

【作者】 戴珠生

【导师】 陈锡文;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 网络银行,是指通过internet这一公共资源并使用相关技术手段,实现银行与客户之间的安全、方便、友好联接,从而实现各种金融交易服务的银行,是银行在internet上的虚拟柜台。 从1995年世界上第一家网络银行——安全第一网上银行诞生至今,网络银行以其虚拟化、智能化、全球化、全天候、低成本、高效率和更激烈的竞争受到了举世关注,得到了极大发展。在美国——网络银行的发源地,网络银行一诞生,便很快成为美国银行业发展最快的领域。各主要金融机构纷纷采纳互联网技术,推出网络银行业务,取得了举世瞩目的成就,成为业界样板。在欧洲,网络银行的发展也是风起云涌,似有和美国一争高下之势。在亚洲无论是发达国家如日本、新加坡和发达地区如中国香港、台湾,还是发展中国家,均不甘落后,奋起直追,网络银行的发展也取得了可喜成绩。 中国的网络银行的发展最早可以从1996年2月算起。在那一年,中国银行率先在网上建立网站发布信息。但最早推出网上支付业务的是招商银行。中国的网络银行几乎是和电子商务、电子政务同时发展起来的,从它诞生的那一天起,就受到了各方高度关注,得到极大发展,至今天,中国已有20多家银行的200多个分支机构拥有网址和主页,其中开展实质性网络银行业务的分支机构达50余家,客户数超过40万。 我国网络银行尽管得到了极大的发展,但仍然存在许多问题,如基础设施、电子商务规模、电子商务和网络银行的规划以及开展电子商务、发展网络银行所必需的人才方面的基础问题,法律法规、网络安全、国民的诚信、民族的文化生活习惯等网络银行的发展环境方面的问题,技术标准、网络银行提供的产品、网上支付手段等方面的技术问题。这些问题的存在,极大地阻碍着网络银行的进一步发展。 本文认为:面对汹涌而来的网络化大潮和实力雄厚的外资银行的纷纷抢滩中国市场,政府和银行必须携起手来,共谋良策。从政府而言,要做的事不外乎建立全国统一的大市场,为市场的健康发展保驾护航。具体而言,就是要正确定好自己的位、夯实网络银行发展的基础、建立国家信用管理体系、健全互联网产业法规、打击违法犯罪、进行有效监管,为网络银行的发展培育一个良好的市场。从银行自身而言,银行业首先应该要确立正确的发展理念,其次要有明确的适合的发展目标,再次要选定恰当的发展模式。在具体的银行业务上,银行要做到努力提高网络银行的技术水平,加紧培养技术人才,大胆创新,发展网络银行业务;实施正确的营销策略。

【Abstract】 Network-bank is a bank, which is able to build a security, convenient and friend link between the bank and its customers, in terms of inter-net and interrelated-technologies. It is a kind of a virtual counter of the bank.Since 1995 when the foundation of the first network-bank, SFNB(Security First Network Bank), network-bank has been followed with interest for its virtual, smart, high efficiency and low cost, fiercer competition that is caused by the NB. So network-bank develops swiftly. In America, where network-bank was first created, network-bank is the fastest field in the banking industry since SFNB. All leading financial institution apply technologies of internet into the bank sevice and supply network-bank services, and become the mode in the banking industry. In Europe, network-bank do the same, as if it is competing with American. In Asia, both the developed countries such as Japan and Singapore and the developed place such as Hongkong and Taiwan, and the developing countries develop their network-bank one after another.China has his network-bank in 1996 when Bank of China first creaded web site and issued information on inter-net. However, it is China Merchants Bank that first supply pay services on inter-net. The network-bank in china develop with electronic commerce and electronic government. The network-bank has been highly cared and developed rapidly all the time. Today, there are over two thousands branches of over twenty bank that possess their own web site and home-page on inter-net, and over forty branches are able to supply really network-bank services, and own more than 400 000 customers.Although its rapid development, there are a lot of weakness in the network-bank in china. It contains infrastructure problem, environment problem and technology problem of network-bank. The shortcoming in infrastructure includes the poor facilities, small transaction of electronic-commerce, non-project and being short of talent for electronic-commerce and network-bank. The environment for network-bank includes the law and regulations on EB and NB, the security of network, the honest and credit of the national, the culture and custom of the people. And the technology of network-bank involves its standards, the product that the network-bank provide, the tools of pay. All these weakness slow down the development of network-bank in china.In my opinion, facing with the tide of network-bank and more and more foreign capital emerge into china, china government should go hand in hand with its banks. The government should see what it do, set its national credit management system, perfect its law and regulations about the inter-net industry, crack down on crimes on inter-net, regulate efficiently the financial institution, in order to improve its market for network-bank. In a word, the government should found a nation-wide market for network-bank and promise its good function.The banks themselves should first form correct idea for network-bank; the second, it should have a specified and right aim and choice a right mode of developing network-bank. In its routine duties, bank should do its best to develop its technology, to train its professional talent, to bring forth new idea into the service, and carry out suitable marketing strategy.

【关键词】 电子商务网络银行发展现状发展策略
【Key words】 E-businessNetwork-bankDevelopmentStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】630

