

【作者】 卢雨禾

【导师】 王春利;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 本文结合零售业态发展理论、产业组织理论,及国际化等理论从业态、市场结构、国际化三个方面分析了中国零售业现状并提出存在的问题,旨在通过对这些问题的理性分析,对中国零售业迎接入世挑战,取得健康发展提出有意义的政策与战略建议。本文的写作分为四篇:第一篇结合西方零售业态发展理论分析了中国零售业业态发展的现状与存在的问题。第二篇结合产业经济学关于结构—行为—绩效的理论对以美国为典型的发达国家零售市场和中国零售市场进行了市场结构的比较分析。阐明了中国应培育适度垄断竞争的零售市场。第三篇结合国际化理论分析了入世对我国零售业的影响,包括挑战与机遇,以及我国零售业走向国际化的可能性。第四篇综合以上三篇的分析情况提出了综合性的政策及战略建议,并对国际化进程作了展望。

【Abstract】 Focusing on business format, market structure, internationalization of retail industry, the thesis elaborates the current situation of Chinese retail trade and analyzes its present major challenges, so that some meaningful advices can be suggested. The thesis consists of four parts. Firstly, applying the theory of retailing business format, I analyze the format situation of China’s retail industry and problems. Second, according to relevant theory of Industrial Economy, I analyze and compare the retail market of developed country, and that of China, and on the basis of this analysis, I think china should construct a retail industry of appropriate monopoly and competition. Then, I analyze the impact of entry into WTO on China’s retail industry and the possibility of internationalization of China’s retail industry. At last, the thesis comes up with some policy implications and specific strategic measures for the development of China’s retail industry.

  • 【分类号】F724.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1243

