上比较科学地界定了信用素质的内涵,归纳信用素质的特点,即客观性和主观性、鲜明的时代性和可塑性三大特点。第二部分比较深入的分析了培养大学生信用素质对于促进现代社会的健康发展、信用道德风尚的建设、净化教育环境和学术环境等具有的巨大价值,以及对培养合格人才具有非常重要的意义。第三部分就如何培养和提高大学生这一特殊群体的信用素质,全面探讨切实可行的富有针对性和可操作性的若干措施,从社会信用环境治理到信用教育的内容安排、组织实施、影响因素监控、他律制度安排等等进行了有益的探讨,对于指导信用素质教育、培养和提高大学生的信用素质、建设信用校园、净化育人环境,乃至促进社会信用环境的治理和建设具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Credit economy is the essence character of modern market economy, which is inherently necessary for market economy itself developing healthily, it is the soul of the social health development carrying the modem information in the internet .On the other hand, along with the development of the market economy, the credit has been realized that as a kind of resources, exploiting the this kind of resources is obviously beneficial for the development of the national economy. However, it is actually common for the society to lack credit, the society is experiencing a deep credit crisis, the widespread credit disorder has already inhibited seriously the development of the society and economy, affected the visualization and dignity of the nation and race. Here we think that credit problem is firstly the credit diathesis problem of credit principal part, which shows problem of human diathesis, in a word the credit problem is essentially the credit problem of ethics, which is the most important, but is neglected or belittled by current theory field, it is exactly the emphasis in the text. Strengthening morals developments, advocating the credit, increasing the credit diathesis of the all the people, and establishing the credit of society have become the utmost urgent. The school education is the main field for building social morality and having demonstration and induction to the social morality ,the collegian are the national future constructor and the successor, as well as the main forceful power that make the market economy perform and develop healthily .it is the exceedingly meaningful to cultivate the credit diathesis of collegian for themselves ^ country and society. However, the school lacking the education of the credit diathesis is for many reasons, which must be settled through carrying out the credit education and raising the credit diathesis of the students during the new historical period.This text is divided into totally three part, the first part clarities mainly the connotation of credit, the meaning transformation and present application .emphasizing on the importance of the corpus credit diathesis in modem society based on the foundation of existing theoreticaloutcome .Furthermore .the text delimitates the connotation of the credit diathesis, induces the feature of using the credit, namely the three greatest features that are made up of objectivity and subjectivity, explicit ages and plasticity; the author analyzes closely the credit diathesis of students that is very beneficial for further modem social safety, healthy development , building of the fashion of credit moral , purifying educational and academic circumstance and so on. it is extraordinarily important for the cultivation of passable brain in the second part of text; the author treats all-sidedly some indeed feasible measure of being rich in the goal and operability on how to cultivate and educate undergraduate credit diathesis and conduct beneficial treating based on social credit circumstance harness, credit educational patterning of contents, historical enforcement , and supervisory control of factors that have influenced the social arrangement of regulations which order others and so on. it assumes important significance to guide the education of credit diathesis, cultivate and advance the undergraduate credit diathesis, build credit campus, purify educational circumstance and promote the improvement and building of social credit environment.

【关键词】 信用信用素质大学生培养对策
【Key words】 creditcredit diathesisstudentscultivationmeasures
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【下载频次】153

