

Constructing Targets for Project Learning in Senior History

【作者】 周焱东

【导师】 杜芳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 高中历史研究性学习,是学生在教师的指导下,以高中历史的特定问题为载体,以类似历史研究的方式获取材料、解决问题,主动地、探究式地认知历史。 教学目标是教学实施的依据。传统的教学目标过分重视知识传授,忽视能力培养;偏重于基本学习技能训练,忽视学生思辨能力培养;强调抽象的思想教育目标,忽视学生的心理素质目标;注重共性教学目标,忽视学生个性发展目标。 高中历史“研究性学习”的目标构建的理论依据,一是认知学习理论倡导的主动学习和“发现学习法”;二是人本主义学习理论主张的发展学生个性与创造性思想;三是建构主义学习理论强调的注重学习过程、注重合作学习和交互学习的理论。 国内外教育目标的新发展,为高中历史研究性学习目标构建提供了现实基础。教育部颁布的初中历史与社会课程标准(实验稿)和高中历史课程标准(征求意见稿)要求:中学历史课要有利于学生学习方式的转变,培养学生主动探究历史问题的能力和实事求是的科学态度。美、英等国的“国家课程标准”要求:以培养和发展学生的能力为基础;培养学生创造性和实践能力;培养学生的公民意识和国际意识。我国当前普遍开展的研究性学习课要求:注重学习的过程和学生的实践与体验,培养学生发现和解决问题、收集和处理信息的能力,让学生学会合作、养成科学的态度和对社会的责任心和使命感。 高中历史“研究性学习”的目标是一种多元的、整合的目标。它是由学生fbeed\ 硕士学位论文VN=in fi1ASTER’S T eSIS学习历史的总目标、分层目标、阶段目标、以及教师发展目标等构成的一个立体的目标群。总目标是改变学生学习历史的方式、提高学生的创新能力和实践能力。分层目标中,要求培养学生主动获取历史知识的意识和能力、培养学生应用历史知识的“科研”意识和能力、培养学生解决实际问题的创新素质。阶段目标中,高一和高二上学期以培养学生提出问题、初步解决问题的能力为主要目标,高二下学期和高三以培养学生的综合解决问题的能力为主。具体课题实施时,根据学生全员参与和尊重学生个性差异的原则,既要让全体学生共同发展,又要让每个学生的个性得到弘扬。教师要实现教学观念的转变,以学生为本,成为学生学习的指导者和帮助者,并加强自身的继续学习和提高。

【Abstract】 The Project Learning in Senior History refers to the kind of learning which requires the students actively to study history in a research style, in order to acquire materials and solve problems; and which is under the teacher’s instruction and based on the particular questions on Senior History.Teaching targets are the-bases for teaching. The traditional teaching targets pay more attention to the teaching of knowledge, but ignore the cultivating of ability; They lay particular stress on the training of essential learning skills, but ignore the cultivating of thinking and discriminating ability; They emphasize abstract education of ideology, but ignore the cultivating of psychological qualities; They stress the teaching of general characteristics, but ignore the students’ individual development.There are three theoretical bases for the target construction of Project Learning in Senior History. The first one is the idea of studying actively and studying by discovery proposed by cognitive learning theory. The second one is the idea of developing the students’ individuality and creativity advocated by humanist learning theory. The third one is the idea of laying stress on the learning process, cooperative and interactive learning emphasized by constructivist learning theory.The recent development of educational targets home and abroad furnishes realistic basis for the target construction of Project Learning in Senior History. The course criterion for Junior History (experimental draft) and the course criterion for Senior History issued by the Ministry of Education require that the course of history in a middle school should facilitate the change of students’ learning style and cultivating their ability of inquiring historical problems actively and their objective and scientific attitude. The national course criterion by the USA and Britain require: Cultivating and promoting students’ ability is very basic; Try to cultivate students’ ability of creativity and practice; Try to cultivate their citizen awareness and international awareness. Nowadays in China, the Project Learning being developedpopularly requires: Paying much attention to the learning process and the practice and experience of the students; Cultivating students’ ability of discovering and solving problems, collecting and dealing with information; Trying to make students learn to cooperate with each other, form the scientific attitude and the sense of responsibility and mission to the society.The target of Project Learning in Senior History is both plural and integrated. It is a many-sided target system which consists of five parts. The first one is general target which intends to change the students’ learning style in the course of history, and to promote the students’ ability of creativity and practice. The second one is branch target which intends to cultivate the students’ awareness and ability in acquiring historical knowledge actively and in applying it in a research style to solve practical problems. The third one is stage target which consists of two stages. During the first one and a half years in the senior middle school, the main target is to cultivate the students’ ability of posing and solving tentatively problems; During the last one and a half years, the main target is to cultivate their ability of solving problems comprehensively. The fourth one is specific project target. When we carry out the specific project, we should try to make all the students develop together and also to make their respective individuality developed, according to the principle that all the students join the project and we pay much attention to the individual difference among the students. The fifth one is the target for the teachers’ development. The teachers need to change their teaching concept, to make students as the center of the classroom, to make themselves as the students’ instructors and helpers in the aspect of learning, and to continue to work hard and improve their teaching competence.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】290

