

【作者】 李海峰

【导师】 周玉荣;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国家新一轮基础教育课程改革的蓬勃兴起,广大中小学教师如何在日常教学中实现新课程的基本理念成为一个重要的研究课题。本文从语文教学目标、内容、语文教学方式、学习评价、课程与教学研究者的人格素养和角色特征五个方面,采用文献研究的方法,试以新课程理念研究魏书生的语文教学思想与实践,期望能够为广大中小学语文教师理解新课程、参与课程改革实践提供某些有益的启示。 本文共分为五个部分。 第一部分,育人为本的语文教学目标。首先分析了魏书生对语文教学为什么要以育人为本这一命题的阐释,也就是他的“育人需求说”,其次探寻了魏书生对培育什么样的人所进行的思考与描述,最后指出他在语文教学情境中实现育人目标的基本观念与思路。 第二部分,向生活世界开放的课程内容。魏书生创造性地使用教材,丰富语文文本教材的现实生活色彩,他在宽广的现实生活世界中多向度开发利用语文学习资源,以民主管理制度使学生的语文学习显示出日常“生活化”特征。 第三部分,让学生做主人的语文教学方式。魏书生树立了将学生培育成语文学习主人的坚定信念,他独创了催生自主合作探究式学习为价值取向的“六步课堂教学法”,经过实验研究形成了培养学生语文自学能力的系统化方法途径。 第四部分,促进学生发展的学习评价。魏书生具有旨在促进学生发展的学习评价观,在学生参与评价成为学习评价主体方面做了大胆尝试,同时他还创造性地设计使用了一些发展性评价手段。 第五部分,魏书生作为课程与教学研究者给中小学语文教师的启示。在前四部分基础上,分析指出了魏书生作为课程与教学研究者的人格素养和角色特征。

【Abstract】 With the development of new elementary education and curriculum reform in our country, it has gradually become an important research issue that the broad masses of elementary and secondary teachers how to put the basic thoughts of new curriculum into everyday teaching. This thesis tries to research the Chinese teaching thoughts and practices of Wei Shusheng based on the thoughts of new curriculum. By the way of literature research, the study mainly discusses the aims, contents, methods of Chinese teaching, and the learning evaluation, the personality accomplishment and the feature of role of curriculum and instruction researchers in order to provide some available revelations for the broad masses of Chinese teachers.This thesis mainly consists of five parts:Firstly, the Chinese teaching aim is cultivating students. By analyzing the explains of Wei Shusheng on why the Chinese teaching aim is cultivating students, the thesis discusses the basic thoughts and ideas on how to foster students of Wei Shusheng. Secondly, the curriculum contents are facing life world. Wei Shusheng made use of teaching materials creatively, so the teaching materials become richer and richer. He also made the life of students Chinese learning show living features by the way of democratic manage.Thirdly, the Chinese learning way is making students become the master of learning. Wei Shusheng created the method of six-step classroom teaching, and gradually summarized the systematic ways of fostering the ability of self-education.Fourthly, the aim of learning evaluation is to accelerate the development of students. Wei Shusheng had thus idea and tried to encourage students to take part into the learning evaluation. At the same time, he also planed some developing appraisal ways.Fifthly, Wei Shusheng , as a curriculum and instruction researcher, presents some reveals to Chinese teachers in the elementary arid middle schools. On the basis of analyzing above, this part mainly discusses the personality attainments and role features of Wei Shusheng.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】823

