

Influence Laid on Writing by English Reading Teaching and Its Practical Enlightenments

【作者】 蔡明德

【导师】 文斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的英语阅读教学,忽视了阅读和写作相辅相成,密不可分的辩证关系,尤其是忽视了阅读教学对学生写作能力培养与提高的作用,因而往往收效甚微,事倍功半。本文根据阅读、写作相关理论以及前人研究成果,结合阅读教学实验,旨在探讨阅读教学对写作的影响和作用,并以此提出改进英语阅读教学的新思路:一是在英语阅读教学中把读写有机结合、同步训练,二是阅读教学中坚持以学生为中心。 论文首先分析了阅读、写作教学现状中存在的某种弊端,即阅读、写作互不兼顾,相互脱节。提出了改进措施:认真研究阅读与写作的关系,更新课堂教学方法。然后本文又从认知心理学、语言发展的内在规律、语言习得、教学法四个角度介绍了前人研究成果,以此作为研究阅读与写作的关系、探索阅读教学对写作的影响的基础,在以上的介绍中,本文笔者强调的是阅读与写作的同一性和交融性。随后,论文又通过阅读、写作基本概念的探讨,结合Krashen和Swain的相关理论,对阅读与写作的关系进行了阐述。笔者认为阅读和写作是两项相对独立,但又相互依赖,相辅相成的语言技能,一方面,阅读是写作的基础和前提。Krashen在“输入假说”理论中指出,没有一定量的目的语的输入,输出难以产生。另一方面。写作对阅读有巨大的促动作用。Swain在其“输出假说”理论中认为,必须经过大量的语言实践活动,才能内化输入的语言,最后达到习得语言的目的。 在探讨阅读与写作的关系中,笔者强调的是阅读对写作的基础前提作用。为了进一步论证阅读对写作的影响,本研究采用了实证研究的手段,对被试进行了一次历时八周的读写教学实验。教学实验中,教师充分认识了Goodman /艺回0硕士学位论文 w MASThR’S TIWIS 自上而下的阅读模式和Rumelhart的相互作用阅读模式,结合传统阅读教学中一些行之有效的教学方法,采用了“先见森林后见木”的教法,并在教学过程中有机穿插了大量的阅读写作实践训练。强调对阅读材料的整体性阅读,强调读写能力的综合提高。根据阅读和写作的关系,尤其是对实验结果进行比较分析后,笔者进而阐发了阅读教学对写作在五个方面的影响,笔者认为,阅读教学可以为学生打下扎实的基本功,培养学生语感,可为学生提供广泛的写作素材,培养学生的写作技能,同时也可以陶冶学生高尚情操。 在全面阐述了阅读教学对写作的影响后,笔者提出了从中所得的两点启示,以改进当前的英语阅读教学。一是阅读教学中要把读、写有机结合起来,同步训练。为此,笔者又提出了施教过程中的三大要点,即精选教学材料,更新教学方法,重视读写效果反馈。二是阅读教学中坚持以学生为中心。

【Abstract】 In traditional English reading classes, the relationship between reading and writing has been neglected. Therefore, the teaching work produces very little effect and usually language teachers get half the result with twice the effort. Based on the essential theories relevant to English reading and writing and the studies made in such a field previously, as well as the results of the experiment on English teaching work of reading, this thesis mainly proves the existing influence laid on writing by English teaching work of reading. And meanwhile two new ideas for improvement have been put forward in this thesis. They are (1) combining reading activities with writing practice reasonably in English reading classes; (2) taking students as the dominant factor in English reading classes.To start with, this thesis analyzes a certain drawback in existence in current English reading and writing teaching, that is, consideration has not been given to both reading skills and writing skills simultaneously in class. Thus this thesis suggests that language teachers, in order to improve their teachings, should make a serious study on relationship between reading and writing, and at the same time, they should constantly replace some traditional methods with new in reading classes. In the following part of it, this thesis concentrates on demonstrating the relationship between reading and writing. The author of this thesis firmly believes that reading and writing are associated with each other to a great extent. They are independent from each other relatively, however, they are dependent on each other absolutely. Krashent once said in his Input Hypothesis that output serves no useful role in SLA except possibly as one source of (self-) input to the learner. On the other hand, Swain also claimed in the Output Hypothesis that as learnersreflect upon their own target language uses, their output serves a metalinguistic function, enabling them to control and internalize linguistic knowledge.Among the relationship between reading and writing, the author of this thesis lays emphasis on the fundamental functions of reading. On bringing forward persuasive evidence, the author of this thesis takes an eight-week experiment, aiming to study the influence on writing by the teaching work of reading,. In the entire course of the experiment, some new teaching methods, together with some effective methods in tradition are adopted. What’s more, a number of drills of integrated skills of reading and writing are designed and put into use in class. After analyzing the results of the experiment, the author of this thesis elaborates the influence on writing by teaching work of reading by five aspects, referring to the relationship between reading and writing. The five aspects are as follows (1) enabling students to acquire adequate linguistic knowledge; (2) cultivating linguistic intuition; (3) providing students with a wide range of materials for writing; (4) moulding students’ sentiments; (5) cultivating and developing writing skills. In the last stage, this thesis supplies two enlightenments of teaching on the basis of the elaboration above. The first one is combining reading activities with writing practice reasonably in English classes. As to this aspect, the thesis reveals three key points: (1) selecting teaching materials; ( 2 ) renewing teaching methods; ( 3 ) emphasizing feedbacks of teaching. The second teaching enlightenment is taking students as the dominant factor in English reading classes.

【关键词】 阅读写作关系教学实验影响启示
【Key words】 readingwritingrelationshipteaching experimentinfluenceenlightenment
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1453

