

Research on Description and Application of Information Resources in Digital Library Based on XML/RDF

【作者】 鲁奎

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 上世纪90年代以来,在计算机、网络和通信技术的迅猛发展并广泛运用的基础上,为了满足处理大量信息资源的要求,提高信息资源的组织、加工、传递和有序发布以及用户检索、获取所需信息资源的效率,数字图书馆的理论和技术应运而生,并成为传统图书馆发展的目标和方向。数字图书馆是数字化、网络化发展的产物,它以信息资源的数字化加工、存储、管理和传输为主要特征,采用多媒体存取、智能化检索、远程网络传输、跨库无缝链接等方式,实现了超时空数字信息服务。 数字图书馆是适应网络发展需求而产生的新一代信息资源管理模式,数字化、多媒体信息资源是数字图书馆服务的基础和前提,信息资源的建设是数字图书馆建设的核心和关键。数字图书馆信息资源建设主要包括馆藏信息资源数字化和网上信息资源馆藏化两方面。传统图书馆使用MARC书目数据描述馆藏资源,用户只有使用符合MARC规范的OPAC和Z39.50搜索引擎才能获得正确的MARC数据,这就是目前大量的MARC书目数据无法使用通用的搜索引擎向Internet用户提供链接的主要原因;另一方面,随着WWW的不断发展,网络信息资源呈不断增多的趋势,但随之而来的问题是,人们在海量的网络信息资源环境中,信息的查找和检索变得越来越困难。因此,如何利用元数据来描述信息资源,同时解决数字图书馆中各种元数据的并存问题,是数字图书馆信息资源建设必须要解决的问题。 本文首先论述了数字图书馆概念的形成、演变和发展以及数字图书馆的技术体系结构和数字图书馆建设中面临的主要困难;其次,对数字图书馆中的信息资源建设进行详细的理论分析,主要研究了数字图书馆中的元数据问题以及元数据框架设计;另外,还研究了传统图书馆中MARC书目数据的描述转换问题;最后,论述了如何存储、检索和动态发布基于XML/RDF的资源描述文档。

【Abstract】 Since the last decade of the 20th century, the computer network and communication technology have been developing very fast. In order to improve the efficiency of processing, organizing, manipulating and transmitting large numbers of information resources, theories and technologies on Digital Library (DL) have been developed and then become the aim and direction of traditional library. DL, a brand-new concept and practice, characterized by the digitized process, storage, management and transmission, has achieved the information services beyond the physical space by means of multi-media access, Telnet transmission intelligent retrieval and seamless links across different databases.DL is a new management mode of information resources. The foundation and precondition of DL’s services is digital, multi-media information resources. The core of DL’s construction is the building of information resources. The construction of information resources in DL includes the digital of resources stored and the storage of Internet resources. The traditional library describes resources in MARC, and the users gain the correct MARC data merely by using OPAC and Z39.50, this is the main reason that users could not obtain the MARC data with common search engine. On the other hand, with the development of WWW, Internet resources have been becoming more and more, but the search of resources becomes difficult under the circumstance of millions of Internet resources. And then, how to describe resources in metadata and to resolve the existence of metadata framework is main problem in building the information resources.In this dissertation, firstly, the form, evolvement, development of the concept of DL, the systematic framework and the challenge in building DL have been discussed; Secondly, the theory of information resources in DL has been analyzed, and the problem and framework of metadata have been studied; then, the conversion of description of MARC has been studied; At last, the storage, search and dynamic display of documents based on XML/RDF have been discussed.

【关键词】 数字图书馆XMLRDFDublin Core信息资源描述
【Key words】 Digital LibraryXMLRDFDublin CoreInformation ResourceDescription
  • 【分类号】G250.73
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】500

