

【作者】 王振宇

【导师】 赵树基;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 6σ管理缘起于Motorola,成熟于GE,风靡全球。其核心理念是“客户导向、数据驱动、持续改善、追求卓越”,是一种获取、维持、最大化公司成功的综合性系统管理方法。鉴于自身的发展状况以及入世后日趋激烈的市场竞争,目前国内一些优秀企业已经开始了实施6σ管理的大胆尝试。但是,毕竟6σ管理在中国还处在导入阶段,许多企业对如何把这种先进的管理模式同自身实际情况相结合,使之在中国的特定环境中发挥作用感到困惑。笔者在全面总结6σ管理基本思想的基础上,通过对国外企业的案例研究和国内企业的实证分析,主要采用归纳法和比较法,对6σ管理在中国特殊环境下的有效性,实施条件的变化以及中国企业应如何结合自身情况推行6σ管理等问题进行了深入研究,期望使6σ管理这朵管理思想丛林中的奇葩能够在中国的特殊土壤中生根发芽。 本文共分为五部分,第一部分介绍了6σ管理缘起于Motorola,成熟于GE,风靡全球的背景条件和发展历史,在此基础上归纳出世界级优秀企业竞相采用6σ管理的五大原因。第二部分是本文的重点之一,阐述了6σ管理的基本思想和主要内容,着重对6σ管理的八大基本思想、6σ管理的实质、6σ管理的改进和管理战略以及6σ改进模型DMAIC和6σ设计模型DMADV进行了全面总结和详细论述。第三部分笔者在深入研究国外公司成功案例的基础上,紧密联系国内企业实际,提出以黑带团队为基础的6σ组织是企业实施6σ管理的成功保证,深入研究了6σ组织的结构和规模、6σ组织的关键角色、6σ组织的培训和6σ团队的激励等内容。第四部分笔者对国外著名企业实施6σ管理的成功经验进行了深入研究,归纳出若干带有指南性质的成功要点,为中国企业量身打造了6σ管理实施指南,主要涉及6σ管理的适用性、6σ管理的实施途径、6σ项目的选择和6σ管理的实施步骤等内容。第五部分是本文的重点和创新之处,在该部分中,笔者对通过多种形式的调研(实地考察、访谈、问卷调查等),全面总结了国内企业实施6σ管理的成功经验,通过实施动因、实施途径和发展轨迹的相似性论证了6σ管理在中国的有效性以及笔者所总结、提炼的6σ组织和6σ管理实施指南等内容对中国企业的借鉴意义;归纳出中国企业实施6σ管理的三大好处;根据6σ管理在国内企业中实施条件的变化,提出了中国企业实施6σ管理应该注意的九大问题。

【Abstract】 Six Sigma Management is an integrated systematic management way to achieve, maintain and maximize companies’ success. Today, some excellent Chinese companies have attempted to adopt this advanced management pattern, but many of them have difficulties in how to combine it with their own practical situations effevtively and make it useful in Chinese particular circumstances. Based on case study and practice demonstration, adopting induction and deduction, the author is about to study this problem thoroughly in this thesis.This thesis consists of 5 parts. Part 1 introduces the background and history of Six Sigma Management, including its origination in Motorola, its development in GE and its popularity in the world, and concludes 5 reasons why many excellent foreign companies adopt Six Sigma Management enthusiasticly. Part 2 is an emphasis in this thesis. In this part, the author elaborates the fundamental thoughts and elite of Six Sigma Management, particularly in its 8 fundamental thoughts, its essence, its improvement and management strategies, Six Sigma improvement model (DMAIC) and DFSS model (DMADV). In part 3, after researching the successful cases of foreign companies and considering domestic companies’ practices, the author put forwards that an OFSS based on the Black Belt team will make enterprises successful in Six Sigma Management. In this part, the author’s research involves in the structure and scale of OFSS, the critical roles in OFSS, the training in OFSS and the stimulation for a Six Sigma team. In part 4, on the basis of careful investigations in successful experiences on Six Sigma Management from foreign companies, the author generalizes a few of successful points in order to provide an implementing guidance of Six Sigma Management for Chinese enterprises, mainly including the applicability for Six Sigma Management, the implementing approachs for Six Sigma Management, how to choice Six Sigma projects and the implementing procedures of Six Sigma Management, etc. Part 5 is another emphasis and innovation in this thesis. In this part, through a variety of investigations including visiting, interviewing and questionnaire inquiring, the author sums up the successful experiences of domestic enterprises which carry out Six Sigma Management, and demonstrates that Six Sigma management is effective in china and the contents on OFSS and Six Sigma management implementing guidance which the author brings forward are meaningful to Chinese companies because of similarities in implementing incentives, implementing approachs and developping tracks of Six Sigma Management between foreign companies and Chinese companies. Meanwhile, the author induces three benefits which Chinese companies that adopt Six Sigma Management can gain and puts forward 9 problems which Chinese companies adopting Six Sigma Management should be wary of on condition that Six Sigma Management’s applicable conditions have changed in domestic enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F273
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】289

