

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity for Sheep Breeds by Microsatellite DNA

【作者】 侯冠彧

【导师】 道尔吉; 马月辉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用30个微卫星标记对6个绵羊品种的遗传多样性进行了分析和研究。旨在为绵羊遗传资源的合理利用及保护提供科学依据。 1 从已发表的41个绵羊微卫星位点中筛选出在本实验的6个绵羊品种中表现出多态性的30个位点,共检测到284个等位基因。 2 利用GENEPOP、GDA程序计算了30个微卫星位点的等位基因频率和特有等位基因频率,并以等位基因频率为基础,得出6个群体平均基因多样度、平均多态信息含量、平均有效等位基因数分别在0.4833~0.6465、0.5189~0.6491、2.639~4.354之间。从而说明各品种内的遗传变异比较丰富。 3 利用DISPAN程序计算了各位点总群体基因多样度、亚群体基因多样度和遗传分化系数的平均值分别是0.6348、0.5603、0.1174。表明品种间的变异程度占总群体变异的12%。 4 利用GDA、DISPAN程序得出了Dcoa、DS和DA三种遗传距离,按品种间由大到小的顺序大部分相同。 5 根据DS、DA和Dcoa遗传距离分别进行了NJ和UPGMA聚类。得到的聚类图都划分为四个分支,即苏尼特羊和乌珠穆沁羊、内蒙古细毛羊和小尾寒羊、宁夏滩羊、无角多赛特羊。

【Abstract】 The 30 microsatellite loci are vised in this experiment to analysis the genetic diversity of six sheep breeds in order to offer basis of use and protection of sheep genetics.1 The 30 microsatellite loci which are selected from 41 published ones show polymorphism. We get 284 alleles.2 Calculating the allele frequency and the special allele frequency of 30 microsatellites loci by GENEPOP ,GDA ,and basing the allele frequency , we get the gene diversity of sheep population, PIC and number of effective alleles.The result are 0.4833-0.6465 , 0.5189~0.6491 , 2.639-4.354 respecially. There results show that the genetic variation is abundant in every breed.3 Coming out the total population gene diversity, subpopulation gene diversity and genetic differentiation coefficient, the average number of the three index is 0.6348,0.5603,0.1174 respectively. These resells show that the variation is 12% to total population variation.4 By GDA and DISPAN we get Dcoa , Dsand DA genetic distance which arealmost resemble in different breeds.5 We make NJ and UPGMA cluster analysis according to Ds, DA and Dcoa, The maps of cluster are devided into 4 subdivision: Sunite and Wuzhumuqin,Fine-wool sheep of Inner Monglia and Xiaoweihan sheep, Ningxiatan sheep, Wujiaoduosaite.

【关键词】 绵羊微卫星DNA遗传多样性
【Key words】 SheepMicrosatellite DNAGenetic diversity
  • 【分类号】S826
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】176

