

The Revelatory Research on Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry

【作者】 孙一楠

【导师】 王英;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳药科大学 , 药剂学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 日本是我国一衣带水的邻国,与我们有着相近的人文背景。不仅如此,二战后日本的医药产业在遭到了严重破坏的情况下迅速崛起,短短的几十年时间里迅速成长为世界上最大的NCEs供应国,在这样一个发展过程中,日本也有过与我国目前医药产业状况非常相似的情形,如产业集中度低,竞争方式停留在低水平的价格竞争上等。特别是,1976年日本由原来的制造法保护改变为药品的专利保护,致使日本的医药产业面临着无法继续一贯的仿制药品的生产路线的情况与我国1993年实施药品专利保护和加入WTO之后所面临的情况基本一致。因而,在我国医药产业思考战略转变的关键时期深入研究日本医药产业发展的特点,以找到可以借鉴的方法成为产业界关注的问题之一。 本文分为四个部分,分别为对日本医药产业组织的实证分析;对日本医药产业政策有效性的分析;日本医药产业发展的阶段性特点分析:最后为对我国医药产业发展的尝试性建议。 1、依据西方主流产业组织理论“结构—行为—绩效”的框架对日本医药产业组织进行分析,结果表明:日本医药产业市场结构不十分合理,集中表现在市场集中度较低:市场行为主要体现在产品差别化方面;市场绩效较高。 2、产业政策这一部分首先分别介绍了关于日本产业政策有效性的礼赞派与否定派,并对其进行了分析。依据以上结论进一步分析了日本医药产业主要的产业政策的有效性,结果表明:多数的产业政策的效果是与目的背道而驰的。 3、以时间为轴线贯穿百年发展历史,将日本医药产业的发展分为六个阶段,并详细分析了不同阶段的主要特征。 沈阳药科大学硕士学位论文 摘要 4、依据前三部分的分析对我国医药产业提出发展建议,除了就产业战略选择提出了市场集中度、产品差别化、流通领域的改善等方面的建议,还着重讨论了政府在产业中扮演的角色的问题。

【Abstract】 Japan and China are close neighbors separated only by a strip of water, and we have some commons in social and cultural backgrounds. In addition, in postwar( world war II) period , Japanese pharmaceutical industry rose abruptly after suffering a great damage ,and in a few tens of years, it had become being able to supply more NCEs than any other counties (or areas) in the world. During this course, in Japanese pharmaceutical industry, also emerged some conditions similar to ours’ status quo which are low concentration ratio, low-grade competitory mode that remains at the level of Price Competition, and so on. Especially, in the year of 1 976, Japanese government abandoned the protection of manufacture methods and adopted the policy that protects the new drugs by drug paten. So that Japanese pharmaceutical enterprises could not copy the existed drugs any more, this situation is almost the same as what Chinese pharmaceutical industry has been being faced with since 1 993 the protection of drug paten had been put into effect and China joined the WTO. Therefore, during the critical period of Chinese pharmaceutical industry reflecting on changing the strategy for the industry to survive and develop, it is becoming the one of the most concerned problems that is being paid close attentions to that we should deeply research the features of Japanese pharmaceutical industrial grow path to search some good methods for reference.The paper consists of four parts, they are: Positive analysis of Japanese pharmaceutical industrial organization; Analysis on the effectiveness of Japanese policies on the pharmaceutical industry; Analysis on the respective characteristics of the growing stages of Japanese pharmaceutical industry; And at last, the enlightenments for the development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry.1 , Through the analysis on Japanese pharmaceutical industrial organization, in the light of the framework of SCP (Structure -- Conduct -- Performance) which constitutes the principal part of the theory of industrial organization, we get the following results: The structure of Japanese pharmaceutical industry is not very reasonable, which is embodied by its low concentration ratio; The conducts mainly reflects its productAbstractdifferentiation; And the performance is very good.In the part of industrial policies, at first, we respectively introduced the group singing the praises of the effectiveness of Japanese pharmaceutical industrial policies and the group who on contrary depreciated it, and then analyzed these phenomena. On the basis of the above results, we made a further analysis on the effectiveness of Japanese pharmaceutical industrial policies, and draw the conclusion that most of the policies’ effectiveness was running in the opposite direction to their aims. According to the Japanese pharmaceutical industrial history of a hundred years, we divide it into six stages, and made minute analyses for every stage’s characteristics.On the basis of the form analyses, we put forward some proposals for the development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry .On the selection of strategy, we made suggestions about concentration ratio, product differentiation and the improvement of circulation. Moreover, in particular, we discussed the problem that what roles the Chinese government should play in the industry’s growth.

  • 【分类号】F431.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1242

