

【作者】 张建国

【导师】 何方;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林培育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 李为蔷薇科(Rosaceae)李属(Prunus Linn.)植物,其果实色泽艳丽,风味独特,营养丰富,成熟期各异,供应期长;除了鲜食外,还可以加工制干、果脯、蜜饯等;而且适应性强,管理方便,产量易形成,零星或成片都能栽植,具有很高的经济价值。在我国,能够成为商品的李品种不多见,我国的李栽培品种不仅货架期短(仅有5-7天),而且上市集中在7-8月份,市场供应期集中,易给生产者带来经济损失。为加快我国李生产的发展,全国很多单位从20世纪80年代开始引进来自美国、日本、意大利、捷克等国的优良李品种,极大地改善了我国的李栽培品种构成,提高了李鲜果的市场竞争能力。特别是一些晚熟品种具有个大、味甜、品质优、外观美、在常温下货架期长等突出特点,可以加速发展,以提高对“洋水果”的竞争力。但在引种工作中也存在着品种区域适应性筛选、配套丰产栽培技术研究和推广滞后等问题。本研究针对这些问题和河南省洛阳市李生产现状,自1998开始引进15个国外李品种进行区域适应性及综合性状筛选试验,从中从中筛选出了适合洛阳市栽培的优良品种10个。研究成果丰富了洛阳市及豫西地区的李生产品种,将鲜果供应期提前到6月上旬,延后到9月下旬,考虑到晚熟品种的耐贮性,大大延长李鲜果的市场供应期。筛选出国外李品种均具有花期抗低温的优良特性,特别在2002年春季花期温度变化剧烈、花期出现低温的情况下,引进的品种普遍开花结果正常,表现出极好的丰产性,这一特点对存在着早春晚霜的我国北方地区尤为重要。同时针对筛选出的系列品种的品种特性,进行了区域性配套丰产栽培关键技术研究。根据研究结果,总结出一套包括高接换优、植物生长调节剂使用、主要病虫害防治等在内的综合丰产栽培技术。本技术条件下,定植后第二年开始少量见果,第3年达到7500kg/hm~2,第4年产量为16000kg/hm~2,第5年为28000kg/hm~2。按4元/kg计,分别创效益1.5万元、3.2万元、5.4万元。本研究成果已在2002年9月通过河南省洛阳市科委组织的科技鉴定,技术水平属于省内先进水平,专家组建议该项成果在洛阳及条件相似的地区加以推广。

【Abstract】 Plum belongs to the genus of Primus in the Family, Rosaceae.The fruits of plum are colourful,distinctive taste,and with high nutrition value.Plum can be harvested for a long time with varieties of different maturation periods,and be processed to prunes,candies except for be supplied with fresh fruits.For high adaptivity it can be cultivated in small pieces or large expanses,and farmers can get high output and economic results with simple managements.That old plum varieties cultivated in China fitted for marketing was rare. And shelf life of these varieties were short(only 5-7days).They came into markets during July to August and the price was very low.New varieties were introduced from USA,Japan,Italia and Czecho since 1980’s.The fruits of these varieties with good appearance were big and sweet especially for some late mature varieties.They could be preserved for a long time at normal temperature.They should be cultivated in more areas.But some difficulties existed during the processs of introductions,such as varieties adaptivity,matched cultivation skills and high speed popularization in special areas.For solving these problems, 15 plum varieties were introduced from other countries.After trials on region adaptivities and integrate characters, 10 good varieties were chosen for cultivation in Luoyang.And these varieties were first cultivated in Luoyang and west of Henan Province.They could be picked up from June to Sepertember.And late mature could keep fresh for more time.This led to a longer marketing period.lntroduced varieties resisted low temperature in florescence the same as foreign varieties.In 2002 the temperature changed severely in spring.The temperature was very low in florescence.Varieties introduced blossomed and bored fruits as usual,and the output was high.Matched cultivation key skills were researched at special areas according to the characters of varieties screened.An integrate cultivation skills were summarized including that using of high grafting to change the old varieties,plant growth regulation and preventing and curing plum diseases and pests.With these skills,some fruits were bore the second year after cultivation.The output was 7500 kg/hm2 in the third year, 16000kg/hm2 in the fourth year,and 28000kg/hm2 in the fifth year.lf the price was 4¥kg-1,the benefit was ¥l.5×!04, ¥3.2×104, ¥5.4×104 separately.The research results had passed the identification of scientific and technological committee of Luoyang,Henan Provience.Specialists admitted the skill was advanced in Henan Provience and suggested to popularize the achievement of this research in Luoyang and other area which had the same condition as Luoyang.

【关键词】 国外李筛选区域化栽培技术
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】S662
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】198

