

Study of Six Degree of Freedom Robot Off-Line Programming in Laser Processing

【作者】 王颖娜

【导师】 左铁钏; 陈继民;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 光学工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究的是一种新型的机器人编程技术,从CAD模型中直接生成机器人的执行程序。机器人编程技术的发展可分为三个级别:示教级、操作手级、任务级。示教级:操作者操纵示教盒,移动机器人到指定位置的示教点,此时机器人的控制系统记录下当时位置参数、速度参数和一些其它的相关参数,并且自动生成相应的移动指令。操作手级:通常使机器人末端执行器从一个位置运动到另一个位置的一系列命令组成,所以也称为动作级编程。任务级:这是当前机器人编程的最高级别。任务级编程时,编程者只给机器人直接下达执行某一确定任务的命令,应用人工智能的技术使机器人自动完成指定任务,而不需要指定机器人每一个动作的细节。 工业机器人在激光柔性加工中的应用已日益广泛,但通常是在加工现场通过人工在线示教的方式来编程的,这是一件非常枯燥和单调的工作。基于目前加工过程中的实际情况,急需开发机器人的离线自动编程。离线编程不对实际作业的机器人进行示教,而是通过计算机中存储的CAD模型,直接生成机器人加工程序,这样就解决了限制加工效率提高的瓶颈问题。并且对离线编程中的关键技术,即从CAD模型中提取激光加工轨迹数据信息,然后在这些原始数据的基础上,如何自动生成机器人的可执行文件,作了着重分析。这些技术,保证了离线编程的实用性和开放性,具有理论和实际意义,已经在激光加工中取得较好的应用。

【Abstract】 This paper investigates a novel robot-programming approach that generates a robot program automatically from a CAD model. The development of robot-programming techniques can be categorized as lead-through programming, manipulator-level languages and task-level languages. In the Lead through methods, the programmer needs to physical move the robot through the desired positions or paths and record the motion into the controller memory. Manipulate-level methods use symbolic/structural languages to describe the robot motion. Task-level approaches may incorporate and use natural languages to describe the robot task in an objective-oriented rather than manipulator-oriented way.Nowadays, industrial robots are used extensively for simple, repetitive, boring and hazardous in laser processing. There are basically two methods for programming industrial robots, namely, on-line and off-line. On-line teaching, a process that is tedious and time-consuming, usually programs robots in industry. In the process of teaching, the robot is manually moved to a number of desired of positions, and the robot control system stores the coordinates of the positions. By this way, the program is written that will step the robot through the sequence of the taught points. To overcome the problems in on-line programming, we develop the off-line programming which greatly improve the efficiency of robots. For example, it allows application prepared separately, so that the robot can continue to perform the current job , which will greatly reduce the waiting time. In order to realize laser prototyping, the following steps are needed. Based on 6-axis robot , this paper systematically studied the basic principle and method of off-line programming for direct laser fabrication system with metal powder.

  • 【分类号】TP242
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】441

