

Study on the Extraction of Lycopene with Microwave and Enhancement of Its Stability

【作者】 张卫强

【导师】 邓宇;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 化学工艺, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 番茄红素由于其较好的抗癌抑癌作用正成为科技领域的研究热点,本论文对番茄红素的提取、精制工艺以及稳定性、增强稳定性方面进行了较为系统的研究,这为进一步开发番茄红素和工业化提取与精制番茄红素提供了较好的理论基础及参考依据。 通过实验确定了浸提法和微波辐射萃取法制备番茄红素的工艺条件。浸提法最佳的工艺为:浸提溶液为6~#溶剂油,提取温度为35℃,提取级数为二级,物料比为1:3,提取时间为2.5小时,在此条件下对番茄红素的提取率可达到90%左右。而采用微波辐射法萃取番茄红素的最佳工艺条件为:提取液同样为6~#溶剂油,微波功率为800瓦,提取时间为11秒,提取级数为二级,物料比为1:2.5,在此条件下的提取率可达到近90%,初提色素的色价为11.6。 对初提色素首先进行了初步纯化,采用皂化反应使番茄红素提取液中的脂类等物质成盐而变为水溶性物质与脂溶性的番茄红素分开,从而使番茄红素的色价提高到29.8。由于在番茄红素中含有主要杂质β-胡萝卜素,本实验采用硅胶G对色素进行了干柱层析,洗脱液为混合溶剂氯仿:石油醚=1:2.5,通过分步收集,使各种色素得到很好的分离,色素色价达到了470。然后通过重结晶,得到了番茄红素的晶体,采用紫外,红外光谱进行了定性分析,用高效液相色谱进行了纯度分析。 然后对番茄红素进行了稳定性分析,考察了番茄红素对光、热、pH值、金属离子以及其它食品添加剂的稳定性,结果表明色素对光,热及有氧化性的金属离子稳定性较差。 实验对增强番茄红素的稳定性做了大量工作,实验证明在抗氧化剂V_E和通过β-环糊精包覆后,色素稳定性得到大大提高。

【Abstract】 It is found that lycopene has the function of anti-cancer, so nowadays study on lycopene is hot in science field. This paper mainly dealt with the extraction and purification of lycopene and its improvement of stability, The study laid theoretical foundation and reference for large-scale extraction and purification of lycopene.Through experiment, the optimum extraction conditions of solvent extraction and microwave extraction were obtained. The optimum conditions of solvent extraction were as follows: solvent was 6# solvent oil, the temperature of extraction was 35℃, twice extraction, ratio of tomato to solvent was 1 ’ 2.5, the time of extraction was 3 hours, under these conditions, the yield of the pigment was up to 90%. But the optimum conditions of microwave extraction were as follows: solvent was 6* solvent oil, extraction power 800W,the time of extraction was 11 seconds, twice extraction, ratio of tomato to solvent was 1 : 2.5, As a result , the yield was beyond 90%. The color value of the extracted pigment was 11.6.Firstly the pigment that had been extracted was primarily purified: the fatty acid and fat that existed in the liquor of lycopene were turned into salt by the reaction of saponification, which could been dissolved by water, but lycopene was dissolved by organic solvent, so the fatty acid and fat were separated from the pigment. Through this process, the color value of lycopene was greatly increased, which was 29.8. Secondly in order to get rid of β-carotene which was the main impurity in the pigment, silica gel G was used in this experiment, the result of the optimum dry column filtration chromatography was reported in this thesis, liquor of elution was mixed solvents, including chloroform and oil aether, the ratio of them was 1:2.5. During this course, stepwise elution was adopted , as a whole ,the pigment were separated well and the elution curve was obtained, the color value of lycopene was 470. At last, the crystal of lycopene was gotten. Which was analyzed by UV spectrum and IR spectrum, the purity of lycopene was examined by HPLC.The stability of lycopene was reviewed, the thesis reported the effect of sun ,temperature ,acid, ion and food additive, the result showed that the pigment was sensitive to sun .temperature and oxidant ion.Much work had been done in order to enhance the stability of lycopene, as a result, by using the oxidant Vitamin E and β- cyclodextrin , the stability was extremely increased.

【关键词】 番茄红素微波辐射提取精制稳定性
【Key words】 lycopenemicrowaveextractionpurificationstability
  • 【分类号】TQ28
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】443

