

Drought-Resistant Decision Support System

【作者】 郭韧

【导师】 俞嘉第;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 论文课题来自于滁州市抗旱决策支持系统开发的实际,以滁州市为研究的背景资料,利用系统分析的方法和计算机技术开发抗旱决策支持系统。所开发的系统适合于安徽省这样旱灾频繁发生的地区,其特征是位于暖温带与亚热带的过渡带的平原和丘陵。系统开发的目标是提高抗旱决策的科学性和时效性,达到进一步减少旱灾损失的目的。 论文主要研究的内容有:滁州市农业、水利、气象等状况的分析;原有农业、水利系统的分析及改进措施的提出;决策中有关模型的设计及具体化;计算机系统的总体设计。该系统具有旱情预测、评估、减灾措施效益评估、预案生成以及查询与报表打印等功能,以期成为抗旱减灾决策科学有效的辅助工具。该抗旱决策支持系统适用于安徽省的江淮丘陵地区,并可推广应用到其他自然条件相似的地区。

【Abstract】 The subject of this paper is a practical drought-resistant decision support system of Chuzhou city. Given Chuzhou as the background, make use of system analysis method and computer technique to develop the drought-resistant decision support system. The system is appropriate for a province like Anhui, which lies in the plain and low hill area of transition strip between warm temperate zone and subtropics zone, and where often occur drought disasters. The goal of the system is to improve the drought-resistant decision making more timely and scientifically, to achieve the aim of reducing the loss of drought disaster.The main research content of this paper include: analysis status of agriculture, water conservancy and weather of Chuzhou city; analysis about agriculture and water conservancy of the old system and putting forward measures for improvement; research a series of models for drought-resistant and put forward an appropriate model for Chuzhou city; and the overall design of computer system. The system can forecast and appraise drought status, evaluate the benefit of drought-resistant, generation of preparedness and other functions such as query and print. It provides an effective assistant tool for drought-resistant and disaster mitigation. The drought-resistant decision support system adapt to the practical situation of jianghuai low hill area of transition strip of Anhui Province, and can be extended to other places where natural condition like Anhui.

  • 【分类号】F303.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】228

