

Subsequent SBR Treatment Promoted by Inner Electrolysis Process

【作者】 马红芳

【导师】 张之源; 周元祥;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究了内电解—SBR组合工艺处理印染废水时,内电解预处理对后续SBR生化工艺的强化和影响。首先,从内电解反应的基本原理出发,以脱色率和反应中所释放的铁离子含量作为监测指标,通过正交实验及单因子影响实验,探求内电解反应的最佳工艺参数;然后,以COD去除率为指标,通过实验确定SBR工艺的运行参数;最后,对比研究了SBR工艺和内电解—SBR工艺处理印染废水的COD、色度去除效果,以及对比了两种工艺进水的可生化性和反应器内活性污泥的性能。研究表明,内电解—SBR组合工艺之所以能大幅度地提高COD和色度去除率,是因为内电解反应提高了废水的可生化性、降低了大部分色度,改善了后续生物处理的进水条件;同时,内电解出水中的铁离子,在进入生化反应器内随着pH升高和曝气充氧会形成氢氧化铁胶体,胶体凝聚体和微生物絮体协同吸附形成了结构紧密、沉降性能良好的生物铁污泥,使反应器内保持较高的污泥浓度,造成了高浓度COD进水时的低负荷情况,改善了原SBR工艺除污染效果。以上两个因素共同作用,使得内电解—SBR工艺在COD、色度去除率上都明显高于SBR工艺。

【Abstract】 In the paper, the influences of inner electrolysis process (IEP) on subsequent SBR treatment were studied. At first, the optimal treatment conditions of IEP were found through monitoring decolourisation efficiency and the iron content. Simultaneously, the optimal treatment conditions of SBR were also sought through monitoring COD removal. Then, COD and color degradation efficiencies, the biodegradable characteristic of the wastewater and the properties of the activated sludge in SBR process were compared with that in the inner electrolysis-SBR combined process. The experiments showed that inner electrolysis improved the biodegradable characteristic of the wastewater and reduced the color of the wastewater, which was helpful to subsequent treatment. Meanwhile, with the increase of pH and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the biochemical reactor, iron ions released from inner electrolysis reaction formed into iron hydroxide colloid, which has strengthened the activated sludge in the bioreactor. The concentration of activated sludge in the reactor were increased, and resulted in a lower COD load over the activated sludge. The IEP promoted the subsequent SBR treatment. The inner electrolysis-SBR combined process is superior to single SBR process in COD removal and decolourisation .

【关键词】 内电解法SBR工艺印染废水
【Key words】 inner electrolysisSBRdyeing wastewater
  • 【分类号】X791
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】171

