

【作者】 谢祥项

【导师】 彭学强;

【作者基本信息】 中南林学院 , 森林经理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业一直在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。在“十五”计划纲要、国务院2001年9号文件、党的十六大和十届人大会议的政府工作报告中多次强调了旅游业在促进对外开放、推动国民经济增长、增加就业、消除贫困、提高人民生活质量等方面的战略地位和重要作用。饭店业是旅游系统、旅游产业的一个不可缺少的组成部分。饭店业的发展与我国未来战略目标的实现息息相关,与国民经济发展过程中重大难题的解决思路密切相连。搞好饭店业是旅游业发展的需要,也是国民经济发展的需要。目前我国饭店业在规模迅速扩张并朝饭店集团化经营方向发展,出现了一系列的发展瓶颈问题,其中饭店人力资源管理问题是十分重要和关键的因素。我国饭店人力资源管理水平总体上处于落后状态,如何提高饭店人力资源管理水平促进饭店业的进一步发展,并逐步发挥人力资源管理的核心带动作用是所有饭店经营管理者关注的问题。笔者在阐述了我国饭店业在国民经济发展中的历史过程、战略地位和发展趋势的基础上,详细分析了饭店人力资源管理与饭店经营管理的紧密关系,指出饭店人力资源管理是提高我国饭店经营管理的关键。饭店的产品与服务是饭店经营管理目标实现的主要载体,顾客满意来自于优质的服务和高质量的产品,而优质的产品与服务必须来源于优秀的员工,即满意的顾客必须依赖于满意的员工,员工满意是饭店人力资源管理的核心。什么是员工满意?如何测量员工满意?饭店提高员工满意的程度的关键途径在那里?在理论分析的基础上笔者设计了专门的饭店员工满意度调查问卷,并且在样本饭店H饭店进行了问卷调查和实证分析,发现了样本饭店在员工满意方面成功的方面和不成功的方面,对样本饭店提出了相关的三个建议。然后根据样本饭店的实际运作经验,结合国内外人力资源管理理论研究和实践经验,提出了我国饭店业实现员工满意理论模型和途径选择,即以人本管理的思想为指导,以人力资本投资为手段,以创建学习型组织为目标,凭借“完善员工薪酬福利体系,加大对员工的投资”、“改进绩效评估体系,引导员工职业发展”和“建立员工培训开发体系,促进学习型组织的建立”三个途径实现员工满意,创造顾客满意与顾客忠诚,最终创造良好的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The industry of Tourism is exerting the important role in the Economy & Society development in China. Many government documents, the 10th Five-year Program, the No.9 document from State Department, the 16th Congress of CCP, and the 10th Congress of People, emphasize the strategy status and functions of Tourism Industry in the fields of promoting the open-going policy, economic increase, obtaining employment, clearing up poverty, and improving the living level of people. Hotel Industry is the necessary part of Tourism System, and is interrelated to the country’s strategy objective realization in future. It is need for Tourism Industry and Economy & Society Development to operate and manage hotels well.When the number of China hotels expanding and collectivizing, there are some bottle-neck problems in the way of advancing, in which Human Resources Management (HRM) is the most important and pivotal one. The level of HRM in China hotels is droped behind of the world. How to use HRM to drive the hotel management level going -up is the problem for all hotel managers. Based on the detailed analysis for the China hotels developing history, strategy status in Economy & Society Development and current of industry, the thesis dissertates that HRM is the core of Hotel Management and Employee Satisfaction is the core of HRM. Because profits come from satisfactory customers, and customer satisfaction comes from good productions and service directly and good productions & service come from satisfactory employees. But what is employee satisfaction? How to measure it and reach it? The author uses the method of demonstration by Questionnaire Investigation and interview with hotel employees to find the successful and un-successful factor for Employee Satisfaction in H Hotel in the city of Zhuhai in Guangdong Province. Then draws out three means for H Hotel to improve the level of Employee Satisfaction. The first one is ameliorating the system of salary and benefits to keep continual prompting, the second one is building a system of communication and suggestion for employee feeling of adscription to the hotel. The last one is enhancing the sense of human resources management for steady employment. At last, according to the experience of H Hotel and the interrelated theories in human resources management field, the thesis draws out a system of realizing Employee Satisfaction for China hotels as common model-the core value of Employee fist place, a process of human resources investment, three ways of ameliorating a system of salary and benefits for basal needs, reforming a system of employee performance evaluation for guiding employee career development, building a system of training & developing for study-style organization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南林学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】F719.3
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】2636

