

On Welfare State Policy of Attlee Government in Britain

【作者】 郑丽

【导师】 揭书安;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 世界史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文拟就艾德礼政府时期英国的福利国家政策作一综合考察和评析,全文共分为三部分。 第一部分从1945年英国大选入手,分析了1945年工党上台的原因以及艾德礼政府建设福利国家的相关举措,指出福利国家制度的建立标志着英国的国家体制建构发生了重大的变化。 第二部分意在探究英国福利国家形成的渊源,并着重从三个层面展开分析。首先对英国现代化进程中的贫穷问题进行了考察,指出这是推动英国福利国家形成的历史动因;既而对英国福利国家的思想理论渊源进行了剖析,论证费边社会主义、新自由主义、凯恩斯主义三者是如何从各自不同的立论角度为福利国家的建立提供理论根据的;最后对英国福利国家蓝图——贝弗里奇报告进行了分析阐述。 第三部分主要对艾德礼政府的福利国家政策进行综合评析。首先从现代化和国家体制建构两个层面揭示福利国家制度建立的重大意义。其次,通过与瑞典、德国的比较,分析了英国福利国家模式的特点。然后对这一政策的实施成就及由此引发的一系列问题分别进行了评析。最后透过福利国家危机对福利国家政策进行评价。

【Abstract】 The thesis intends to make a study and comment on welfare state policy of Attlee government in Britain. The whole thesis includes three parts.The first part, beginning with the 1945 Britain election, analyses the reason for Labour Party ’coming to power in 1945,and discusses the relative measures that Attlee government took to establish the welfare state. As the above suggests, the thesis points out that the establishment of welfare state institution symbolized that the construction of British state institution had changed greatly.The second part aims at searching for the source of British welfare state, and expounding mainly from three aspects. This part firstly studies the poverty problem which was the historical motivity promoting the shaping of British welfare state during the course of British modernization. Secondly, it elucidates the theoretical foundation of British welfare state, and demonstrates how Fabian socialism, new liberalism and keynesianism provided theoretical ground to the welfare state from different arguemental angles. Finally, it discusses the blueprint of British welfare state-Beveridge Report.The third part mainly evaluates the welfare state policy of Attlee government. First of all, it reveals the significance of the establishment of welfare state institution from two aspects, modernization and state system construction. Then by comparision with Sweden and Germany, this part analyses the character of British welfare state and evaluate the achievement and problems of the policy. At last, this thesis makes a comment on welfare state policy by the emergency of the welfare state crisis.

【关键词】 英国艾德礼政府福利国家
【Key words】 BritainAttlee governmentwelfare state
  • 【分类号】K561.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】709

