

The Developing of Instantaneous Electromagnetism Vortex Water Heater

【作者】 黄洪波

【导师】 毛汉领; 黄振峰;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 热水器是现代家庭一种十分重要的家用电器,几乎所有的家庭都少不了它。传统的热水器主要有两大类:一类是燃气热水器,另一类是电热水器。最近几年,新兴的太阳能热水器的发展也十分迅速,已在热水器市场中占有一席之地。随着科学技术的发展,新型热水器仍被不断地开发出来,电磁涡流热水器便是其中比较典型的一种,然而由于种种原因,都未能成功地研制出具有实用价值的电磁涡流热水器。因此,此前将电磁涡流加热技术应用于开发热水器的研究并不十分成功。对于电磁涡流加热技术,国内外都投入大量的研究,已较成熟地应用于电磁炉。电磁炉具有安全、高效、节能、加热响应快的特点,使其越来越受到消费者的欢迎,许多家电制造商都纷纷生产电磁炉。借鉴电磁炉技术,若将电磁涡流加热技术应用于热水器,研制出电磁涡流热水器,将具有电磁炉所具有的安全、高效、节能、环保的特点,从而克服了燃气热水器使用过程中排出的废气、毒气污染环境,损害人体健康,热效率低的缺点以及电热水器水电不分离存在的安全问题,真正实现安全、高效、节能、环保的电磁涡流热水器。因此,研制电磁涡流热水器具有十分重要的现实意义。 本课题研制的电磁涡流热水器最大的特点是,具有独创性的水槽式加热器的设计。在材料的选择上,经过实验反复进行比较。先使用不锈钢管板和镀锌管板进行涡流加热实验,发现使用镀锌管的效果比不锈钢管要好得多。但使用镀锌管不利于结构紧凑性的要求,而且会 大大增加热水器的重量。选择钢板材料作涡流加热实验时,发现具有高磁导率的薄硅钢板的涡流热效应明显比普通钢板好。选耿薄的硅钢板作涡流加热板的材料不仅符合涡流的趋肤效应,还可以大大减轻热水器的重量和减小热水器的体积。显然,选择硅钢板作涡流加热板的材料是最合适的。在结构设计上,采用两块涡流加热板置于水槽式加热器箱体的内部,分别对应外部的两个励磁线圈。每块涡流加热板的两个表面都有水流过。水槽式加热器箱体两板间的连接首先用粘补胶粘接,然后在箱体的四周用螺丝连接,确保机械强度和密封性能。 电磁涡流热水器的电路设计分析部分,主要在电磁炉电路的基础上,着重对主电路、控制电路、保护电路进行分析,分析了电路的工作原理和工作过程,而对于与电磁涡流热水器关系不大的某些电路如试探脉冲产生电路和负载检测电路等可以忽略。 由于热水器的热功率输出跟涡流加热扳与励磁线圈平面之间的距离有直接的关系,距离越小则输出功率越大。因此,为使电磁涡流热水器输出的功率最大,在进行整体结构设计时,应尽可能地使涡流加热板与励磁线圈平面之间的距离最小。又由于对于即热型电磁涡流热器来说,单个励磁装置输出的功率过小,达不到加热的目的,因而木电磁涡流热水器采用两套励磁装置,进行双面加热,每块涡流加热扳的两表面均有水流过,即整体上采用双面加热,四面过流的结构方式。 热水器安装时采用从底部进水,从上部出水。流量控制阀安装在热水器的进水端,而热水器的出水端不安装阀门,当热水器不工作时水槽加热器不承受水的压力。另外,热水器的安装位置应高出进水阀位置广1.sin,对自来水进行有效的减压,使水在热水器中能平稳流动和充分进行热量的交换,有利于提高热水器的使用寿命。 经过实验验证,在最大输出功率和流量为3升/分钟的条件下,本电磁涡流热水器出水温升为 15 C,热效率可高达 95%以上,证明了水槽式加热器创新性设计能显著地提高热水器的热效率。我们也因此向专利局申请了专利,申请号为:0323541.3 本即热型电磁涡流热水器可能暂时还无洁实现产业化,但相信我国的域乡电网改造完成以后,允许居民使用大功率的家用电器,即热型电磁涡流热水器的市场中占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 Water heater is one of important home appliances, almost every family have one water heater. Traditional water heater can be classified into two types, one is gas water heater, the other is electric water heater. In recent years, the new type solar water heater develops very rapid, and has occupied quite a few rate in water heater market. As science and technology developing, new type waterheater was developed constant, electromagnetism vortex water heater is one typical water heater among these water heater. However, owing to all kind of reason, no electromagnetism vortex water heater can be developed successfully. So the application of electromagnetism vortex in developing water heater is not very successful. On the other hand, electromagnetism vortex has been investigated deeply in foreign country or domestic, and the induction cooker has been manufactured, which was very popular in appliances market. Now many home appliances manufacturers produce induction cooker. The induction cooker poses characters, such as safety, high efficiency, save energy and respond rapid in heating up. If applying the induction cooker technology to develop a new type electromagnetism vortex water heater, it would keep the characters of the induction cooker. So the electromagnetism vortex water can overcome the defect such as giving off poison gas, which pollutes environment and does harm to people health. The new type electromagnetism vortex water heater will be safer than traditional ones, because the electric and water is separated. And the water heater does not give off poison gas. Obviously, to develop this kind electromagnetism vortex water heater is very significant.The electromagnetism vortex water heater that was developed in this task has the most obviously character, that the design of flume of water heater is creative. On the choice of material, we compared some sorts of material through experiment. First we used stainless steel tube-board and galvanization tube-board to do the vortex heating experiment. We found the heating effect in galvanization tube-board is better than in stainless steel tube-board. It goes against the structure requirement with tighten, and would make the weight of water heater increase if choosing the former. And then we used the armor plate to do the experiment, we found that the thin silicon steel board which poses high magnetism conductance rate is far better than the normal steel board. Choosing the thin silicon steel board to be the vortex heating board material can not only decrease the weight of water heater and make the water heater smaller, but also accord with the tending to skin effect. So the thin silicon steel board is the bestmaterial in this task of developing electromagnetism vortex water heater. On the design of structure, we adopted two pieces of silicon steel board to install inside the flume, each part encounters the excitation loop outside the flume. Water can flow through two surfaces of each silicon steel board. The juncture of between two boards of the flume box was agglomerated( ) with stickiness first. Then the top and the bottom board of the box were tighten with bolts. In order to insure pressurize, the edges and corners of the flume box should be agglomerated with right-angle aluminum material.In the part of the water heater circuit design and analysis, base on the induction cooker circuit, the main circuit, control circuit, protection circuit were mainly analyzed. And some circuits those do not relate close to the water heater circuit were ignored. So these circuits can be simplified.Due to the power output of the electromagnetism vortex water heater has direct relation to the interval between the vortex board and the excitation loop plane. The smaller interval is the larger power output is. So in order to be the largest power output, the structure should be as small as possible. As far as the instantaneous heating electromagnetism vortex water heater is concerned, the power which the excitation device outputs is too small, so we adopt two e

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TM925
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】933

