

Research on a New Highly Effective Deicing Salt

【作者】 马薇

【导师】 王学魁; 孙之南;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 化学工艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国和世界上许多国家的高寒地区,冬季冰雪已成为严重的公害,积雪引起的问题不仅给当地人民的生活带来困难,而且阻碍经济的发展;此外,城市高速公路,机场飞机跑道等交通设施对冬季除冰剂的使用也日益迫切,因此,九十年代以来,北美、北欧、日本等多雪地区和国家,对融雪产品的需求量与日俱增,年需求量在2000万吨左右,其中仅日本就需20~30万吨。 除冰剂的类型很多,主要分为以氯化物盐为主的传统型除冰剂和以CMA为代表的新型全有机型除冰剂。以氯化物盐为主的传统型除冰剂虽然原料廉价易得,冰点低,但融解过程吸热,对环境造成污染,对道路设施产生腐蚀。盐水渗入地表,土地盐渍化加重。 而CMA是对氯化物盐除冰剂的重大改进,CMA具有无污染,环保的特点,对金属几乎无腐蚀,但由于原料价格昂贵,使得CMA的价格不菲,CMA对冰的融化能力不如氯化钠,CMA易结块,不宜长期储藏,在撒布时形成的粉尘及刺鼻的酸味亦是需要改进的地方。 针对上述除冰剂的缺点,本课题收集了国内外大量的相关科技文献,通过对主体物料和添加剂两方面的改善,寻找到一种新型除冰剂PAL,它既保留了传统除冰剂的优点,原料廉价易得,低冰点,可达-43.8℃;又兼有CMA的优点,对钢铁几乎无腐蚀,对混凝土无不良影响。基本实现了开发新型除冰剂的初衷,达到了本课题的研究目的。 此次课题开发的产品,丰富了除冰剂的品种,具有一定的应用价值,成为高寒地区冬季冰雪的首选除冰剂之一。

【Abstract】 In cold areas in many countries in the world, the winter snow and ice do great harm to the people and public. The problem the snow causes influences the people’s lives and impedes the economic development. Meanwhile the transportation infrastructure such as highway intercity and airstrip needs a great amount of deicing salts to maintain the bare road. Therefore from 1980s, many areas and countries such as North American, North Europe, Japan have greater and greater demands on the deicing salts, about 20 million tons per year, only Japan needs 200 to 300 thousand tons per year.There are all kinds of the deicing salts, mainly divided into two kinds: traditional deicing salt such as sodium chloride and organic deicer such as CMA. While rock salt (NaCl) is relatively abundant and a very cheap deicer, it is endothermic while melting, pollutes the environment and accelerates corrosion of vehicles, bridges, guardrails and reinforcing steel in concrete. As salt is washed from the roadways it infiltrates the surface waters and underlying ground waters.CMA, as an alternate deicer, tends to inhibit corrosion and appears to be relatively harmless to the environment. But CMA is expensive because of the high price of its material, and it has less ability in melting ice than sodium chloride. Besides these, CMA sticks to wet surfaces and can congeal to form hard chunks, difficult to store for a long time, dusty and a strong vinegar smell when spread. All of these aspects need to be improved.Considering the disadvantages of the two kinds of the deicers, great amounts of the science data are referred in the research experiment, by developing the main materials and the additives, a new kind of deicer: PAL is founded. Not only does PAL remain the advantages of the traditional deicer such as cheap materials and low freezing point: -43.8 C, but it has the character of CMA, low corrosion to steel and concrete. The primary goal to develop a new highly effective deicer is gained.The product developed in the experiment enriches the diversity of the deicers, has some application value, and becomes one of the first-choice deicers in cold areas in winter.

【关键词】 除冰剂高效防腐蚀冰点
【Key words】 deicereffectiveanticorrosionfreezing point
  • 【分类号】U418.6
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】654

