

Design and Realization of Some Aspects of B/S-Based Network Management Information System

【作者】 王森

【导师】 董英斌;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了“公安消防部队管理信息系统(网络版)”的整体设计,详细设计和其中权限管理模块、网络报表模块、网络统计模块的实现。 本系统是根据软件工程的开发标准,分析公安消防部队干部信息管理实际需求,建成的规范化、标准化的网络管理信息系统。 系统采用基于WEB的Browser/Server体系的三层结构。权限模块包括两方面内容,一方面采用基于SESSION机制为系统中其他模块提供当前账号的平台、权限信息。另一方面为用户提供创建账户、修改密码、设置敏感字段等功能。网络报表模块尝试采用基于WORD的实现方式解决用户提出的打印问题,在对信息提取方面尝试采用面向对象的思想,提高开发效率。网络统计模块着重解决了出现的用户交互问题,尝试将涉及到的与用户交互的计算任务分布在客户端,取得了很好的效果。 本课题的顺利完成为其他网络信息管理系统的权限管理、网络报表、网络统计模块的设计和开发起到了抛砖引玉的作用。论文中介绍的采用当前最新的技术—ASP.NET、C#、SQL2000,开发网络管理信息系统,也会对其他系统的开发起到借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, we mainly discuss the wholely design, detail design of the Network Management Information System of the Fire-Fighting Bureau. At the same time, We also introduce the actural development procedure of three component parts-the Authentication module, the Report forms module and the Stat. Module.After analysising the requirement of the Fire-Fighting Bureau , We developed the Network MIS according to the criterion of software engineering.This System is based on B/S structure. One side, based on Session, The authentication module build the authentication information for Logining mechanism; On the other side this modile divide the power level according to users’ needs and realize field level access control in database, and provides users some functions to modify code, to set authentication and so on. To resolve the printing problem, the Report forms module is developed based on the WORD. The Report forms module adopt "00" thinking to access information from database. In the Stat. Module, to resolve the UI problem, we make the client take on the main task of collecting user’ s input.The research provides an appreciative view for Network Management Information System. Use ASP.NET, C# SQL2000 will be good samples for improve this kind software developing.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】223

