

The Application and Study of the Glasgrid in the Reflect Crack of Road in the Northwest Area

【作者】 孔令云

【导师】 刘运通; 胡江碧;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 反射裂缝问题是西北地区半刚性基层沥青路面病害中一个最为严重的问题,对这一问题已采取了很多措施,例如:使用改性沥青、调整材料级配等,但效果均不理想。根据西北地区气候特征以及路面病害特征,现引入新型材料——玻璃纤维格栅,以解决西北地区路面普遍存在的反射裂缝问题。本文从理论分析、有限元计算以及实验三个方面入手,应用断裂力学理论论证了玻璃纤维格栅对半刚性基层沥青路面在温度荷载作用下的反射裂缝的作用。在分析计算中,主要考虑基层开裂前和基层开裂后两种情况下的温度应力场,对基层开裂后,裂缝尖端的应力强度因子进行了计算;对基层开裂前的温度应力场进行了室内小梁弯曲实验、劈裂实验、疲劳实验、压缩实验,结合有限元分析结果,论证了基层开裂前的温度应力场及格栅的最佳铺设位置;研究成果在宁夏古王路上进行了验证。分析表明,对西北地区的气候特征而言,采取加铺具有高抗拉强度、低延伸率、高弹性模量、无长期蠕变、热稳定性好、与沥青相容性好、物理化学性质稳定、对沥青混合料集料起嵌锁作用的玻璃纤维格栅作为应力吸收层以吸收半刚性基层裂缝是非常有效的。计算、实验室试验及最终的现场试验表明,对试验路——宁夏古王高速公路而言,采取加铺玻璃纤维格栅来降低温缩型反射裂缝的措施是非常有效的,其铺设位置宜在基层顶。

【Abstract】 The reflection crack is the most grievous disease in asphalt pavement on a semi-rigid type base course in the northwest area, according to this problem, many measures have been taken to, such as the SMA, to adjust the series of material, but the effect is not so good. Now according to the climate character of the northwest area and the character of the pavement disease, we introduce the new pattern material ——GLASGRID to solve the reflection crack problem of the Northwest area. We demonstrated the effect of GLASGRID to the reflection cracks, which are produced under the temperature load in asphalt pavement on a semi-rigid type base course. In the paper, from the next three aspects to we demonstrated the argumentation: the theory analyses, the finite element account, experimentation. In the account and analyses, we take into account the temperature stress in the cases: the base course is not cracking and the base course has been cracked. According to case of the base course cracked, the stress intensity factor of crack tip has been counted. According to case of the base course not cracked, the bend experimentation, the snap experimentation, the fatigue experimentation and the compress experimentation have been done, in addition, according to the latter, the finite element analyses have been done to demonstrated the temperature stress and the prime location of the GLASGRID. To the northwest area climate, to use the GLASGRID which has the next characters: the high tensile strength, the low elongation, the high modulus of elasticity and so on, to absorb the crack of asphalt pavement on a semi-rigid type<WP=7>base course is very effective.The results of the accounts and the experimentation indicate: to the test-road——Ning Xia Gu Wang express way, use the GLASGRID to the temperature stress is effective, the location of the GLASGRID is better on the tip of the base course.

  • 【分类号】U418.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】246

