

【作者】 王健康

【导师】 陈锡文; 肖更生;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪九十年代以来,银行业并购之风席卷全球,目的就是通过互补优势,扩大规模,争夺客户资源和塑造国际品牌,以冀在未来的国际金融新格局中取得有利的竞争地位。规模和实力,是未来银行据以竞争的关键因素,因此,国际银行并购潮流不可阻遏。根据与WTO达成的协议,中国在入世5年后将全面开放国内金融市场。随着国际超大型银行的涌入,国内商业银行必将面临强大的压力和冲击。未雨绸缪,国内商业银行应该充分利用这几年的过渡期,采取必要的、适应国情的应对措施。就四大国有商业银行而言,其在经历长期计划经济这一特殊的历史阶段中,积淀了诸多国外银行所不没有经历的问题,其并购需要较强的行政干预,最佳方案是先分后合,或改制上市,组成一家顶级超大银行,以抗衡外资银行的涌入;对于新兴商业银行而言,则关键是通过并购扩大其规模,同时,要积极的向海外市场发展,通过并购,加快国内商业银行的国际化进程。

【Abstract】 The wave of bank merger and purchase has been sweeping throughout the world since 1990s, aiming to gain an advantageous situation, by complementing advantages reciprocally, extending their scale, appelling more customers and bearing good brands. As is known, the scale and the power are key factors on the banks’ contend. So the trend of bank merger and purchase can never be held. According to the concerts arrived at by china and WTO, our money market will be completely opened to the world. Doraetic banks have to face the pressure and impact of foreign megabanks. So dometic banks should take effective measures in the coming years. As to the four government-owned banks, they are all devorting thrie effort to solve these property problems that were caused in the planning days. Their merger will be carried out with the intervention of a strong administrative power. The best way is that the other three banks, except CHINA BANK, are to be separated at first, then be re-mergerd into CHINA BAM by purchasing the other three banks’ good assets, aiming to cope with the foreign megabanks. As to the banks established under the market system, the best way is to extend their scale by mergering and purchasing. Furthermore, they should go to purchase in the foreign money market to make theirselves more internationalized.

【关键词】 商业银行银行并购策略
【Key words】 Bank mergerBank purchaseMeasures
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】371

