

Studies on the Legal System of Electronic Certification

【作者】 张海龙

【导师】 孟勤国;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 身分辨识及责任归属是一切法律关系的基础。由于网络空间的虚拟性和匿名性,使得传统书面签章因缺乏纸本环境而无法适应以互联网为载体的社会交往模式,从而造成了主体虽然存在,却缺乏可靠验证无法辨认其身份,不可信任其意思表示,权利义务无所凭依等问题。电子签章、电子认证以至电子签章法应运而生。电子认证法律制度在电子签章法中具有重要地位。 本文针对当前电子认证立法,提出电子认证法律关系应该是“涉及第三人利益的、提供服务的合同关系”,并以此为基础,详细研讨了电子证书持有人、信赖人和电子认证机构的权利义务责任,同时,对电子认证的监管作了初步研讨。

【Abstract】 The distinction of identity and the ascription of liability is the basis of all legal relationship. The vitality and anonymity make the traditional signature unable to adapt to the social communication lack of paper environment, which leads to legal subject unable to be identified, idea express distrusted, the right and duty independent. Electronic signature, electronic certification and the law of electronic signature appear accordingly. The legal system of electronic certificate plays an important role in the law of electronic signature.According to recent legislation of electronic certification, my paper points out the legal relationship of electronic certification should be contract involved in the third party’s interest and providing service. Based on it, my paper studies the right and duty and liability among Certification Authority, holder of electronic certification and trustee of electronic certification. Then, my paper studies elementarily government supervision and administration of the market of electronic certification.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】213

