

【作者】 汪海龙

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 教学方法既是教师教学活动的外显行为,又是教师教学观念的反映。教师拥有不同的学习观、课程观,就会采用不同的教学方法。新世纪的课程改革提出在语文教学中要积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,教学方法的选择应有助于这种学习方式的形成。这给当前广大的语文教师提出了全新的挑战。如何应对这种挑战,实际上,历史已经给我们提供了一定的借鉴,那就是20世纪初国文课程改革中的设计教学法和道尔顿制。这两种教学方法,无论在课程理念,还是在具体操作方法上,与当前的教学方法改革有着很大的一致性。因此,回顾这段历史,总结这段历史的得失,对当前课程改革的顺利开展,其意义是不言而喻的。 全文共分三个部分。 第一章 回顾百年语文教学历程,比较20世纪初学生本位教学法的改革与当前教学改革的异同点,总结研究这段历史的意义。同时,还对20世纪初学生本位教学法变革的社会背景进行了初步分析。 第二章 陈述了20世纪初学生本位教学法变革的具体内容。包括设计教学法、道尔顿制在中国实验的始末、推广人、基本教学模式和特点;同时列举了它们在教学中具体实施的一些案例,分析其给教学带来的实际变化。 第三章 对20世纪初学生本位教学法变革中的危机进行了总结和初步分析,并对这段改革历史进行了比较系统的反思,进而对当前的课程改革提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 Teaching method is not only the teacher’s exterior behavior of teaching activity, it also reflects the teacher’s teaching idea. The teaching method one chooses is related to his/her idea on factors such as activity, etc. Teachers with different studies sight or course sight may adopt different teaching methods, the course reform of the new century emphasizes autonomous cooperative learning way in Chinese teaching, and the choice of teaching method should be helpful for such a learning way to form. Now it has put forward new challenge to most Chinese teachers. Actually, the Project method and Dalton plan in curriculum reform in the early 20th century have offered us certain experiences on how to respond to such a challenge . These teaching methods, not only on course concept, but also on specific operation method, have great consistency with current teaching reform. Therefore, retrospecting the history and evaluating gain and loss of course reform can help us perform the current course reform smoothly.The paper consists of four parts.Chapter One retrospects Chinese teaching method development briefly in last century .For 100 years Chinese teaching has been swaying between "teaching" and "study", and at the beginning of both 20th century and 21st century , there is a teaching reform that focus on students’ studying . They are similar on course concept and social background, the way of the reform carrys out, as well as connections to course reform of their time; however, they are different on ideas on teaching organization and transform scopes and the historical time in which they carry out. Meanwhile, this chapter also makes a preliminary analysis of the social background of student-based pedagogy reform.Chapter two states specific content of student-based pedagogy reform at the beginning of 20th century. It includes the whole story about experiment of Project method and Dalton plan in Chinese, such as its sponsor, its basic teaching pattern and characteristic. At the same time, this chapter also give some cases in the specific enforcement in teaching, and analyzed its influence on teaching practice.Chapter Three summarizes and analyzes preliminarily the crises in student-based pedagogy reform of 20th century, and systematic reviewed the history of this reform, then give some suggestions for current curriculum reform.

  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】383

