

On the Training of Learning Strategies of the Secondary School Students

【作者】 许洁敏

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 从70年代起,西方语言学家和心理学家就开始研究学习者的个体差异。其研究从教师的教学过程转变到学习者的学习过程,而且很多人开始从学习者的角度进行研究。因此,人们逐渐认识到研究学习过程的重要性(吴增生,1994)。在早期的研究中,学者们研究了语言善学者的学习特征。然后,他们开始为语言学习策略下定义、进行分类。现在,研究重点转移到学习策略培训的有效性、模式和方法上。从他们的研究成果可以看出,适当有效的策略使用有助于学习者取得良好的学习效果。 语言教学不仅要培养学生的语言能力,更要使之成为策略型的自主学习者,对学生进行学习策略培训的研究应运而生。我国学者也对我国学生(主要是大学生)英语学习策略的使用、观念及英语学习水平等方面的问题作了研究,而对中学生英语学习策略的研究刚刚起步,范围也不广。 高中阶段正是为学生奠定英语基础知识、培养英语意识、形成各自学习习惯和方法的重要阶段。因此,作者通过对武汉市两所高中(省重点、非重点)203名学生进行问卷调查,初步了解高一学生英语学习策略的意识、策略知识掌握和策略使用情况。数据分析统计表明,高一学生英语学习策略意识较差,策略知识较少,策略使用带有随意性;但同时作者也发现,成绩较好的学生策略能力要强于成绩较差的学生。鉴于此,作者提出在课堂教学环境中,实施基于课堂的、适合于教学内容、尽量与教学过程吻合并渗透到日常教学活动中的学习策略培训原则、内容和方式。 这篇论文共有七个章节。第一章引言。通过实例和学者们的研究成果初步说明学习策略与学习者学习成果间的关系,总体介绍文章内容和结构。第二章是全文的理论基础。介绍了学习策略和语言学习策略的定义及分类;目前国内外对语言学习策略与二语关系、学习策略培训等方面的研究现状;以及英语语言学习策略的研究方法和重要意义。第三至五章是全文的重点。其中,第三章是问卷调查报告。作者对高一学生进行问卷调查,取得第一手资料,统计并分析了全体学生学习策略使用情况、各类不同策略的使用情况和不同分数段学生学习策略的使用情况。论述了对高中生实施学习策略培训的必要性。在这一 d\硕士学位论文 WhyM“『n卜’Suu引S基础上,作者在第四章中提出实施有针对性的学习策略培训的六条原则,即辅助性原则、指导性原则、一致性原则、个性化原则、真实性原则和适度性原则。第五章论述了学习策略培训的意义、基本过程及英语学习的元认知策略、社会情感策略和听、说、读、写中认知策略的培训内容和方式,具有一定的操作性。第六章提出学习策略培训中应注意的问题。最后,作者在第七章中点出今后学习策略研究中亟待解决的问题,并对全文进行总结。 中国学习策略的研究还处在比较基础的阶段,为了椎进“以学生为中心”的课草教学方式,还有许多问题需要解决,如培训内容的确定、策略培训材料的厂发等等。最终,人们必须研究出一种具有实践性、指导性的高效的学习策略培i)I模式。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970’s, western applied linguists and psychologists have begun to study the individual differences. Their research interest in EFL has shifted from teacher’s teaching to students’ learning and an increasing number of studies have been undertaken from the students’ perspective. As a result, people realized the importance of studying the learning process gradually. Since English teaching intends not only to cultivate the learners’ language competence, but also to make them strategic and autonomous learners, more and more people have begun to pay attention to learning strategies.In the early studies, the features of good language learners were identified. After that, linguists tried to discuss the concept, definition and classification of language learning strategies. And now, focus of research is turned to the validation, training models and methods of learning strategies training. According to their reports, it is easily found out that appropriate and sufficient learning strategies application may lead to a better result and enable the learners more successful in language learning.In China, scholars also did many researches on students’ use of learning strategies and the relationship between strategies and the language achievements. However, most of the studies in China were concerned with English major students or students in higher institutions. Until now, little research has done on students in middle schools.To find out how the students in senior schools know and use learning strategies, a learning strategies’ questionnaire was administrated to 203 students in grade 1 in two senior schools in Wuhan. It is found from the collected data that they don’t have strong strategic sense and sufficient strategies knowledge, and they often use learning strategies at will. However, another phenomenon is found that the good learners use learning strategies more and better than the bad ones. In view of the above-mentioned facts, the author presents a suggestedframework for the implementation of strategies training in English teaching, which includes the principles, the contents and the models. She points out that this kind of training must be suited to the teaching materials and the teaching process. And it should be carried out in language activities in everyday teaching.This paper consists of seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the main content of the paper. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the thesis. It gives a detailed description of the definition and classification of language learning strategies. It also reviews the current situation in language learning, the relationship between learning strategies and the achievement as well as the training of learning strategies. Chapter Three reports on the investigation on the senior school students. After collecting the data, the writer analyses how all the students use learning strategies, how the different strategies are used and how the students at different level use strategies. Based on the data and information gathered from the students, she then draws the conclusion that it is necessary to train the students learning strategies in class at this stage. Then in Chapter Four, six principles in strategies training in classroom setting are advanced. The fifth chapter follows the analysis of the previous part to discuss the significance and the basic processes of strategy training. The training content and method are also mentioned, which can be made use of easily. In the last two chapters the writer puts forward some points which should be paid attention to and concludes the whole paper.The study of language learning strategies in China is still at its elementary stage. In order to deepen the "student-centered" teaching approach, many issues, such as the development of the learning strategy training material, the identification of the training content, etc, must be done. And a more practical, instructive and efficient learning strategy training model is to be provided in the future.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】950

