

The Design and Implement of AAA in the Network Management System for HFC Based on CORBA

【作者】 于宏光

【导师】 华平澜;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 计算机应用, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网在中国迅猛发展,特别是互联网技术的高速发展,网络正在走进千家万户。发达的信息通信干线将高速宽带网络送到每一个社区,而社区局域网又将高速宽带网络送到了每一个家庭。在此形式下,以服务用户为核心的社区网络正在兴起。本文以北京市科委基金项目:基于光纤混合同轴网(HFC)的宽带接入网络资源管理的研究为背景,首先分析了与本项目相关的市场和技术背景,从目前网络管理、网络管理软件的发展现状分析,得出结论:目前国内应用在宽带社区范围的具有自主知识产权的网络管理软件很少,而且真正完成了网管五大基本功能的更不多见。本项目因此具有广泛的意义。同普遍意义上的网络管理一样,虽然宽带接入的网络管理的网络结构相对简单,但同样面对分布式、异构的网络环境。本文接着就给出了本宽带网络资源管理的系统框架并且通过对比传统的网络管理软件,提出了本系统的设计目标,即分布对象、分层设计、跨平台性和可扩展性。AAA管理是网络管理的重要模块,是运营商收回投资的关键。所谓的AAA就是:认证(Authentication)即验证用户的身份;授权(Authorization)即依据认证结果开放网络服务给用户;计帐(Accounting)即记录用户对各种网络服务的用量,并提供给计费系统。宽带网络管理不仅需要提供最基本的宽带接入服务,而且还需要提供内容丰富的增值服务,如视频点播、远程教育等;另外还需要提供灵活的计费方式,如包月、按流量、按时间等,以及灵活的计费策略,如节假日优惠,分时段优惠等,这些都是AAA管理需要管理的范畴。本文根据HFC网络特点阐述了其AAA的实现机制,并且阐述了通用对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,CORBA)在网络资源管理系统中的地位,以及详细的分析了AAA的整体框架和实现。

【Abstract】 This paper based on the project that supported by the funds of Beijing Science and Technology Committee. The project is a broadband community network management based on HFC. This paper first introduces some related market and technology backgrounds, and makes a conclusion that there is seldom the network management software with its own reserved copyright now in China.Although the community network structure is comparatively simple, as a common network management, community network management also fronted distributed, heterogeneous network environment. This paper presents the system framework of our community network management and then bring forwards design goals of our system: distributed objects, hierarchical design, platform independent and extensible.AAA Management is one of the important functions of network management. It is also the key that the ISP withdraws the investments. The community network management provides not only the access service of the broad band, but also the additional services such as VOD, remote education. Besides, it should provide flexible accounting ways, such as accounting by month, by traffic, or by time. It also provides flexible accounting policy, such as making a discount on holiday, or in period of time. What are talked above are all in the scope of AAA Management.The implement of AAA Management is depended on AAA. AAA is the abbreviation of authentication, authorization and accounting. Authentication can be known as the identification of the user; the mean of Authorization is the permission of the network services to the user by the result of Authentication; Also, Accounting can play as the recording role for the quantity of the user spending on the network services.In this paper, we expatiate on the mechanism of the implement of AAA by the peculiarities of the structure of HFC, and narrate the role of CORBA in the community network management, and analyze the use of CORBA in the AAA Management. Moreover, we are able to provide design model of AAA Management.

【关键词】 网络管理计费管理AAACORBA宽带接入网管
【Key words】 Network managementAccounting manageCORBAAAABroadband access
  • 【分类号】TN915.62
  • 【下载频次】94

