

Study on Extracting Effectual Component from Vegetal Cell by the Method of Microwave Pretreatment

【作者】 赵群莉

【导师】 韦藤幼;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 化学工艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中药是我国的重要的文化遗产之一,中药成分的提取,是生产中成药及中药生产现代化的重要环节。我国的中药提取产业众多,大多使用传统的水提取或有机溶剂提取工艺,这些工艺提取能耗大、效率低、杂质多、产率少,资源不能得到充分利用,因此开发高效的中药提取新工艺,加快中药生产现代化的进程,有效开发和利用我国的中草药资源,有着重要的意义。 本文提出微波预处理的方法,该法在干或半干状态下,先用微波辐射破坏植物细胞结构,然后进行传统法提取,微波作用的是刚好被汽化剂湿润的物料,微波几乎全被物料吸收,处理时间只有几十秒,由于处理时间短,微波对目标产物的破坏轻,提取效果好。用本法提取植物中的有效成分,降低了微波处理时的汽化温度,在一定程度上解决了微波提取只适用于提取热稳定产物的局限性。 为了验证微波预处理提取法,本文采用该提取法对金银花、肉桂皮和银杏叶中的有效成分进行了提取,结果表明该方法与传统回流提取法相比不仅可以大量缩短提取时间,还提高了有效成分的提取率。而且与目前研究较多的微波辅助萃取法相比,微波预处理法对提取设备要求低,更易于实现产业化。

【Abstract】 The traditional Chinese medicine is one of the important cultural heritage of our country. It is the important link of producing the Chinese patent drugs and production modernization of traditional Chinese medicine to draw traditional Chinese medicine composition. The industry of traditional Chinese medicine in our country is numerous and mostly use traditional extracted manufacture with water or organic solvents. These technics have many disadvantages, such as heavy consumption efficiency, many impurity, little producing rate and resources can’t be fully utilized. So it is important to develop the high梕fficient extracted technics and accelerate the process of the modern production of traditional Chinese medicine, effectively exploit and utilize the resources of Chinese herbal medicine in our country.The method of microwave pretreatment is taken in this paper, which use microwave radiation to destroy cell’s structure of plants before traditional extraction in dry or half-dry state. Because microwave deals with materiel which is just wetted by vaporized solvents, microwave is nearly all absorbed by the materiel. The treatment time is only several decades seconds. Because the disposal time is short, the destroy of microwave to target outcome is light and the extraction effect is good. Extracting effectual composition from plants by this method, the temperature of vaporizing is lower in process of microwave, which resolve the problem that microwave extraction is only suitable for extracting outcome of thermal stability.In order to prove the method of microwave pretreatment, this method is takenin this text to extract the effectual composition from Flos lonicerae, Cassia cortex and Gonkgo biloba flavone glycosides. It is show that compared with the traditional method, the method of microwave pretreatment can not only shorten the time of extraction but increase the rate of extraction of effectual composition. Compared with the method of microwave assistant studied more at present, the method of microwave pretreatment requires less to equipment and is easier to realize industrialization.

【关键词】 微波预处理提取有效成分
【Key words】 microwavepretreatmentextractioneffective composition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TQ461
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】465

