

【作者】 旷为荣

【导师】 陈锡文; 肖更生;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着对内改革的深入和对外开放的扩大,我国政府在世纪之交作出了关于西部大开发的重大战略决策。西部大开发是我国经济社会全面发展的一项系统工程,是我国宏观经济战略布局的一个重要内容。在西部大开发过程中,水电、油气、煤炭、有色金属等资源的开发以及基础设施的建设,需要大量的建设资金,但由于西部地区所处的地理位置以及历史发展等多方面的原因,所需资金严重不足,形成了金融的“瓶颈”制约状况;为了有效地解决资金的供需矛盾,本文提出采用项目融资的方式解决这一问题。文章分析了西部地区在西部大开发过程中存在的经济优势,认为这些经济优势对于吸引外部资金具有重要的意义,指出了西部地区资金短缺的状况以及形成资金短缺状况的原因。而且文章重点分析了项目融资的基本特征、项目的风险及其风险管理,阐述了西部地区采用项目融资的可能性和必要性,逐一论述了西部地区项目融资的主要资金渠道,即国际商业银行贷款、政府贷款、国际债券发行、海外投资基金、项目境外上市、海外第二板上市和外商直接投资。同时,根据国际金融创新的最新趋势,指出西部地区在项目融资过程中可以适当运用新的金融工具,以适应金融全球化的历史潮流,这是本文的重要理论创新之处。全文采用实证研究与理论分析结合的方式,力图从理论与实践相结合的角度来阐述我国西部大开发中的融资问题,以求理论上有所创新,实践上于西部地区的经济建设有所裨益。

【Abstract】 According to the deepening of reform and opening to the outside, our government resolved to develop the western area in the new century. Western development is a system engineering of our country’s economic and social across-the-aboard development. It is an important content of our macroscopical economy for strategical overall arrangement. In the course of western development, it must have a lot of fund to exploit water and electricity, oil coalfield, colour metal, to build basic establishment. But the fund is very short, because the western area is located in a bad geographical place, and it is bchindhandly developed in history. So the western area is in the financial state of bottle-neck. In order to solve the problem of fund effectively, this article put forward a suggestion of project financing. The article analyze the economic predominance of western area, its scarcity of fund and its causations. It analyze the character of project financing, and expatiate the feasibility and necessity of project financing in the western area and the important capital source of project financing in this area. According to the latest current of innovation about the international financial market, the article indicate that the western area may appropriately us financial engineering tools in the course of project financing to adapt the historical tideway of financial globalism. In order to express the proposition correctly, the article adopt the conjunction of facts and theories to study problems. This is an important innovation of this article.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】214

