

【作者】 李辉芹

【导师】 钟智丽;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在本课题中,通过对国内外面料的发展进程以及发展趋势和现状进行研究和探讨,分析了我国国产面料的不足之处,得出了“国产面料缺乏创新和变更速度是问题的关键”的结论。另外,通过对我国传统的织物—起绒织物的现状及发展方向的分析,并结合我国新型面料的开发设计技术和知识,在进行了大量的研究后,决定了以“羊毛起绒新产品”的设计开发与研究为本课题的中心点。而且在此基础上,我们还重点探讨了新产品的设计方法、开发思路和途径以及如何将其应用到纺织面料的开发中。我们根据纺织业对现今面料的要求,确定了面料的,于发原则、技巧和思路。 形成起绒织物的四大主要要素是纤维原料、纱线质量、组织结构、整理后加工,所以对于羊毛起绒新品种的创新与开发,也主要从这几方面着手。羊毛起绒新产品集中体现了原料选择的交叉性、组织结构的复合性、工艺优化的融合性原则,它不仅继承了起绒织物绒毛丰满、外观圆润、坚实耐磨等特点,而且兼具了毛织物的一些优良特性,提高了新产品的档次和附加值。在羊毛起绒新产品的设计开发过程中,主要采用了组织点填绘法、固结点位移法、飞毛提花法、改变割绒方式等四种方法从五个部分进行了设计,这五个部分是:基础设计、改进设计、优化设计、扩展设计、染整后整理设计。在本课题中,我们对原料的选择、纱线支数捻度的选择、组织结构的选择、经纬密度的选择进行了大量的研究,从传统灯芯绒和其他的起绒织物的实际生产和设计中得到启迪,开发设计出了羊毛粗条灯芯绒、细条灯芯绒、间隔绒、波浪绒、方格绒、品字绒、长浮线绒、点形珍珠绒、豆形珍珠绒、菱块珍珠绒等新颖的产品,并且在小样机上进行了试制。虽然在设计和试制中存在了一些问题,但是也为我们在设计开发新产品方面积累了一定的实际知识。通过织物的试制,我们发现大部分的新产品设计达到了预期的设计目的和设计的风格。我们达到了通过原材料的创新性应用和组织结构的多样化变更和创新来实现开发起绒新产品目的。 利用组织结构形成绒面的起绒织物,对其起绒效果进行评价,在目前并没有一个固定和良好的评价方法和手段。为了更好的认识我们设计开发出来的羊毛起绒新产品,在本课题中我们定义了一种称为“SE法”的评价方法来对绒织物进行评价。在经过评价一致性检验和评价结果分析后发现,SE 方法对起绒织物的绒面效应的评价,是一种行之有效的方法,有一定的实际应用价值。

【Abstract】 In this paper, through studying the status-quo, development trend and course of external and internal shell fabrics, it analyzed the shortages of Chinese textiles and fabrics and it concluded that the key is lack of in novation and variation of Chinese textiles and fabrics.In addition, by discussing present status and development direction of our country traditional textiles-raised fabrics ,and studying the technology and knowledge of new products ,we decided that the paper’s center is the development and study of novel woolen raised textiles . On this condition ,we also conformed the development of principle, skill and thoughtway of textiles and fabrics , and how to apply them into design and development of shell fabrics.The raised textiles have four factors which are fiber material, yarn quality, fabric texture and finishing . So the paper also sets about from those aspects.In the study, it designs and develops a series of new woolen products from five parts which are basic design, improved design, innovative design , extended design and finishing design. The new fabrics exhibit intercross of material, composite of texture and combination of technology . After designing and choosing the material, yarn, texture , fabic count and pattering , the paper has designed a series of woolen corduroy, cannele cord, woolen pearl-shaped raised fabrics etc.. These fabrics not only have the characterstic of traditional raised textiles but also have the nicer specialities of woolen fabrics.The paper also research the evaluation methods of the novel woolen Raised textiles. We define a method which are called ’SE’. This method utilizes fifteen students who majer in textile speciality toevaluate the appearance of new designed fabrics in the study. The evaluation use eight indexes for eight pieces of fabrics. Through testing the evaluation outcome ,we find SE method is effective and this method have practical application significance in evaluating the raised textiles.

【关键词】 羊毛起绒织物新产品开发设计评价
【Key words】 WoolRaise fabricsNew productDevelopmentDesignEvaluation
  • 【分类号】TS136
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172

