

A Technique for Formulation of Mixed Forages by Grading Index and Systematic Optimization of Sheep Ration Based on the Technique

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 卢德勋;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验根据卢德勋(2002)提出的粗料分级指数(GI)和优化饲养设计,采用体外(In Vitro)、体内(In Vivo)相结合的方法,研究了粗饲料分级指数GI、不同粗饲料和粗料-精料间的组合效应,并利用粗饲料分级指数进行粗饲料间的科学搭配和筛选,同时结合组合效应综合指数(MFAEI)在最佳粗料配方的基础上进行了优化精料配方的组合和筛选的研究。最后以动物的生产性能及消化代谢为检测手段对优化配方设计的有效性进行了比较研究。旨在为反刍动物的优化饲养设计及粗饲料的科学利用提供一个技术依据。 1.几种常用粗饲料GI指数的测定 采用Tilley和Terry(1963)两级离体消化法测定了四种粗料的代谢能值(ME)。选取16只健康状况良好,体重为20-25Kg健康良好的内蒙古半细毛羯羊,按体重随机分为四组,进行自由采食量的测定。对本试验所选四种粗饲料草成分分析可得出:沙打旺属于三级豆科草,品质处于中下水平。羊草属于中等禾本科草,而玉米秸和谷草品质属于优质秸秆粗饲料。通过实测得出四种粗饲料的GI值分别为:沙打旺:36.99;羊草:15.90;玉米秸:7.22;谷草:3.98。GI对四种粗饲料品质的分级次序为沙打旺>羊草>玉米秸>谷草。 2.不同粗饲料间组合效应的研究 应用体外批次培养法,研究了粗-粗以及粗-精料间的组合效应。试验结果表明,单种粗料与同一精料搭配后(7:3)发生了明显的正组合效应,尤以羊草+精料组为佳,多项组合效应指标MFAEI(multiple-factors associative effect index)为1.11,其次为沙打旺(MFAEI:0.76)和玉米秸(MFAEI:0.71),谷草的MFAEI最小为0.43。在不同粗料混合以后与同一精料(7:3)搭配同样产生了明显的正组合效应。当羊草、玉米秸、谷草分别以50%的比例替代沙打旺时,相对于100%的沙打旺来说,尤其以(玉米秸+沙打旺)+精料(35:35:30)组(MFAEI:0.51)和(谷草+沙打旺)+精料(35:35:30)组(MFAEI:0.37)这两组组合效应值较大,而(羊草+沙打旺)+精料(35:35:30)组(MFAEI:0.24)较小。同样相对于100%的羊草、玉米秸及谷草也发生了明显的正组合效应。MFAEI依大小次序排列为谷草/沙打旺(1.00)、羊草/沙打旺(0.72)、玉米秸/沙打旺(0.70)。 3.混合粗料优化配方筛选 应用体外批次培养法,对GI优化粗料配方进行了筛选。试验结果表明:粗料的GI值与其体外消化率存在明显的正相关,回归方程为 利用G!技术对粗饲料进行科学指配及绵羊日用配方系统优化技术的研究Y=0.815X+15.392(R‘=0.6785,P<0.0001,n=IS)。将配方的 GI、成本、体外发酵指标进行综合评定,从中选出一个最佳的粗料配方,即羊草:玉米秸:沙打旺为 10:50:40,此配方 GI值为 20刀0,价格为 0石3元略4.优化混合粗料为基础的精料配方设计与应用 应用体外批次培养法,在试验三的基础上,进一步筛选与该粗料组合最佳搭配的精料配方。在固定 SC/NSC比例为 1.17的基础上,在 0.49~0.80的范围内调整精料组成及比例。试验结果表明:UDP/RDP为0石0时的MFAEI最大为 0.64,为所求取的最佳粗、精组合,价格为 0.83元/kg。5.优化日粮配方生产性能及消化代谢的比较研究 选用 8只健康状况良好平均体重为 40.9!上 1.13Kg的内蒙半细毛揭羊,随机分为2组,分别饲以所选优化粗、精组合及本试验基地青干草搭配该种精料吓:C,7:3人 试验结果表明氮代谢各指标,青干草组都有优于优化混合粗料组的趋势,而各项指标差异均不显著(P>o.05人 而优化混合粗料组的**二优于青干草组,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。两组日粮对绵羊的体增重影响不显著(P>o.05L 但优化混合粗料组有高于青干草组的趋势。优化混合粗料组的饲料报酬及饲养成本兼优于青干草组,每公斤增重成本降低了4.62元。

【Abstract】 Based on forage grading index ( GI) and the optimum ration design putting forward by Prof.Dexun-Lu in 2002 ,the experiments were conducted (1) to determine GI ,and to evaluate the associative effects existed between different forages or between concentrate and forage; (2) to design and select the optimum mixed forage formulation by GI, and then a appropriate concentrate matching with the forage mixture in terms with the maximum of multiple-factors associative effects index (MFAEI) , both In Vitro and In Vivo.And a comparative study between the selected ration formula and medium quality hays supplemented with the selected concentrate (F:C,7:3 ) was made to determine the responses of animal performance and nitrogen retention.Exp 1. The determination of GI to four foragesThe ME of the four forages were determined by Tilley and Terry ( 1963) technique.Sixteen healthy Inner Mongolian semi-fine wool sheep weighting 20-25Kg were divided into 4 groups randomly and given the four forage respectively for voluntary intake determination .Through the calculation of the two experiments’ data , the GI of the four forages was obtained.They are Astrgalus adsurgens (legume )( AA) :36.99(MJ);Zeym? chinensis (Trin. )Tzvel. (Gramineae ) ( LC ) :15.90(MJ);Corn straw ( CS ) :7.22(MJ);Rice straw (RS) :3.98(MJ). And the quality order of the four forages evaluated by GI is Astrgalus adsurgens > Leymus chinensis (Trin. ) Tzvel > Corn straw > Rice straw.Exp 2. The study of the associative effects among the feedstuffsBased on in vitro batch incubation, The associative effects existed between different forages or between forage and a concentrate (C) were studied. We observed the significantly positive associative effects when the each four forages incubated mixed the same concentrate in the In Vitro trail (F:C is 7:3) . Especially the LC,which MFAEI (1.11) is the highest;the next is the AA ,MFAEI is 0.76 and CS is 0.71 ;The last is the RS,which MFAEI is 0.43. The positive associative effects also found when the different forage mixtures mixed with thesame concentrate in comparison with the single forage supplemented with the same concentrate .When the LC> CS and RS substituted the AA as 50% respectively ,the positive associative effects occurred compared with AA as 100%.Especially (CS+AA)+C as (35:35:30) (CH) has the biggest MFAEI (0.51);(RS+AA)+C (35:35:30) (RH) MFAEI was the next(0.37) and MFAEI of (LC+AA)+C (LH) was 0.24. These mixtures also appeared significantly positive associative compared with LCU CS and RS as 100%,respectively.The MFAEI of RH> LH and CH is 1.00> 0.72 and 0.70.Exp 3. The selection of the optimum mixed forage fomulationBased on in vitro batch incubation, the selection of the optimum mixed forage formulations was made.The results of the experiment showed that there was significantly correlationship between GI(M.T) (X) and it’s IVDOM (%) (Y) . The regression equation obtained were showed as follows:Y=0.815X+15.392 (R2=0.6785,P < 0.0001,n=18) .According to GI, the feed cost and the In Vitro degradation indexes of the mixed forage formula comprehensively , one optimum formula was selected out .They were LC:CS:AA (10:50:40) , with GI 20.00 (MJ) and cost of 0.63 /kg.Exp 4. The design and selection of the most appropriate concentrate formula matched with the optimum forage mixtureBased on the results obtained from the Exp 3, a further selection of a proper concentrate for the mixed forage formula by In Vitro was carried out.Keeping the SC/NSC as 1.17, the proportion of UDP/RDP in the range of 0.49-0.80 was regulated. The second formula was chosen ( UDP/RDP:0.60) as the most appropriate concentrate formula according to the maximum of the MFAEI (0.64).Exp 5. The comparative study of animal performance and nitrogen retention between the selected ration formula and the medium quality hayBased on the results of Exp3 and 4,eight healthy Inner Mongolian semi-fine wool sheep weighting 40.91+1.13Kg were divided into 2 groups randomly and given the optimum selected formulation and medium qual

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