

Study on the Design Basic and Design Methodology of Ecological Architecture

【作者】 尼宁

【导师】 王珊;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 建筑学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于人类活动与自然环境的冲突造成了自然环境、人居环境的恶化,迫使人们重新审视人与自然、建筑与自然环境的关系。随着可持续发展观念的提出,使建筑师开始思考如何从根源上解决建筑对能源和环境的影响,生态建筑的出现正是基于这样的背景。本文试图从建筑与自然环境的基本联系入手,从能源利用、保温隔热、遮阳、自然采光、自然通风、中水利用、绿化、生态建材等方面阐述生态建筑的设计原理与设计方法,使我们对生态建筑的设计有深入的了解和掌握。现代生态建筑在欧洲出现已有几十年的时间,在中国却是最近十来年的事情。国内经济建设的高速发展,由于对环境问题的忽视造成了严重的环境污染和生态破坏,使中国的生态环境处于十分脆弱的状态,至今生态环境的恶化仍在继续。中国建筑业对此负有重大责任。站在21世纪的新起点上,当我们重新审视建筑业在建造和使用过程中的消费方式和其生态意义时,我们不得不抛弃那种高能耗、高污染的传统生产模式。而把具有节约资源,降低能耗,减少污染,提高室内环境质量等性能的生态建筑作为新世纪建筑设计的方向。中国建筑业,目前正处在由数量型向质量型转变的重要时刻,建设生态建筑是建筑品质提高的重要标志,也是中国建筑业转向可继续发展的绿色道路的一个重要切入点。建设生态建筑意味着从建筑材料的生产,建筑规划,建筑设计,建筑施工以及建成后使用管理的每个环节,都将发生一场以保护环境、节约资源,促进生态平衡为内容的深刻变革,在一定意义上这场变革将围绕着生态建筑的发展而展开。在新的世纪,中国建筑不能再按高能耗高污染的老模式发展,建设生态建筑是中国建筑发展的必由之路。

【Abstract】 In the recent years,the confliction between human activities and the natural environment has causing continuous deterioration on the environment of both the human and nature. So it force man to look back on the relations between them. With the concept of sustainable development introduced, architects set out to inquire how to solve the influence of architecture on environment and energy. The design basis and methods are discussed in the areas such as the use of energy, the conservancy and seal of heat, natural ventilation, the use of mid-water, the afforestation, and the materials of ecological architecture. All these are considered on the basis of the elemental relation between architecture and natural environment in order to make people have a deeper understanding and grasping of such a design.Modern ecological architecture has been existed for nearly half a century in Europe, while it was just introduced in the recent ten years or more in China. The rapid development of Chinese economy has put the national ecological environment into a fragile state because of the ignorance of the environmental problem which has caused serious pollution and destruction of nature. Such a degradation of ecological environment continues, and this has demanded the department of architects of a important responsibility Standing on the beginning of the new 21st, we have to abolish the traditional producing method with the great consumption of energy and serious pollution as its character, and aim at the ecological architecture which can conserve sources, lessen the exhaustion of energy, minimize the pollution and increase the quality of in-door environment.The Chinese department of architecture is now enduring a critical change from a type of quantity to quality. The building of ecological architecture is an important sign of the improvement of the quality of the architecture. It means that a deeply reform to protect the environment and save the resources to achieve the equilibrium of ecology will occur in the areas from the production of architectural materials, the plan, design and constructing of such a architecture to every unit of the chain of the manage when it was finished. To some extent, Such a reform will advance together with the development of ecological architecture The Chinese architecture can’t go in the way of the old mode any longer for it has exhausted too much energy and caused so many pollutions. The construction of ecological architecture is the only way we can choose in the new century.

  • 【分类号】TU201
  • 【被引频次】55
  • 【下载频次】4580

